A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


AbsKLMTrackFitter - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter.
Low level interface to the MCFast KLM track fitter.
AbsKLMTrackFitter() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
AbsTracker - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker.
Picks up LCD events within JAS framework and passes 3D points to pattern recognition software.
AbsTracker() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
AbsTracker(int, Specifications, TrackFinder) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
AbsTracker(int, Specifications, TrackFinder, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
AbsTrackFinder - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder.
Finds tracks from 3D space points using various triplets of layers.
AbsTrackFinder(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
AbstractCluster - class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster.
AbstractCluster(CalorimeterCell) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
AbstractLCDEvent - class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent.
AbstractLCDEvent() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
AbstractProcessor - class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor.
A base implementation of Processor.
AbstractProcessor() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
accept(File, String) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileEventSource
accept(File, String) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.MultiFileEventSource
add(double, double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle
add(Processor) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
Add a Processor to this Driver
add(TrkHitOnTrk) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHotList
addCMat(ZvgCMat) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
add a single CMat
addCMat(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
add a single track (ZvTrack)
addDelToPosition(Hep3Vector) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
get new position by adding travel vector to old position
addDist(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus
add to the swum distance & set successful
addEnumeration(Enumeration) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
Add an enumeration of CMats or ZvTracks
addHit(CalorimeterHit) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
addMessage(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus
add to text message
addMessage(String) - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.FitStatusInt
add to text message
addNode(int, double[], double[], int, double, double, boolean, int, double[], double[], double, double, double) - Static method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
Add a node to the track fit
addParticle(MCParticle) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle
addPrimary(double, double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle
AddRandomBkg - class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomBkg.
AddRandomBkg() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomBkg
AddRandomCCDBkg - class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomCCDBkg.
Extracts CCD hits, mix them with bacground hits and put back .
AddRandomCCDBkg(double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomCCDBkg
AddRandomCCDBkg(OneArgumentFunction) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomCCDBkg
AddRandomEndCpBkg - class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomEndCpBkg.
Extracts TPC Endcap hits, mix them with bacground hits and put back .
AddRandomEndCpBkg(double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomEndCpBkg
AddRandomEndCpBkg(OneArgumentFunction) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomEndCpBkg
AddRandomTPCBkg - class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomTPCBkg.
Extracts TPC hits, mix them with bacground hits and put back .
AddRandomTPCBkg(double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomTPCBkg
AddRandomTPCBkg(OneArgumentFunction) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomTPCBkg
addReconTrackEnumeration(Enumeration) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
Add an enumeration of ReconTracks!
AddReconTrks - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AddReconTrks.
Add reconstructed tracks to event.
AddReconTrks(Tracker, VertexDetector) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AddReconTrks
AddReconTrks(Tracker, VertexDetector, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AddReconTrks
addToCell(CalorimeterHit) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection
Find appropriate cell; add argument hit to it
addTrack(ReconTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
add a single track (ReconTrack)
addTrack(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
add a single track (ZvTrack)
-- use default reference point (IP) and default tube scaling
addTrack(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
add a single track (ZvTrack)
addTrack(ZvTrack, double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
add a single track (ZvTrack) with reference point (IP) -- use default tube scaling
addTrack(ZvTrack, double[], double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
add a single track (ZvTrack) with reference point (IP) -- and tube scaling
addTrackList(TrackList) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
Add a TrackList of ReconTracks!
addTrackList(ZvTrackList) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
add a TrackList of ZvTracks!
addTube(ZvProbTube) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
add a single probability tube
addTubes(Enumeration) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
Add an Enumeration of ZvProbTubes
addTubes(ZvProbTubeList) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
Add a list of ZvProbTubes, ie from a ZvProbTubeList object
addVertex(ZvVertex) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
add a single vertex
addVertexEnumeration(Enumeration) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
Add an enumeration of ZvVertex
addVertexList(ZvVertexList) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
Add a ZvVertexList
addVtxTrack(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
add a track to this vertex' track list
addZvTrackEnumeration(Enumeration) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
add an enumeration of ZvTrack objects
addZvTracks(Enumeration) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
Add an enumeration of ZvTracks
-- use default refPoint and tube scaling factor
addZvTracks(Enumeration, double[], double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
Add an enumeration of ZvTracks
-- set refPoint and tube scaling factor at the same time
addZvTracks(ZvTrackList) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
Add a list of ZvTracks
-- use default refPoint and tube scaling factor
addZvTracks(ZvTrackList, double[], double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
Add a list of ZvTracks
-- set refPoint and tube scaling factor at the same time
AEventMarker - class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.AEventMarker.
AEventMarker() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.AEventMarker
afterLastEvent() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDEventSource
afterLastEvent() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileEventSource
afterLastEvent() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOEventSource
afterLastEvent() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.MultiFileEventSource
afterLastEvent() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
ALIVE - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
AlphaID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
angle() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrkDist
angle in radians between track and reference (vertex) axis, the value of longDist() is less usefull for low angles
AnlHist - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.Reconstruction
areNew - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
areNew() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
areNew() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
determine if specs have changed since last event
AsciiIOVersion - class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.AsciiIOVersion.
AsciiIOVersion() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.AsciiIOVersion
AsciiReader - class hep.lcd.io.AsciiReader.
asPoints(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim
Provide points along the particle's track within cylindrical volume.
assignHits(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VertexDetector
assignHits(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
assignPoints(int, double[], double[], double[], boolean[], int, int[], int[], double, double, int, int[][], double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCPat2
assignPoints(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBPat2
assignPoints(int, int, double, double, int, int[][], double[], double[], double[]) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
Assigns given points to the track.
assignPoints(int, int, double, double, int, int[][], double[], double[], double[]) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
Assigns given points to the track.
assignPoints(int, int, double, double, int, int[][], double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
assignPoints(int, int, double, double, int, int[][], double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
Assigns given points to the track.


B - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
backward() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus
successfully swum backward?
BarrelCalorimeter - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.BarrelCalorimeter.
BarrelCalorimeter(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.BarrelCalorimeter
BaseMonteCarlo - class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo.
Analyzes Monte Carlo particles within JAS framework.
BaseMonteCarlo() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
BaseMonteCarlo(boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
BaseSpecifications - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications.
BaseSpecifications() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
BasicFitStatus - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus.
BasicFitStatus -- status object for fits
BasicFitStatus() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus
BasicFitStatus(FitStatusInt) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus
copy constructor
BasicFitStatus(String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus
BasicFitStatus(String, String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus
BasicHandler - class hep.lcd.io.ascii.BasicHandler.
BasicHandler() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.ascii.BasicHandler
beamSpot() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
get currently set beamSpot
beforeFirstEvent() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDEventSource
beforeFirstEvent() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileEventSource
beforeFirstEvent() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOEventSource
beforeFirstEvent() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.MultiFileEventSource
beforeFirstEvent() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
Bfield - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
BField - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
BinaryReader - class hep.lcd.io.BinaryReader.
BlockHandler - interface hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.BlockHandler.
BmesonID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
bquarkID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
Bs0ID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
BSort - class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util.BSort.
BSort() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util.BSort
Bstar0ID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
BstarID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo


calcChiSq(Specifications) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
CalCellCollection - class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.
Collection of hit calorimeter cells (cells arise from a binning of detector elements) used to form clusters.
CalCellCollection.CalCell - class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell.
Nested class for individual cell in a collection.
CalCellCollection.CalCell(CalCellCollection, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
CalCellCollection(Calorimeter, Calorimeter, CellWidths) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection
Constructor for case when cell binning and detector segmentation can all be supplied at once.
CalCellCollection(CellWidths) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection
Save cell binning information supplied in
CalClusterCollection - class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.
Forms clusters given a collection of cells containing hits.
CalClusterCollection.CalCluster - class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster.
A public nested class to represent an individual cluster.
CalClusterCollection(CalCellCollection) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection
calcMomentumErrorMatrix(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Calculate the error matrix for the momentum for a point on the track specified by l.
calcMomentumErrorMatrix(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Calculate the error matrix for the momentum for a point on the smeared track specified by l.
calcPositionErrorMatrix(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Calculate the error matrix for the position coordinates for a point on the track specified by l.
calcPositionErrorMatrix(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Calculate the error matrix for the position coordinates for a point on the smeared track specified by l.
calculateChi2() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Calculate chi2
Returns false on error.
calculateDerivedQuantities() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
CalHist - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.Reconstruction
Calorimeter - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter.
Calorimeter(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter
CalorimeterCell - interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell.
Interface for access information about a Calorimeter Cell (or hit) from its "tower ID".
CalorimeterCell - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
CalorimeterCellNewTag - class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellNewTag.
A CalorimeterCell with deals with the new tower id definition
CalorimeterCellNewTag(Detector) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellNewTag
CalorimeterCellNewTag(Detector, int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellNewTag
CalorimeterCellOldTag - class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellOldTag.
A CalorimeterCell with CosTheta binning.
CalorimeterCellOldTag(Detector) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellOldTag
CalorimeterCellOldTag(Detector, int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellOldTag
CalorimeterHit - interface hep.lcd.event.CalorimeterHit.
Represents one "hit" in the calorimeter
CalorimeterHits - interface hep.lcd.event.CalorimeterHits.
A collection of calorimeter hits
Candidate - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
ccCuts - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
CCDHitOnTrk - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDHitOnTrk.
CCDHitOnTrk(double[], MCParticle) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDHitOnTrk
CCDHitOnTrk(double, double, double, MCParticle) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDHitOnTrk
CCDReco - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco.
Assign CCD detector points to tracks.
CCDReco(Tracker) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
CCDReco(Tracker, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
CCDSpecifications - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDSpecifications.
CCDSpecifications() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDSpecifications
CCDSpecifications(boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDSpecifications
CellWidths - class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CellWidths.
Class defining binning of calorimeter detector elements for use of clustering.
CellWidths() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CellWidths
Use default binning for phi, theta, layer
CellWidths(int, int, int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CellWidths
Constructor using binning specified by caller
checkEnd(LineNumberReader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.BasicHandler
checkMC(Enumeration, String, boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Make some statistics on how many MC particles are included in a single cluster.
Chi2 - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
chi2(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
calculate the chi2 with respect to point xd (real coordinates)
CHI2CALC_FAILURE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
chi2Df(double, int) - Static method in class hep.lcd.util.statistics.StatTools
Integrated Chi2 probability with ndf free parameters.
chi2Failure() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
chi2 calculation problem?
chi2Pdf(double, int) - Static method in class hep.lcd.util.statistics.StatTools
Chi2 probability density function f(Chi2)
Chis_tk - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
Chis_tk_factor - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
chiSq - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
cKsi() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
get the approximation coefficients in ksi direction
clear() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
clearAll() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection
Get ready for next event
clearContext() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
Called by the Driver to clear the context
clearContext() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
clearContext() - Method in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.Processor
Called by the Driver when this processor is removed from the Driver
close() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDEventSource
close() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileEventSource
close() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOEventSource
close() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.MultiFileEventSource
close() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.sio.SIOReader
close() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventInputStream
close() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventOutputStream
close(Object) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventOutputStream
Cluster - interface hep.lcd.event.Cluster.
To make analysis easier it would seem a good idea to make the cluster description independant of the underlying calorimeter, i.e.
ClusterCell - interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterCell.
ClusterCheater - class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.cheat.ClusterCheater.
The Cluster cheater works by finding perfectly reconstructed clusters based by looking at the MC truth information associated with each hit.
ClusterCheater() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.cheat.ClusterCheater
ClusterDbg - interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterDbg.
ClusterList - interface hep.lcd.event.ClusterList.
ClusterResolutionTables - class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ClusterResolutionTables.
clusters() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection
First make clusters, then return the Vector of them.
CMat() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
get the C matrix
cMatAt(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
Coil - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Coil.
Coil(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Coil
CoilExtrap - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
COMBFindStrategy - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBFindStrategy.
COMBFindStrategy() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBFindStrategy
CombinedReco - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.CombinedReco.
Picks up LCD events within JAS framework and passes 3D points to pattern recognition software
CombinedReco() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.CombinedReco
CombinedReco(boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.CombinedReco
COMBPat2 - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBPat2.
Finds tracks from 3D space points using various triplets of layers.
COMBPat2(boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBPat2
Construct TPC TrackFinder (MaxTracks=200,MaxTrkPts=160).
COMBReco - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBReco.
Picks up LCD events within JAS framework and passes 3D points to pattern recognition software
COMBReco() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBReco
COMBReco(boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBReco
Construct TPC reconstructor (MaxPoints=25000) using TPCPat2 pattern recognition and default specifications.
contains(Processor) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
Tests to see if a given Processor is already added to this Driver
contains(ZvgCMat) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
contains(ZvProbTube) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
contains(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
contains(ZvVertex) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
containsWithId(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
contains track? -- evaluated by checking track ids
context - Variable in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
copy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
get a deep copy of the swimmer
copy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
make a deep copy
copy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
provide a deep copy (track as handle, though)
copy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
get a copy of this instance
copy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
make a deep copy
copy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Swimmer
get a deep copy
copy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSpatPoint
provide a deep copy
copy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBeamSpot
get a deep copy
copy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
get a copy of this instance
copy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
get a deep copy of ZvProbTubeList
copy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VtxFitter
copy the instance
copy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
provide a deep copy (track as handle, though)
copy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
get a deep copy
copy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
get a deep copy of the swimmer
copy(double[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvUtils
copy an array of double
copy(Hep3Vector) - Static method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvUtils
copy a Hep3Vector
cosN() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
get the cosine of normal vector to momentum in xy plane
cosTheta() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Get cos(Theta) as calculated from the momentum vector at the DOCA.
cosTheta() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get cos(theta) at DOCA.
cosTheta() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
cosTheta() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
cos(Theta) of momentum vector for Hep3VectorImplementation
cquarkID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
createEventSource(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDEventServer
createEventSource(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOEventServer
createSubStream(Class) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventOutputStream
createSubStream(Class, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventOutputStream
crePosVec(double[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvUtils
extract the 3 dim position from Zv helix parameters into a Hep3Vector
creProjMatrix(Hep3Vector) - Static method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvUtils
create a matrix from two vectors: M = a.a^T
creVec(double[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvUtils
convert a 3 dim array into Hep3Vector
ct - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
cu - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
CurrentDetector - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
cVec() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
get the c vector
CylindricalDetector - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector.
cZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
get the approximation coefficients in z direction


d - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
d0 - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
da - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
Dataset - class hep.lcd.io.Dataset.
Dataset(String, Class) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.Dataset
debug - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
debug - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials
debug - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
debug - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
debug - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
debug - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.WeightMatrix
DECAYED - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
DeDx - class hep.lcd.util.material.DeDx.
DeDx.java This class provides access to min ionising particle energy loss table for different materials.
DeDx() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.material.DeDx
Initialize table
DeDx(int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.material.DeDx
Detector - class hep.lcd.geometry.Detector.
A detector is a set of named detector components
Detector_File - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Detector_File.
Detector_File(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Detector_File
Detector(LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.Detector
Detector(String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.Detector
Creates a detector from a Gismo style detector.ini file
DetectorComponent - interface hep.lcd.geometry.DetectorComponent.
DetectorConstants - interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util.DetectorConstants.
DetectorRecord - interface hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.DetectorRecord.
DetectorType - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
DeuteronID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
DEV_DRIFTBARREL - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
DEV_DRIFTPLANE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
DEV_EMCAL - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
DEV_HADCAL - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
DEV_MUON - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
DEV_PIXELBARREL - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
DEV_PIXELPLANE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
DEV_SILBARREL - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
DEV_SILDISK - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
df - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
dfun - Variable in class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomBkg
diagErrors() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBeamSpot
get the errors for beam spot
sqrt(diagonal elements of error matrix)
distance(ZvSpatPoint) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSpatPoint
distance between this and another spatial point
distTrack(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
calculate distance along track i from "2d-poca" to poca xd position
dmas - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
DocaTrackParameters - class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters.
Holds DOCA parameters and error matrix of track.
DocaTrackParameters() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
DocaTrackParameters(double[]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
DocaTrackParameters(double[], double[][]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
DocaTrackParameters(double[], double[][], double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
DocaTrackParameters(double[], double[][], double, int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
DocaTrackParameters(double[], double[], double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
DocaTrackParameters(double[], double[], double, double[][]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
DocaTrackParameters(double[], double[], double, double[][], int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
DocaTrackParameters(double[], double[], double, int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
DocaTrackParameters(Hep3Vector, Hep3Vector, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
DocaTrackParameters(Hep3Vector, Hep3Vector, double, int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
DocaTrackParameters(Particle) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
DocaTrackParameters(Particle, int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
doExtrap(TrkParams, Specifications) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
doFit(double[], double[]) - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VtxFitter
fit the vertex
doFit(double[], double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
fit the vertex
doFitCandidate() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
doFitting - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
doFitTrack(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
doLeap(double, Hep3Vector, Hep3Vector, double, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
do one leap -- use arcLen on input
doLeapAngle(double, Hep3Vector, Hep3Vector, double, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
do one leap -- use alpha (in rad) as input
doLeapInternal(double, Hep3Vector, Hep3Vector, double, double, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
do one leap -- internal
mode = 1 : with arcLen
mode = 2 : with direct angle
dquarkID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
drawCircle(double, double, double, Color) - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.PlotGraphics
drawRectangle(double, double, double, double, Color) - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.PlotGraphics
Driver - class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver.
A driver is a steering routine which can call a number of processors It also allows controlling the debug level of the processors being called and handles coordination of random numbers between Monte Carlo processors.
Driver() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
dumpToString() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
print the current values of hlxPar[6] and dHlxPar[5][5] to a String
dumpToString() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
print the current values of hlxPar[6] and dHlxPar[5][5] as well as ghost track specific parameters to a String
dumpToString() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
Print the current values of cVec and cMat to a String.
dumpToString(Matrix) - Static method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvUtils
Dzas - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder


E - Variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle
ElectronID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
EM - Static variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
Flag to print EM calorimeter hit information.
EM_Barrel - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.EM_Barrel.
EM_Barrel(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.EM_Barrel
EM_EndCap - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.EM_EndCap.
EM_EndCap(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.EM_EndCap
EM_Segmentation - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.EM_Segmentation.
EM_Segmentation(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.EM_Segmentation
EMCalExtrap - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
EMCalorimeter - class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.EMCalorimeter.
EMCalorimeter - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.EMCalorimeter.
EMCalorimeter() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.EMCalorimeter
EMCalorimeter() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.EMCalorimeter
EMCalorimeterHits - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
EMCLUS - Static variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
Flag to print all the reconstructed EM clusters.
EMClusters - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
EMEndExtrap - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
EndCap - interface hep.lcd.geometry.component.EndCap.
EndCapCalorimeter - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.EndCapCalorimeter.
EndCapCalorimeter(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.EndCapCalorimeter
EndCpSpecifications - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.EndCpSpecifications.
EndCpSpecifications() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.EndCpSpecifications
EndCpSpecifications(boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.EndCpSpecifications
endEvent(EventHeader) - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.ascii.EventHandler
endEvent(EventHeader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.BasicHandler
endEvent(EventHeader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.MUStripSystem
equals(FitStatusInt) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus
Are the status words equal?
equals(FitStatusInt) - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.FitStatusInt
Are the status words equal?
equals(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
Check for being the same track handle.
Err_matr - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
errmatrix - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
ERROR_INIT_FAILURE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
ERROR_INIT_FAILURE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
ERROR_INIT_FAILURE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
errorMatrix() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBeamSpot
get the beam spot error matrix
Eta() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
get Eta vector
EventException - exception hep.lcd.util.event.EventException.
EventException(String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.event.EventException
EventHandler - interface hep.lcd.io.ascii.EventHandler.
EventInputStream - class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventInputStream.
EventInputStream(File) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventInputStream
EventInputStream(File, int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventInputStream
EventInputStream(String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventInputStream
EventInputStream(String, int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventInputStream
EventMarker - interface hep.lcd.io.ascii.EventMarker.
EventMarker - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.EventMarker.
EventMarker() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.EventMarker
EventName - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
EventOutputStream - class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventOutputStream.
EventOutputStream(File) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventOutputStream
EventOutputStream(File, int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventOutputStream
EventOutputStream(String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventOutputStream
EventOutputStream(String, int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventOutputStream
EventScan - class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan.
EventScan is a class that will print out interesting quantities from the event.
EventScan() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
The default constructor sets things up to print nothing by default.
EventScan(int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
This constructor sets the default print flags.
EvtHist - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.Reconstruction
exitsEnd(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkExtrap
exitsEnd(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
extrap - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkExtrap
extrap - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
extrap - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate


FAILED_ON_ENTRY - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatusWords
Field_Strength - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Field_Strength.
Field_Strength(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Field_Strength
fillErrorMatrix(double[][]) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
finalTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
resulting final list of tracks with proper vertex associations
finalVertices() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
resulting final list of vertices with proper track associations
findComponent() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellNewTag
findComponent() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellOldTag
finder - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
finder - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
Finder - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
findFinalParticles(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
findFinalParticles(LCDEvent) - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
findGhostTrack() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Do the actual ghost track finding.
findTracks(int, int, double[], double[], double[], boolean[], int, int[], int[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCPat2
findTracks(int, int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
Find tracks.
findTracks(int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
findTracks(int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBPat2
findTracks(int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCPat2
findType() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
findVertices() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
find vertices
-- main method
finishEvent() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VertexDetector
finishEvent() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
firstCalcChiSq - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
firstCMat() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
FirstEvent - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.Reconstruction
FirstEvent - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackReco
FirstEvent - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.CombinedReco
FirstEvent - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackRecoTPC
firstFailBW - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
firstRecalTrk - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
firstTrack() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
firstTrkCand - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
firstTube() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
firstVertex() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
FIT_ERROR - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitError
fit(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFitter
fit(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
fit(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
fit(int, VertexDetector, Tracker) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFitter
Fit tracks.
fit(int, VertexDetector, Tracker) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
fit(int, VertexDetector, Tracker) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
FitStatus - interface hep.lcd.event.FitStatus.
Status of a fit
FitStatusInt - interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.FitStatusInt.
FitStatusInt -- fit status interface
fitsuccess - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
fitSuccess() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
Returns true if the track has been successfully fitted
fitSuccess() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
This method is not yet implemented.
fitSuccess() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
fitSuccess() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFitter
fitSuccess() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
fitSuccess() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
fitSuccess() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
fitSuccess() is always true for MC tracks
fitSuccess(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
fitSuccess(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
fitSuccess(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
fitSuccess(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
Fitted - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
fitter - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
fitter - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
fitTrack(double, double, KLMTrackParam) - Static method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
Do the fit
FitTracks - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.FitTracks.
Fit tracks.
FitTracks(Tracker, VertexDetector) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.FitTracks
FitTracks(Tracker, VertexDetector, TrkFitter) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.FitTracks
FLIPPED - Static variable in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
FLIPPED - Static variable in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
forceChi2ZeroCalc() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Force a chi2Zero calculation now.
(To be done ie if ghost track width has changed.)
format(double, int, int) - Static method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.NumStr
static function to format a float into a fixed-width string
format(long, int) - Static method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.NumStr
static function to format an integer into a fixed-width string
format(String, int) - Static method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.StrStr
static function to format a string into a fixed-width string
forward() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus
successfully swum forward?
frmcps - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
FULL - Static variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
Flag to print all the hit information for the VXD, TRACKER, EM, HAD, LUM and MUON detectors.


GaussianBoxFunction - class hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions.GaussianBoxFunction.
Fits to a square box distribution convoluted with a Gaussian resolution function.
GaussianBoxFunction(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions.GaussianBoxFunction
Public constructor called by jas.swingstudio.
GaussianBoxRandom - class hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions.GaussianBoxRandom.
GaussianBoxRandom generates random numbers from a box distribution convoluted with a Gaussian.
GaussianBoxRandom(double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions.GaussianBoxRandom
Constructor which assumes a zero constant term.
GaussianBoxRandom(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions.GaussianBoxRandom
Constructor which uses all four parameters.
GaussianBoxRandom(double, double, double, double, long) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions.GaussianBoxRandom
Full form of the constructor which allows the seed to specified as well.
gdmcfr - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
gdmcfr_tk - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
get_curv() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
get_curv() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
get_curv(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
Get ...
get_curv(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
get_d0() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
get_d0() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
get_d0(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
Get ...
get_d0(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
get_omega() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
get_omega() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
get_phi0() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
get_phi0() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
get_phi0(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
Get ...
get_phi0(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
get_s() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
get_s() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
get_tandip() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
get_tandip() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
get_tandip(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
Get ...
get_tandip(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
get_x() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkExtrap
get_y() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkExtrap
get_z() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkExtrap
get_z0() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
get_z0() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
get_z0(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
Get ...
get_z0(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
get(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.physics.PythiaParticlePropertyProvider
Get the properties for a particular particle.
get(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHotList
get(Object) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.smart.SmartHashtable
get(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.Detector
get(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Event
get(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getActive() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials
getActive() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.WeightMatrix
getAlpha() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
get turning angle
getAlphaDis() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
get angular displacement of vertex
returns value of last calculation with last reference point!
getAlphaDis(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
get angular displacement of vertex
usually calculated with respect to beam spot
getArcLen() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
get traveled arc length
getAssignedVertex() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get assigned vertex information
getAxisMomentum() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
get the jet axis momentum
getBackwardCutoff() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
get the backward cutoff for the tube list
getBackwardCutoff() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
get the used backward cutoff for point xc along jet axis
getBeamDirection() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
get the beam direction currently used
getBeamDirection() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
get the beam direction currently used
getBfield() - Static method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBField
get B-field z component at origin
This is for backward compatibility only!
getBField() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getBField() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get magnetic field of tracking detector.
getBlock() - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.sio.SIORecord
getBlockLength() - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.sio.SIOBlock
getBlockName() - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.sio.SIOBlock
getBMag(double[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBField
get the magnitude of B-field at xvec
getBnVec() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
get vector perpendicular to B-field and u-vector
getBUnitVec(double[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBField
get B-field unit vector at xvec
getBVec() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
get vector for B-field in middle
getBVec(double[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBField
get B-field vector at position xvec
getBX(double[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBField
get B-field x component at position xvec
getBY(double[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBField
get B-field y component at position xvec
getBZ(double[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBField
get B-field z component at position xvec
getCalCorEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getCalCorEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getCalEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getCalEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getCalorimeterCell() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
Get the CalorimeterCell object for this event.
getCalorimeterCell() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getCalorimeterEntry() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
Point where particle entered Calorimeter
getCalorimeterEntryX() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
getCalorimeterEntryY() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
getCalorimeterEntryZ() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
getCalorimeterMomentum() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
The momentum of the particle when it entered the calorimeter
getCang() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
get the weight vertex finding probabality currently set
getCells() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getCenter() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
getCenter() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.Helix
getCharge() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
getCharge() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get the full charge.
getCharge() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getCharge() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get the track charge (in units of e)
getChEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getChEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getChi2() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
Get the Chi Squared for the track fit
getChi2() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Vertex
get chi2 from vertex fit
getChi2() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Return the chi2 from smearing.
getChi2() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get the chi2 from smearing.
getChi2() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getChi2() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFitter
getChi2() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
getChi2() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
getChi2() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
getChi2() (from track fit) is set to 0.
getChi2() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
get chi2 from vertex fit
getChi2() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Get the Chi2 contributions per track (copy).
getChi2(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
getChi2(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
getChi2(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
getChi2(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
getChi2Calculator() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Get a handle to the ZvChi2Calculator used.
getChi2Contribution() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get chi2 contribution to assigned vertex by this track
getChi2TrackCut() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
get the current setting for the cut on the chi^2 contribution of a track to a vertex
getChi2Vec() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get vector with Chi2 contributions to vertices by this track
getChi2Zero() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Get the Chi2Zero contributions per track (copy).
getChiSQ() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackFit
getClusters() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.ClusterList
Returns an enumeration of Cluster objects
getClusters() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection
Return vector of clusters (made by a prior call to makeClusters).
getClusterStartDepth() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Cluster
Number of radiationLengths before first energy deposit > min ionizing
getClusterStartDepth() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
Number of radiationLengths before first energy deposit > min ionizing
getClusterStartDepth() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getClusterStartDepth() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
getCMatList() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Get the swum list of C matrices.
getCoilExtrap() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getCoilExtrap() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get extrapolation radius for coil.
getComponent() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
getComponent(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.Detector
getComponents() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.Detector
getContributedEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Cluster
An array of energy contributed by each MC particle
getContributedEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.CalorimeterHit
An array of energy contributed by each MC particle
getContributedEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
An array of energy contributed by each MC particle
getContributedEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getContributedEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
getCopy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
get a deep copy of vertex list
getCopy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get a deep copy of Tracklist
getCopy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
get a deep copy of Cmat list
getCosBeamAxisClear() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Get the currently set cosine for the beam axis clearance of the ghost track for good quality check byZvgChi2Calculator.
getCosInitGuessDev() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Get the currently set cosine of the maximum angle difference to initial ghost track guess for good quality check byZvgChi2Calculator.
getCosL() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim
report cos lambda
getCosLInv() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvHelixVec
get 1/cos(lambda)
getCosPhi() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
getCosPhi() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterCell
getCosPit() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
get cos of pitch angle
getCosTheta() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
getCosTheta() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
get cos(theta) at DOCA.
getCosTheta() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get cos(theta) at DOCA.
getCosTheta(int, int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.SegmentedDetectorComponent
getCosTheta(int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter
getCurrentDetector() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
Get the detector geometry for this event.
getCurrentDetector() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getD0() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getD0() - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters
getData() - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.sio.SIOBlock
getDataSets() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileServer
getDataSets() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.MultiFileServer
getDate() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.Dataset
getDebugLevel() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
Get the level of debug output requested
getDebugLevel() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
getDebugLevel() - Method in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.ProcessorContext
Get the level of debug output requested
getDebugStream() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
Get the stream to which debug output should be written
getDebugStream() - Method in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.ProcessorContext
Get the stream to which debug output should be written
getDecayName() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getDecayName() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getDecayType() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getDecayType() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getDEdx() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.TrackerHit
returns dE/dx energy deposition
getDeDx(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials
getDeDx(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.material.DeDx
Return energy loss (in GeV) of minimum ionizing particle in 1 cm of given material
getDelPosition() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
get delta for position
getDetector() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.DetectorComponent
getDetector() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector
getDetector() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
getDetector() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
getDetector() - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.DetectorRecord
getDetector() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Detector
getDetectorType() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getDetectorType() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get detector type as integer Large = 1, Small = 2
getDist() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
get the distance of closest approach
getDist() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
get the distance of closest approach
getDistOnTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Get the distance along (original) track to point of closest approach with ghost (copy).
getDistVec() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
get the vector of the distance of closest approach
(x_ref - x_track)
getDistVec() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
get the vector of the distance of closest approach
(x_tar - x_track)
getDoca() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Get coordinates of DOCA.
getDoca() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get DOCA (2-dim) of smeared track.
getDocaMomentum() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get momentum at DOCA (2-dim) of smeared track.
getDocaMomentum(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getDocaMomentum(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
getDocaMomentumVec(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getDocaMomentumVec(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
getDocaMomentumVec(Hep3Vector) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Calculate and get Doca momentum on track with respect to any space point.
getDocaMomentumVec(Hep3Vector) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
getDocaMomentumX() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get x coordinate of momentum of the smeared track at DOCA.
getDocaMomentumY() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get y coordinate of momentum of the smeared track at DOCA.
getDocaMomentumZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get z coordinate of momentum of the smeared track at DOCA.
getDocaPosition(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getDocaPosition(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
getDocaPositionVec(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getDocaPositionVec(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
getDocaPositionVec(Hep3Vector) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Calculate and get Doca position on track with respect to any space point.
getDocaPositionVec(Hep3Vector) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Calculate and get Doca position on the smeared track with respect to any space point.
getDocaPt() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get transverse momentum of the smeared track at DOCA.
getDocaTransversePathLength(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getDocaTransversePathLength(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
getDocaTransversePathLength(Hep3Vector) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Calculate and get path length on track for a doca to any space point in respect to the track defining doca (with respect to the origin).
getDocaTransversePathLength(Hep3Vector) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Calculate and get path length on the smeared track for a doca to any space point in respect to the track defining doca (with respect to the origin).
getDocaVec() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Get coordinates of DOCA.
getDocaX() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getDocaX() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get x coordinate of DOCA of smeared track.
getDocaY() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getDocaY() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get y coordinate of DOCA of smeared track.
getDocaZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getDocaZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get z coordinate of DOCA of smeared track.
getDouble(String) - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.PropertySet
getDouble(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.PropertyTable
getDouble(String, double) - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.PropertySet
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.PropertyTable
getDTrkMax() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Get the currently set maximum distance along track to be swum in ZvgGhostTrackFinder.
getDTrkMin() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Get the currently set minimum distance along track to be swum in ZvgGhostTrackFinder.
getECalCorEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getECalCorEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getECalEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getECalEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getEMAlignmentError() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ClusterResolutionTables
getEMCalExtrap() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getEMCalExtrap() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get extrapolation radius for central EM calorimeter.
getEMCalorimeterHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
getEMCalorimeterHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getEMClusterRejects() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Return list of EM cluster rejects which did not make the EMNucleusEnergy cut.
getEMClusterRejects(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Return list of EM cluster rejects as the parameter cut value.
getEMClusters() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
getEMClusters() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Returns the list of EM clusters satisfying the nucleus energy cut as configured.
getEMClusters() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getEMClusters(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Returns the list of EM clusters satisfying the specified nucleus energy cut.
getEMConstantTerm() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ClusterResolutionTables
getEMEndExtrap() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getEMEndExtrap() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get extrapolation plane for endcap EM calorimeter.
getEMIgnoreEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
getEMmin() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ClusterResolutionTables
getEMPositionError() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ClusterResolutionTables
getEMResolution() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ClusterResolutionTables
getEMThreshold() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.simple.SimpleClusterBuilder
getEndPoint() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
getEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Cluster
Best estimate for total energy of cluster
getEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.CalorimeterHit
Raw energy deposited in Calorimeter Cell
getEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
Best estimate for total energy of cluster
getEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
getEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterCell
getEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
getEnergyPhi() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Cluster
Energy weighted PHI of cluster
getEnergyPhi() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
Energy weighted PHI of cluster
getEnergyPhi() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getEnergyPhi() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
getEnergyRadius() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Cluster
Energy weighted Radius of cluster
getEnergyRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
Energy weighted Radius of cluster
getEnergyRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getEnergyRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
getEnergyRadiusPol() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterDbg
getEnergyRadiusPol() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getEnergyTheta() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Cluster
Energy weighted THETA of cluster
getEnergyTheta() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
Energy weighted THETA of cluster
getEnergyTheta() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getEnergyTheta() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
getEnergyX() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterDbg
getEnergyX() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getEnergyY() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterDbg
getEnergyY() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getEnergyZ() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterDbg
getEnergyZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getErrMatr(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
getErrMatr(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
getErrMatr(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
getErrMatr(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
getErrorMatrix() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
Get the error matrix as a 2-D array
getErrorMatrix() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Get the error matrix as a 2-D array
getErrorMatrix() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get the full error matrix.
getErrorMatrix() - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters
Get the error matrix as a 2-D array
getErrorMatrix() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getErrorMatrix() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFitter
getErrorMatrix() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
getErrorMatrix() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackFit
getErrorMatrix() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
getErrorMatrix() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get the helix parameter error matrix array
(5x5 dim - LCD/BaBar convention)
getErrorMatrixElement(int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
Get an individual element of the error matrix
getErrorMatrixElement(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Get an individual element of the error matrix
getErrorMatrixElement(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get an individual error matrix element.
getErrorMatrixElement(int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters
Get an individual element of the error matrix
getErrorMatrixElement(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getErrorMatrixElement(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get a helix parameter error matrix element
(5x5 dim - LCD/BaBar convention)
getEventClass() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.Dataset
getEventDataClass() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDEventSource
getEventDataClass() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileEventSource
getEventDataClass() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOEventSource
getEventDataClass() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.MultiFileEventSource
getEventName() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getEventName() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getEventNumber() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Event
getEventType() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getEventType() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getExtrap() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkExtrap
getExtrapR() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getExtrapX() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getExtrapY() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getExtrapZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getField() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Field_Strength
getFile() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Detector_File
getFinalEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getFinalEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getFinder() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
getFinder() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
getFirstEvent() - Static method in class hep.lcd.recon.Reconstruction
getFit() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackFit
getFitStatus() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Vertex
get the fit status for vertex
getFitStatus() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
get fit status for this vertex
cast to ZvFitStatus if needed.
getFittedParams() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFitter
getFittedParams() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
getFittedParams() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
getFittedVertex() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VtxFitter
get the resulting (fitted) vertex
getFittedVertex() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
get the resulting (fitted) vertex
getFitter() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.FitTracks
getFlag() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
returns array of markers of used hits
getFlag() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
getForwardCutoff() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
get the forward cutoff for the tube list
getForwardCutoff() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
get the used forward cutoff for point xc along jet axis
getFrHtsSameMC() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getFrHtsSameMC() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
getFrHtsSameMC(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
getFrHtsSameMC(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
getFrHtsSameMC(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
getFrHtsSameMC(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
getGhostTrack() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Get the resulting ghost track.
getGhostTrackDir() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
get ghost track direction
getGhostTrackMeanSig() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
get the ghost track mean sigma for components 0-2
getGhostTrackWidth() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
get the ghost track width
getGhostWidthMax2() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Get the square of the maximum ghost track width value.
getGWidthIni() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Get the currently set initial ghost track width used in ZvgGhostTrackFinder.
getHADAlignmentError() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ClusterResolutionTables
getHadCalExtrap() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getHadCalExtrap() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get extrapolation radius for central Had calorimeter.
getHADCalorimeterHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
getHADCalorimeterHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getHADClusterRejects() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Return list of HAD cluster rejects which did not make the HADNucleusEnergy cut.
getHADClusterRejects(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Return list of HAD cluster rejects as the parameter cut value.
getHADClusters() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
getHADClusters() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Returns the list of HAD clusters satisfying the nucleus energy cut as configured.
getHADClusters() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getHADClusters(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Returns the list of HAD clusters satisfying the specified nucleus energy cut.
getHADConstantTerm() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ClusterResolutionTables
getHadEndExtrap() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getHadEndExtrap() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get extrapolation plane for endcap Had calorimeter.
getHADIgnoreEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
getHADmin() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ClusterResolutionTables
getHADPositionError() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ClusterResolutionTables
getHADResolution() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ClusterResolutionTables
getHADThreshold() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.simple.SimpleClusterBuilder
getHalfLength() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getHalfLength() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get half-length of tracking detector.
getHalfLength(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getHalfLength(double) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get half-length of tracking detector at radius r.
getHCalCorEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getHCalCorEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getHCalEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getHCalEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getHeader() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventInputStream
getHighest2P() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getHighest2P() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getHistogramLevel() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
Get the level of histogram output requested
getHistogramLevel() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
getHistogramLevel() - Method in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.ProcessorContext
Get the level of histogram output requested
getHitEnum() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
getHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Cluster
An enumeration of the calorimeter hits contributing to this cluster
getHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.TrackerHits
Get the collection of TrackerHit objects
getHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.MuonStripHits
Get the collection of Muon Strip hits
getHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.CalorimeterHits
Get the collection of Colorimeter hits
getHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
An enumeration of the calorimeter hits contributing to this cluster
getHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
getHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterCell
getHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
getHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
getHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
getHits(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
getHotList() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
getHotList(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AddReconTrks
getId() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getID() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.LCD_detector_ID
getIlon() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
returns number of points in each layer
getIlon() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
getInnerRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector
getInnerRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getInnerRadius() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get inner radius of tracking detector.
getInnerRadius(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
getInnerRadius(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
getIntersect() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
getIntersect() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.Helix
getIntersect2() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
getInvMass() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get the invariant mass using pion hypothesis for all tracks
getIPConst() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
get the used constant for IP weighting
getIpoi() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
returns array of starting point index for each layer
getIpoi() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
getIPWeight() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
get the IP weight currently set
getJetCoreConst() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
get the used jet core enhancement constant
getJetMomentum() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
get the currently set jet momentum
getJWgtExp() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Get the currently set exponent for jet core weighting in ZvgChi2Calculator.
getJWgtFac() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Get the currently set factor for jet core weighting in ZvgChi2Calculator.
getKlongs(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getKlongs(LCDEvent) - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getL0() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Get the (transverse) path length l0 to original track vertex.
getLastEvent() - Static method in class hep.lcd.recon.Reconstruction
getLayer() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.TrackerHit
Layer containing hit
getLayer() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellNewTag
getLayer() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellOldTag
getLayer() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
getLayerDeDx(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials
getLayerOuterRadius(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getLayerOuterRadius(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
getLayerRadius(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getLayerRadius(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
getLayers() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.SegmentedDetectorComponent
getLayers() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter
getLayerThick(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials
getLayerWidth() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CellWidths
getLayerZ(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getLayerZ(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
getLength() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
getLength2() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
getLengths() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials
getLevels(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
getLongDist() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get longitudinal distance along line IP - choosen vtx
getLUMCalorimeterHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
getLUMCalorimeterHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getLumEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getLumEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getMajor() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.LCD_detector_ID
getMajorVersion() - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.sio.SIOBlock
getMass() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
get mass for pion hypothesis
getMatchReconTr(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
getMaterial(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MaterialList
Get a particular Material
getMaterials() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MaterialList
Get the Materials as an array
getMatrix() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.WeightMatrix
getMaxChi2() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Get the currently set maximum chi2 for ZvgChi2Calculator
getMaxHitEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
getMaxHitEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getMaxLevel() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
Get maximum level of pattern recognition.
getMaxLevel() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
Get maximum level of pattern recognition.
getMaxMass(HepLorentzVector, HepLorentzVector) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.physics.TransMassReco
GetMaxMass performs the actual mass calculation.
getMaxPartNum() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getMaxPartNum() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getMaxRadius() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.DetectorComponent
getMaxRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector
getMaxRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
getMaxRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
getMCParticle() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
getMCParticle() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.TrackerHit
The MCParticle which created the hit
getMCParticle() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get the MC particle for this track.
getMCParticle() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
getMCParticle() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getMCParticle() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
getMCParticle() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get MC particle associated with track
getMCParticle(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
getMCParticle(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
getMCParticle(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
getMCParticle(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
getMCParticle(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
getMCParticles() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Cluster
A list of the contributing MC particles
getMCParticles() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.MuonStripHit
A list of the contributing MC particles
getMCParticles() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
getMCParticles() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.CalorimeterHit
A list of the contributing MC particles
getMCParticles() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
A list of the contributing MC particles
getMCParticles() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getMCParticles() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
getMCParticles() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getMCParticles(LCDEvent, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getMCParticles(LCDEvent, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getMeanPosition() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
get the mean position of all vertices in list
getMessage() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.error.LCDException
Produce the message, include the message from the nested exception if there is one.
getMessage() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus
get the text message
getMessage() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.FitStatusInt
get the text message
getMinMass(HepLorentzVector, HepLorentzVector) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.physics.TransMassReco
GetMinMass performs the actual mass calculation.
getMinor() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.LCD_detector_ID
getMinorVersion() - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.sio.SIOBlock
getMinRadius(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
getMissingEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getMissingEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getMode() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
get the currently set lepton/high impact track mode
getMode() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
get the lepton/high impact track mode currently set
getMom() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getMomentum() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
getMomentum() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Get momentum at DOCA.
getMomentum() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get momentum of smeared track at original vertex point.
getMomentum() - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters
getMomentum() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getMomentum() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get momentum vector
getMomentum(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getMomentum(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
getMomentumVec() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getMomentumVec(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Calculate and get momentum on track with respect to any path length l on track (l in xy plane).
getMomentumVec(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Calculate and get momentum on track with respect to any path length l on track (l in xy plane).
getMomentumX() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
getMomentumX() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get x coordinate of momentum of the smeared track at original vertex.
getMomentumX() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getMomentumX() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
getMomentumY() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
getMomentumY() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get y coordinate of momentum of the smeared track at original vertex.
getMomentumY() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getMomentumY() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
getMomentumZ() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
getMomentumZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get z coordinate of momentum of the smeared track at original vertex.
getMomentumZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getMomentumZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
getMuEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getMuEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getMuonCalorimeterHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
getMuonCalorimeterHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getMuonEndExtrap() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getMuonEndExtrap() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get extrapolation plane for endcap Muon chambers.
getMuonExtrap() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getMuonExtrap() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get extrapolation radius for central Muon chamber.
getMuonStripHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
getMuonStripHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getName() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Material
getName() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.Dataset
getName() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDEventSource
getName() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileEventSource
getName() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOEventSource
getName() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.MultiFileEventSource
getName() - Method in class hep.lcd.plugin.Register
getName() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
A default implementation of Processor.getName() Returns the name of this class.
getName() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
getName() - Method in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.Processor
Called by the Driver to get the name of this processor
getNBarrels() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
getNClusters() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getNClusters() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getNClusters() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.ClusterList
Returns the number of Cluster objects in this event
getNCMats() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
get number of CMats in this list
getNDecayed() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getNDecayed() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getNDF() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
Get the numbers of degrees of freedom for the fit
getNDF() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Get the number degrees of freedom.
getNDF() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get the number degrees of freedom.
getNDF() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getNDF() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFitter
getNDF() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
getNDF() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
getNDF() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
getNDF() (for track fit) is set to 0.
getNDF(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
getNDF(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
getNDF(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
getNDF(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
getNDOF() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackFit
getNeighbors() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
getNeighbors() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterCell
getNeighbouringCells() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellNewTag
Returns an array of towerID's for the neighbouring cells
getNeighbouringCells() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellOldTag
Returns an array of towerID's for the neighbouring cells
getNeighbouringCells() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
Returns an array of towerID's for the neighbouring cells
getNElectrons() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getNElectrons() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getNEMClusters() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getNEMClusters() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getNEndCaps() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
getNestedException() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.error.LCDException
getNeutralEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getNeutralEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getNeutralHadronEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getNeutralHadronEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getNewPosition() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
get new position
getNewTrackList() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VtxFitter
get the resulting (reswum) track list
-- of interest, if takeNewTrackList is set to false
getNewTrackList() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
get the resulting (reswum) track list
-- of interest, if takeNewTrackList is set to false
getNewTrackParameters() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
Get the TrackParameters as constructed from ZvTrack information.
getNextEvent() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDEventSource
getNextEvent() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileEventSource
getNextEvent() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOEventSource
getNextEvent() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.MultiFileEventSource
getNFinal() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getNFinal() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getNHadClusters() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getNHadClusters() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getNHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Cluster
The number of hits contributing to the cluster
getNHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.TrackerHits
Get the number of TrackerHit objects in this collection
getNHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.MuonStripHits
Get the number of MuonStripHit objects
getNHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.CalorimeterHits
Get the number of CalorimetreHit objects
getNHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
The number of hits contributing to the cluster
getNHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getNHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
getNHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHotList
getNLayers() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getNLayers() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials
getNLayers() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get number of layers in tracking detector.
getNMaterials() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MaterialList
Get the number of materials on this list
getNMCTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
getNMuons() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getNMuons() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getNode() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.Dataset
getNoFieldExtrap() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getNoFieldExtrap() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get extrapolation radius for no field region.
getNotSmearedTrack() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get the complete parameter set for the not smeared track.
getNParticles() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getNParticles() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getNPartons() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getNPartons() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getNPatterns(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
getNPoints(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VertexDetector
Get number of points on a track.
getNPoints(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
Get number of points on a track.
getNPoints(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
Get number of points on a track.
getNPoints(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
getNPoints(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
Get number of points on a track.
getNPoints(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
Get number of points on a track.
getNPoints(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBReco
getNProngs() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getNProngs() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getNPtsReq(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
getNTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getNTracks() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getNTracks() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.TrackList
Returns the number of Track objects in this event
getNTracks() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VertexDetector
Get number of track found.
getNTracks() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
Get number of track found.
getNTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconTrackList
getNTracks() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
Get number of track found.
getNTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
getNTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
Get number of track found.
getNTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
Get number of track found.
getNTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get number of tracks in this list
getNTrk() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHotList
getNTubes() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
get number of probability tubes in this list
getNumberOfEvents() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.Dataset
getNumTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
get number of Tracks
getNumTracks() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VertexInt
get number of Tracks
getNVertices() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.VertexList
get number of vertices in this list
getNVertices() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
get number of vertices in this list
getNVtx() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHotList
getObject() - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.sio.SIORef
getObject() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.smart.SmartPointer
getOmega() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getOmega() - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters
getOrigin() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
getOrigin() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get the original vertex point of smeared MC track.
getOrigin() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getOrigin() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
use current doca position as origin of track
getOriginX() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
getOriginX() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get x coordinate of the original vertex point of smeared MC track.
getOriginX() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getOriginX() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
x position
getOriginY() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
getOriginY() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get y coordinate of the original vertex point of smeared MC track.
getOriginY() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getOriginY() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
y position
getOriginZ() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
getOriginZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get z coordinate of the original vertex point of smeared MC track.
getOriginZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getOriginZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
z position
getOrigPhi() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
get original ghost track phi
getOrigPoint() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
get original ghost track start point
getOrigReconTrack() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
Get the ReconTrack as entered on creation.
getOrigTheta() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
get original ghost track theta
getOrigTrackParameters() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
Get the TrackParameters as entered on creation.
getOrigTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get an enumeration of the original ReconTracks
getOrigWith() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
get original ghost track width
getOuterRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector
getOuterRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getOuterRadius() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get outer radius of tracking detector.
getOuterRadius(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
getOuterRadius(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
getParam(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
getParameterFile(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.Detector
getParameterFile(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
getParameterFile(String) - Method in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.ProcessorContext
getParameterNames() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions.GaussianBoxFunction
getParameters() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
Get the parameters for this processor from the constants system
getParameters() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Get a handle to the currently used constant parameter set.
getParameters(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.Detector
getParameters(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
Get the named parameters from the constants system
getParameters(String) - Method in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.ProcessorContext
Get the named parameters from the constants system
getParameterValues() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions.GaussianBoxFunction
getParams() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
getPartons() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getPartons() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getPhi() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
getPhi() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
getPhi() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterCell
getPhi(int, int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.SegmentedDetectorComponent
getPhi(int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter
getPhi0() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getPhi0() - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters
getPhiBin() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellNewTag
getPhiBin() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellOldTag
getPhiBin() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
getPhiBins() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.SegmentedDetectorComponent
getPhiBins() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter
getPhiWidth() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CellWidths
getPhotonEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getPhotonEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getPlane() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
getPlane() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.Helix
getPlane2() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
getPlaneConst() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
get the used constant for track-IP plane mode weighting
getPlaneWidth() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
get the gaussian width of plan currently set
getPoint() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.TrackerHit
x,y,z point of hit
getPointMCParent(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
getPoints(int, boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AddReconTrks
getPolarEMInner() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ClusterResolutionTables
getPolarEMOuter() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ClusterResolutionTables
getPolarHADInner() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ClusterResolutionTables
getPolarHADOuter() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ClusterResolutionTables
getPolarInner() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackResolutionTables
getPolarOuter() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackResolutionTables
getPosition() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
getPosition(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getPosition(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
getPositionVec(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Calculate and get position on track with respect to any path length l on track (l in xy plane).
getPositionVec(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Calculate and get position on track with respect to any path length l on track (l in xy plane).
getProperties() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Event
getPt() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Get transverse momentum at DOCA.
getPt() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get transverse momentum of the smeared track at original vertex.
getPt() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get transverse momentum Pt
getPtMin() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackResolutionTables
getPtot() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Get total momentum at DOCA.
getPtot() - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters
getPtot() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get total momentum
getPVec() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
get new tangent vector after leaping
getPX() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
getPX() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getPX() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get x coordinate of momentum of the smeared track at original vertex.
getPX() - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters
getPX() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getPX() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get momentum in x
getPY() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
getPY() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getPY() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get y coordinate of momentum of the smeared track at original vertex.
getPY() - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters
getPY() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getPY() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get momentum in y
getPZ() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
getPZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getPZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get z coordinate of momentum of the smeared track at original vertex.
getPZ() - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters
getPZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getPZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get momentum in z
getRadii() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials
getRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
getRadius() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterCell
getRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
getRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.Helix
getRadius(int, int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.SegmentedDetectorComponent
getRadius(int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.BarrelCalorimeter
getRadius(int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.EndCapCalorimeter
getRandom() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
Get the random number generator to be used
getRandom() - Method in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.ProcessorContext
Get the random number generator to be used
getRc() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim
report the circle's radius in the rho-phi plane
getRC() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitError
getReason(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
getRecordLength() - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.sio.SIORecord
getRecordName() - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.sio.SIORecord
getRefError() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
get the reference point error matrix (3x3)
getRefinedClusters() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
getRefinedClusters() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getRefPoint() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
get the corresponding point of closest approach on the reference line
getRefPoint() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
get the used reference point
getRefPoint() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
Get the current reference point used.
getResolCut() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
get the currently set resolubility cut
getResolMin() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
get the currently set minimum resolubility for spatial points
getResolNSteps() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
get the currently set number of steps used to evaluate the resolution of spatial points
getRL(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.RadLengths
Return radiation length in cm
getRL(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.material.RadLengths
Return radiation length in cm
getRMSPhi() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Cluster
RMS width of the PHI, Theta, Radius energy distributions
getRMSPhi() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
RMS width of the PHI, Theta, Radius energy distributions
getRMSPhi() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getRMSPhi() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
getRMSRadius() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Cluster
getRMSRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
getRMSRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getRMSRadius() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
getRMSTheta() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Cluster
getRMSTheta() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
getRMSTheta() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
getRMSTheta() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
getRoot() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.Detector
getRPhiResolution() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getRPhiResolution() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get r-phi measurement resolution of tracking detector.
getRTol(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
getRunNumber() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Event
getSeed() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
getSimpleMessage() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.error.LCDException
Return just the super classes message
getSinL() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim
report sin lambda
getSinPhi() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
getSinPhi() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterCell
getSinPit() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
get sin of pitch angle
getSinXang() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
getSlope(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
getSmearedTrack() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get the complete parameter set for the smeared track.
getSpecifications() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VertexDetector
getSpecifications() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
Get tracker specifications.
getSpecifications() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
Get tracker specifications.
getSpecifications() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
getStatus() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
This returns the GISMO status code, which is different from the STDHEP status code returned by Particle.getStatusCode()
getStatus() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus
get the current status
getStatus() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
get the status of the swimmer
getStatus() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Swimmer
get the status of the swimmer
getStatus() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus
get the current status
getStatus() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
get the global status of the last vertexing action
getStatus() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VtxFitter
get the status of the fitter
getStatus() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
get the status of the fitter
getStatus() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.FitStatusInt
get the current status
getStatus() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
get the status of the swimmer
getStatusCopy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
get the status of the swimmer as a deep copy
getStatusCopy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Swimmer
get the status of the swimmer as a deep copy
getStatusCopy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VtxFitter
get the status of the fitter as a deep copy
getStatusCopy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
get the status of the fitter as a deep copy
getStatusCopy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
get the status of the swimmer as a deep copy
getStatusName(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
Particle status codes
getStatusName(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
Particle status codes
getStepMax() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Get the currently set maximum (initial) step size for angle stepping loop in ZvgGhostTrackFinder.
getStepMin() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Get the currently set minimum (final) step size for angle stepping loop in ZvgGhostTrackFinder.
getStrategy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
getStrategy() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
getString(String) - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.PropertySet
getString(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.PropertyTable
getString(String, String) - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.PropertySet
getString(String, String) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.PropertyTable
getSumAbsMomentum() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get the total momentum of all tracks (scalar sum)
getSumCharge() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
get sum of charges
getSumMomentumVec() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get the summed momentum vector of all tracks in list
getSumQ() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get the charge sum of all tracks in list
getSumVecMomentum() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get the total momentum of all tracks (vector sum)
getSwimmer() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Get handle to the currently set swimmer.
getSwimStatus() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get the swim status
getSwumDist() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus
get the swum distance
getSwumTrack() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
get the resulting (swum) track
getSwumTrack() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Swimmer
get the resulting (swum) track
getSwumTrack() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
get the resulting (swum) track
getSystem() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.TrackerHit
The system which contains the hit
getSystem() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellNewTag
getSystem() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellOldTag
getSystem() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
getTanL() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getTanL() - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters
getTanL() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim
report tan lambda
getTheta() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
getTheta() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Get theta angle at DOCA.
getTheta() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
getTheta() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterCell
getTheta(int, int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.SegmentedDetectorComponent
getTheta(int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter
getThetaBin() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellNewTag
getThetaBin() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellOldTag
getThetaBin() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
getThetaBins() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.SegmentedDetectorComponent
getThetaBins() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter
getThetaWidth() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CellWidths
getThick() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials
getThick(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials
getThickness() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Material
getTitle() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions.GaussianBoxFunction
getToBeam() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
getToBeam() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterCell
getTotalChi2() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Get the total Chi2 sum.
getTotalEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
getTotalEnergy() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
getTotalNumberOfEvents() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDEventSource
getTotalNumberOfEvents() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileEventSource
getTotalNumberOfEvents() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOEventSource
getTotalNumberOfEvents() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.MultiFileEventSource
getTowerID() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.MuonStripHit
The tower id of the hit
getTowerID() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.CalorimeterHit
The ID of the cell
getTowerID() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
getTracker() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
getTrackerHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
getTrackerHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getTrackHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
getTrackList() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Vertex
get list of tracks in vertex
getTrackList() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
getTrackList() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getTrackList() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
Get the TrackList (ZvTracks).
getTrackParameter(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
Get an individual track parameter The track parameters for LCD are defined as follows IndexMeaning 0 d0 = XY impact parameter 1 phi0 2 omega = 1/curv.radius (negative for negative tracks) 3 z0 = z of track origin (z impact parameter) 4 s = tan lambda
getTrackParameter(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Get an individual track parameter.
getTrackParameter(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get an individual track parameter.
getTrackParameter(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters
Get an individual track parameter.
getTrackParameter(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getTrackParameter(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get the helix parameter i
(5 dim - LCD/BaBar convention)
getTrackParameters() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Track
Get the track parameters as an array
getTrackParameters() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Get the track parameters as an array
getTrackParameters() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Get the track parameters as an array
getTrackParameters() - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters
Get the track parameters as an array
getTrackParameters() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getTrackParameters() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get the helix parameter array
(5 dim - LCD/BaBar convention)
getTracks() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.TrackList
Returns an Enumeration of Track objects
getTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconTrackList
getTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
Get an enumeration of tracks (ZvTracks).
getTracks() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VertexInt
get enumeration of tracks in vertex
getTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
returns an enumeration of ZvTracks
getTrackToGhostNorms() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Get the 3D norms to ghost track at IP (copy).
getTransDist() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get transverse distance from line IP - choosen vtx
getTriplets(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
getTrkCandidate(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AddReconTrks
getTrkExtrap() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getTrkExtrap() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
getTrkHit(int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VertexDetector
getTrkHit(int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
getTrkHit(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
getTrkHit(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
getTrkHit(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBReco
getTrkHitID(int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VertexDetector
getTrkHitID(int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
getTrkHitID(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
this ID is unique for any point in tracking system
getTrkHitID(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
getTrkHitID(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBReco
getTrkHitID(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCReco
getTrkNum() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
getTrkParam(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
Get track parameters.
getTrkParam(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
Get track parameters.
getTrkParam(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
getTrkParam(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
Get track parameters.
getTrkParams() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
getTrkParams() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
getTrkParams() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
getTrkPnts(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
Get a point on the track.
getTrkPnts(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
getTrkPoint(int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VertexDetector
Get a space point on the track.
getTrkPoint(int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
Get a point on the track.
getTrkPoint(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
Get a space point on the track.
getTrkPoint(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
Get a space point on the track.
getTrkPoint(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBReco
getTubes() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
returns an enumeration of ZvTubes
getTubeScaleFac() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
get the probabilty tube scale factor currently set
getTubeScaling() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
report the 'scaling' factor for tube coefficients
getTubeScaling() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
get the used tube coefficienct's scaling factor
getType() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
getType() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getType() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VertexDetector
Get type of vertex detector.
getType() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get type of tracking detector.
getType() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
Get type of track hits.
getType() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
Get type of Tracker.
getType() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
Get type of VertexDetector.
getType() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBReco
Get type of track hits.
getType() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCReco
Get type of track hits.
getUnitCharge() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Get the unit charge, ie +1, 0, -1.
getUnitCharge() - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters
getUnitMagnet() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvHelixVec
get magnetic field unit vector
getUnitNormal() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvHelixVec
get normal unit vector
getUnitTangent() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvHelixVec
get tangent unit vector
getUser() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.Dataset
getUVec() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
get vector perpendicular to track tangent and B-field
getValue(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.PowerFun
getValue(double) - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.OneArgumentFunction
getVersion() - Static method in class hep.lcd.Version
getVersion() - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.sio.SIOBlock
getVersion() - Method in class hep.lcd.plugin.Register
getVersionLong() - Static method in class hep.lcd.Version
getVertexer() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
get the vertexer used; gives handle to different (track) lists
getVertexErr() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Vertex
get vertex error matrix
getVertexErr() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
get vertex error matrix
getVertexList() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
getVertexList() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getVertexPos() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.Vertex
get vertex position
getVertexPos() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
get vertex position
getVertices() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.VertexList
returns an enumeration of vertices
getVertices() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
returns an enumeration of ZvVertex
getView() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.PlotGraphics
getVSigMin() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
get the minimum required vertex significance for a spatial point
getVSigMinFrac() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set the minimum vertex significance fraction for a spatial point with respect to the maximum per track
getVtxInfo() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get special information on vertex
settingmeaning vtxInfo == -1 --isolated track vtxInfo n >= 0--vertex of order n+1 vtxInfo < -1 --special vertex type Note 1: A special vertex type doesn't necessarily mean that a vertex handle is actually stored.
getVtxSig() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
get vertex significance value for vertex
getVtxSigVec() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get vector with vertex significances if this track is included into vertex
getVtxTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
get assigned tracks as track list
getVtxTracksCopy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
get a copy of assigned tracks as track list
getVXDHits() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
getVXDHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
getX() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
getX() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
getX() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterCell
getX() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
returns pool of x-cordinates of hits
getX() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
getX() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
get vertex x positon
getX(int, int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.SegmentedDetectorComponent
getX(int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter
getY() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
getY() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
getY() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterCell
getY() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
returns pool of y-cordinates of hits
getY() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
getY() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
get vertex y positon
getY(int, int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.SegmentedDetectorComponent
getY(int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter
getZ() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
getZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
getZ() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterCell
getZ() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
returns pool of z-cordinates of hits
getZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
getZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
get vertex z positon
getZ(int, int, int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.SegmentedDetectorComponent
getZ(int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.BarrelCalorimeter
getZ(int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.EndCapCalorimeter
getZ0() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
getZ0() - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters
getZInner() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector
getZInner(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
getZInner(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
getZMax() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
getZOuter() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector
getZOuter(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
getZOuter(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
getZResolution() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
getZResolution() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Get z measurement resolution of tracking detector.
getZTol(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
getZvTrackError() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get the helix parameter error matrix array
(5x5 dim - ZvTrack convention)
getZvTrackError(int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get the helix parameter error matrix element (i,j)
(5x5 dim - ZvTrack convention)
getZvTrackErrorCopy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get the helix parameter error matrix array as a deep copy
(5x5 dim - ZvTrack convention)
getZvTrackKappa() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get track kappa
getZvTrackList() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Get handle to original ZvTrackList being used.
getZvTrackParam() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get the helix parameter array
(6 dim - ZvTrack convention)
getZvTrackParam(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get the helix parameter i
(6 dim - ZvTrack convention)
getZvTrackParamCopy() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get the helix parameter array as a deep copy
(6 dim - ZvTrack convention)
getZvTrackPhi() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get track phi
getZvTrackPos() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get the helix parameter position sub array
(3 out of 6 dim - ZvTrack convention)
getZvTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
get an enumeration of the underlying ZvTracks
getZvTrackTanL() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get track tanL
ghostTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get a sublist of tracks marked as ghost tracks
GluonID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
GoodChi2 - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
GoodChi2 - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
greaterThan(CalCellCollection.CalCell) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
greaterThan(ClusterCell) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
greaterThan(ClusterCell) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterCell
greaterThan(Orderable) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
greaterThan(Orderable) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util.Orderable
guessDistMax() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
get the maximum distance cutoff for initial 2-track vertex guess


HAD - Static variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
Flag to print hadron calorimeter hit information.
HAD_Barrel - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.HAD_Barrel.
HAD_Barrel(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.HAD_Barrel
HAD_EndCap - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.HAD_EndCap.
HAD_EndCap(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.HAD_EndCap
HAD_Segmentation - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.HAD_Segmentation.
HAD_Segmentation(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.HAD_Segmentation
HadCalExtrap - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
HADCalorimeter - class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.HADCalorimeter.
HADCalorimeter - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.HADCalorimeter.
HADCalorimeter() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.HADCalorimeter
HADCalorimeter() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.HADCalorimeter
HADCalorimeterHits - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
HADCLUS - Static variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
Flag to print all the reconstructed HAD clusters.
HADClusters - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
HadEndExtrap - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
HalfLength - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
hasBarrelHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
hasBeamSpot() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
Is the beam spot in this vertex?
hasEndcapHits() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
hashCode() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
Enter in proper hashtable and vector for the layer bin
hasTrack(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
check for track being in this vertex
HelicalSwimmer - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer.
Given a particle of initial momentum, position and charge (p, r0, and iq), calculates its trajectory in a uniform magnetic field in the z-direction and determines its point of intersection (r_hit) with a cylinder centered at the origin with axis parallel to the z-axis and with ends.
HelicalSwimmer() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
Create helical swimmer with some default parameters; (essentually not usable set)
HelicalSwimmer(double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
Create a Helix swimmer
HelicalSwimmer(TrkParams, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
Create a Helix swimmer for the given trajectory
HelicalSwimmer(TrkParams, double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
Create a Helix swimmer for the given trajectory
Helix - class hep.lcd.util.swim.Helix.
Given a particle of initial momentum, position and charge (p, r0, and iq), calculates its trajectory in a uniform magnetic field in the z-direction and determines its point of intersection (r_hit) with a cylinder centered at the origin with axis parallel to the z-axis and with ends.
Helix(double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.swim.Helix
Create a Helix swimmer
HelixSwim - class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim.
Given a particle of initial momentum, position and charge (p, r0 and iq), calculates its trajectory in a uniform magnetic field in the z-direction.
HelixSwim(double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim
Create a helix swimmmer.
HelixSwim(double, double[], double[], int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim
Create and initialize a helix swimmmer.
HelixSwim(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim
Create a helix swimmmer set B field and cylindrical geometry parallel to z-axis.
hep.lcd - package hep.lcd
hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis - package hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis
hep.lcd.contrib.physics - package hep.lcd.contrib.physics
hep.lcd.contrib.recon - package hep.lcd.contrib.recon
hep.lcd.contrib.recon.tracking.analysis - package hep.lcd.contrib.recon.tracking.analysis
hep.lcd.contrib.util - package hep.lcd.contrib.util
hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions - package hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions
hep.lcd.event - package hep.lcd.event
hep.lcd.geometry - package hep.lcd.geometry
hep.lcd.geometry.component - package hep.lcd.geometry.component
hep.lcd.io - package hep.lcd.io
hep.lcd.io.ascii - package hep.lcd.io.ascii
hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler - package hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler
hep.lcd.io.jas - package hep.lcd.io.jas
hep.lcd.io.jas.sio - package hep.lcd.io.jas.sio
An DIM for reading LCD sio data.
hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block - package hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block
hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record - package hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record
hep.lcd.io.sio - package hep.lcd.io.sio
An implementation of SIO.
hep.lcd.io.smart - package hep.lcd.io.smart
hep.lcd.mc.fast - package hep.lcd.mc.fast
hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr - package hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr
hep.lcd.mc.smear - package hep.lcd.mc.smear
hep.lcd.plugin - package hep.lcd.plugin
hep.lcd.recon - package hep.lcd.recon
hep.lcd.recon.cluster.cheat - package hep.lcd.recon.cluster.cheat
hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial - package hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial
hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl - package hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl
hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util - package hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util
hep.lcd.recon.cluster.simple - package hep.lcd.recon.cluster.simple
hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util - package hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util
hep.lcd.recon.tracking - package hep.lcd.recon.tracking
hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd - package hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd
hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined - package hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined
hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm - package hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm
hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld - package hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld
hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc - package hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc
hep.lcd.util.driver - package hep.lcd.util.driver
hep.lcd.util.error - package hep.lcd.util.error
hep.lcd.util.event - package hep.lcd.util.event
hep.lcd.util.material - package hep.lcd.util.material
hep.lcd.util.statistics - package hep.lcd.util.statistics
hep.lcd.util.swim - package hep.lcd.util.swim
hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop - package hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop
Package for topological vertex finding written for the LCD JAVA environment.
Hist - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.Reconstruction
histogram(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
histogram(String) - Method in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.ProcessorContext
Used for filling named histograms
hits - Variable in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
hits - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.util.AbstractCluster
hits - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate


Ibal - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
Id - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
identifyDecays(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
identifyDecays(LCDEvent) - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
identifyEventType(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
identifyEventType(LCDEvent) - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
ilon - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
ilon - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
incGammaFunc(double, double) - Static method in class hep.lcd.util.statistics.StatTools
Incomplete gamma function
indexOf(ZvgCMat) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
find index of track in list
returns -1, if not found
indexOf(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
indexOf(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
find index of track in list
returns -1, if not found
indexOf(ZvVertex) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
indexOfWithId(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
index of track in trackList -- checked by using track ids
returns -1 if not found
IniSectionReader - class hep.lcd.geometry.IniSectionReader.
IniSectionReader(LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.IniSectionReader
init() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDPlugin
init() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.MCFast
init() - Method in class hep.lcd.plugin.Register
init() - Method in class hep.lcd.plugin.LCDPlugin
Installs the LCD menu in the application's menu bar, and registers a run listener.
init() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
Called once the ProcessorContext has been set by the Driver.
init(ZvTrackList, double[], double[], double[], ZvgGTFParam) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Initialize with track list, IP position, intial guess direction for the ghost track, jet direction and parameters.
init(ZvTrackList, ZvGhostTrack, double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
initialize with track list, ghost track and IP position
initCMat(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
initialize the CMat with a track; use default reference point (origin)
initCMat(ZvTrack, double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
Initialize the CMat with a track; use reference point
Note: track is possibly the swum track, x0p and z0 will be calculated as docas to refPoint with a simple linear extrapolation.
INITIALIZED - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
initTrackIds() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
initialize track ids in order of tracks
initTrackIds(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
initialize track ids in order of tracks
initTube(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
initialize the tube with a track; use default reference point (origin)
initTube(ZvTrack, double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
initialize the tube with a track; use reference point;
calculate quadratic approximation of probability tube:
error = c0 + c1 * y + c2 * y*y
where y is the travelled distance in track direction
initTube(ZvTrack, double[], double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
initialize the tube with a track; use reference point;
calculate quadratic approximation of probability tube:
error = c0 + c1 * y + c2 * y*y
where y is the travelled distance in track direction
InnerRadius - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
INPUT_TRACK_FAILURE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
INPUT_TRACK_FAILURE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
INPUT_TRACK_FAILURE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
inputTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
input tracks used
insert(Orderable) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util.BSort
insertCMatAt(ZvgCMat, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
insertCMatAt(ZvTrack, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
insertTrackAt(ReconTrack, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
insertTrackAt(ZvTrack, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
insertTubeAt(ZvProbTube, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
insertVertexAt(ZvVertex, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
instance() - Static method in class hep.lcd.geometry.Detector
INTERACTED - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
INVALID_FITMODE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
INVALID_FITMODE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
invalidFitMode() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
invalid fit mode?
invalidFitMode() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
invalid fit mode?
ipoi - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
ipoi - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
is_bbbar() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_bbbar() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_Bhabha() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_Bhabha() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_ccbar() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_ccbar() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_ElectroWeak() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_ElectroWeak() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_GamGam() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_GamGam() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_MuPair() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_MuPair() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_QED() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
Event types
is_QED() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
Event types
is_qqbar() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_qqbar() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_Tau() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_Tau() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_ttbar() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_ttbar() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_tWbtWb() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
Decay modes
is_tWbtWb() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
Decay modes
is_TwoPhoton() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_TwoPhoton() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_uds() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_uds() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_Unknown() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_Unknown() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_WlvWlv() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_WlvWlv() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_WqqgWlv() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_WqqgWlv() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_WqqgWqq() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_WqqgWqq() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_WqqWlv_gluons() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_WqqWlv_gluons() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_WqqWlv() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_WqqWlv() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_WqqWqq_gluons() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_WqqWqq_gluons() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_WqqWqq() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_WqqWqq() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_WW() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_WW() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_ZllZll() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_ZllZll() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_ZllZvv() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_ZllZvv() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_ZqqgZll() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_ZqqgZll() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_ZqqgZvv() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_ZqqgZvv() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_ZqqZll_gluons() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_ZqqZll_gluons() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_ZqqZll() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_ZqqZll() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_ZqqZqq_gluons() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_ZqqZqq_gluons() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_ZqqZqq() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_ZqqZqq() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_ZqqZvv_gluons() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_ZqqZvv_gluons() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_ZqqZvv() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_ZqqZvv() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_ZvvZvv() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_ZvvZvv() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
is_ZZ() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
is_ZZ() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
isActive - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
isActive() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Material
isCandidate() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
isDuplicate() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
isEmpty() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VertexListInt
Is the list empty?
isEmpty() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
isEmpty() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
isEmpty() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
isEmpty() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
isEndcap() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.TrackerHit
isEndcap() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellNewTag
isEndcap() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellOldTag
isEndcap() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
isEndCap() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.DetectorComponent
isEndCap() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector
isEndCap() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
isEndCap() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
isEndCap() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.LUM_Segmentation
isEqual(ZvSpatPoint) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSpatPoint
check for equality of this spatial point with another
-- equality, if dist(sp1,sp2) < maxSep
default: maxSep = 5 um
isEqual(ZvSpatPoint, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSpatPoint
check for equality of this spatial point with another
-- equality, if dist(sp1,sp2) < maxSep
isFlipped() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Check whether this trackparameter set has been calculated for a curvature flipped track.
isFlipped() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Check whether this track has been curvature flipped.
isFlipped() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.Helix
Status of curvature flipping
isGhost() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
check whether track describes a ghost track
isInAnyVertex() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
is track in any vertex? based on VtxInfo >= 0
isInVertex(ZvVertex) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
is track in this specific vertex?
isIsolated() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
isolated track? based on vtxInfo == -1
isNorth() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.TrackerHit
isNorth() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellNewTag
isNorth() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCellOldTag
isNorth() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
isOK() - Method in interface hep.lcd.event.FitStatus
isOK() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus
Fit status ok?
isolatedTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get a sublist of isolated tracks
isOutside() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus
position outside detector volume?
isSingular() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
is the error matrix singular?
isSpecial() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
is track marked as special? based on VtxInfo < -1
isTransverseNeighbor(CalCellCollection.CalCell) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
isTransverseNeighbor(ClusterCell) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
isTransverseNeighbor(ClusterCell) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterCell
itra - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder


K0ID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
KaonID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
keys() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.PropertySet
keys() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Event
Returns an enumeration of the keys in this event.
KFlag - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
KFlag - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
KLMFitError - exception hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitError.
Thrown if an error occurs during fitting
KLMFitTrack - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack.
KLMFitTrack() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
KLMTrackFit - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackFit.
An object returned by calling KLMTrackFitter.fitTrack
KLMTrackFit() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackFit
KLMTrackParam - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam.
KLMTrackParam() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
KLMTrackParam(TrkParams, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
KlongID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
KshortID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
Ksi() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
get Ksi vector


LambdaCID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
LambdaID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
lastCMat() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
LastEvent - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.Reconstruction
LastEvent - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackReco
LastEvent - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.CombinedReco
LastEvent - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackRecoTPC
lastIndexOf(ZvgCMat) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
find last index of track in list
returns -1, if not found
lastIndexOf(ZvProbTube) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
lastIndexOf(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
find last index of track in list
returns -1, if not found
lastIndexOf(ZvVertex) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
lastTrack() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
lastTube() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
lastVertex() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
layers - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter
LayOutRad - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
LayRadii - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
LCD_detector_CVS - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.LCD_detector_CVS.
LCD_detector_CVS() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.LCD_detector_CVS
LCD_detector_ID - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.LCD_detector_ID.
LCD_detector_ID() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.LCD_detector_ID
LCD_Gismo_Detector - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Detector.
LCD_Gismo_Detector() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Detector
LCD_Gismo_Event - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Event.
LCD_Gismo_Event() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Event
LCDEvent - interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent.
The LCD Event header.
LCDEventServer - class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDEventServer.
LCDEventSource - class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDEventSource.
LCDEventSource(String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDEventSource
LCDException - exception hep.lcd.util.error.LCDException.
LCDException(String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.error.LCDException
LCDException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.error.LCDException
LCDGEOMETRY - class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.LCDGEOMETRY.
LCDGEOMETRY() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.LCDGEOMETRY
LCDLocal - class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDLocal.
LCDLocal() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDLocal
LCDPlugin - class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDPlugin.
LCDPlugin - class hep.lcd.plugin.LCDPlugin.
A plugin subclass for visualizing LCD events.
LCDPlugin() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDPlugin
LCDPlugin() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.plugin.LCDPlugin
The constructor sets up the detector properties.
LEFT - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
Level - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
LEVEL_HIGH - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.ProcessorContext
High level of output or histograms should be produced
LEVEL_LOW - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.ProcessorContext
Low level of output or histograms should be produced
LEVEL_MEDIUM - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.ProcessorContext
Medium level of output or histograms should be produced
LEVEL_NONE - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.ProcessorContext
No output or histogram should be produced
lnGamma(double) - Static method in class hep.lcd.util.statistics.StatTools
logarithmic Gamma function ln Gamma(x)
longDist() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrkDist
distance from initial point of along reference axis to point where the transverse distance is measured, negative if in opposite direction than axis
Note: -1000, if there is no solution, ie track parallel to axis
LOOPING - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
LOST - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
LrsHalfLength - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
lrshit - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
LUM - Static variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
Flag to print luminosity calorimeter hit information.
LUM_EndCap - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.LUM_EndCap.
LUM_EndCap(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.LUM_EndCap
LUM_Segmentation - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.LUM_Segmentation.
LUM_Segmentation(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.LUM_Segmentation
LUMCalorimeter - class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.LUMCalorimeter.
LUMCalorimeter - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.LUMCalorimeter.
LUMCalorimeter() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.LUMCalorimeter
LUMCalorimeter() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.LUMCalorimeter
LUMCalorimeterHits - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent


m_cells - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection
m_table - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection
mag() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
mag() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Unsigned distance of DOCA from origin.
mag() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
mag() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
total momentum for Hep3Vector implementation
mag2() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
mag2() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
Square of distance of DOCA from origin.
mag2() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
mag2() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
squared total momentum for Hep3Vector implementation
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.contrib.recon.TrackAnl
Used for standalone reconstruction
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.geometry.Detector
Just for testing
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.io.AsciiReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.io.BinaryReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileServer
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDEventServer
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOEventServer
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.MultiFileServer
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOEventSource
Test routine
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearDriver
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.recon.ReconDriver
Used for standalone reconstruction
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterDriver
Only used when running standalone Start by opening dataset which must be local.
makeClusters() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection
From clusters from hit cells.
makeTrack(int, int, int, double, double, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBPat2
makeTrack(int, int, int, int, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
markUsedHits(boolean[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
Material - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Material.
MaterialList - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MaterialList.
MaterialList(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MaterialList
materials() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MaterialList
Get an Enumeration of the materials
MaxLayers - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
MaxLayers - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
MaxLayers - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
MaxLayers - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
MaxLayerToCount - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
MaxLevel - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
MaxLevel - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
maxLevels - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
MaxNTracks - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
maxPatterns - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
MaxPntBin - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
MaxPoints - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
MaxPoints - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
MAXSTEPS - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
MaxTracks - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
MaxTrkPts - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHotList
MaxTrkPts - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
MC - Static variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
Flag to print MC particle information.
MCDecay - class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCDecay.
MCDecay(MCParticle) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCDecay
MCFast - class hep.lcd.mc.fast.MCFast.
Fast Monte Carlo simulator
MCFast() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.MCFast
MCFast(int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.MCFast
MCFast(int, int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.MCFast
MCHist - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.Reconstruction
mchtab - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
MCJet - class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCJet.
MCJet(MCParticle) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCJet
mcp - Variable in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
mcp - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
mcp - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
MCPar_tk - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
mcpart - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
MCParticle - interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle.
MCParticles - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
MCPrint - class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.MCPrint.
MCPrint - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.MCPrint.
MCPrint() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.MCPrint
MCPrint() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.MCPrint
mcprt - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
MCPseudoParticle - class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle.
MCPseudoParticle(MCParticle) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle
MinLevel - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
minRadius - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
minRadius - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
MonteCarlo - interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo.
Analyzes Monte Carlo particles within JAS framework.
Mother - Variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle
MSCAT_OR_DEDX - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitError
MU_Barrel - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MU_Barrel.
MU_Barrel(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MU_Barrel
MU_EndCap - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MU_EndCap.
MU_EndCap(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MU_EndCap
MU_Segmentation - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MU_Segmentation.
MU_Segmentation(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MU_Segmentation
MUCalorimeter - class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.MUCalorimeter.
MUCalorimeter - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.MUCalorimeter.
MUCalorimeter() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.MUCalorimeter
MUCalorimeter() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.MUCalorimeter
MultiFileEventSource - class hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileEventSource.
MultiFileEventSource - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.MultiFileEventSource.
MultiFileEventSource(String, String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileEventSource
MultiFileEventSource(String, String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.MultiFileEventSource
MultiFileServer - class hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileServer.
MultiFileServer - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.MultiFileServer.
MultiLayer_TRACK_Barrel - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayer_TRACK_Barrel.
MultiLayer_TRACK_Barrel(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayer_TRACK_Barrel
MultiLayer_TRACK_EndCap - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayer_TRACK_EndCap.
MultiLayer_TRACK_EndCap(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayer_TRACK_EndCap
MultiLayer_VERTX_Barrel - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayer_VERTX_Barrel.
MultiLayer_VERTX_Barrel(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayer_VERTX_Barrel
MultiLayerBarrelDetector - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector.
MultiLayerEndCapDetector - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector.
MUON - Static variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
Flag to print muon detector hit information.
MuonCalorimeterHits - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
MuonEndExtrap - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
MuonExtrap - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
MuonID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
MuonStripHit - interface hep.lcd.event.MuonStripHit.
MuonStripHits - interface hep.lcd.event.MuonStripHits.
A collection of muon strip hits
MuonStripHits - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
MUStripSystem - class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.MUStripSystem.
MUStripSystem() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.MUStripSystem
MutableTrackerHit - interface hep.lcd.mc.smear.MutableTrackerHit.
A TrackerHit may implement MutableTrackerHit to indicate it is willing to allow a hit smearing routine to change the space point corresponding to the hit


NAN_ERROR_IN_DIST - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
NAzBins - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
nBarrels - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
nCalc - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
nCCDLrs - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials
NDecayed - Variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle
nDetectors - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
NDF - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
Ndof_tk - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
NEG_SQR_ERR_IN_TRACKS - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
NEG_SQR_ERR_IN_TRACKS - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
NEG_SQR_ERR_IN_VTX - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
NEG_SQR_ERR_IN_VTX - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
nEndCaps - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
NeutronID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
nEvt - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
newTrackFit(int, int, double[]) - Static method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
Initialize for a new track fit
nextDouble() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions.GaussianBoxRandom
Return the next random number as a double.
nextFloat() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions.GaussianBoxRandom
Return the next random number as a floating point number.
NFinal - Variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle
nGhostTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get number of tracks marked as ghost tracks
nhits - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHotList
nInAnyVertex() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get number of tracks in any vertex
nInNoVertex() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get number of tracks not being in regular vertex This is just the rest which is not in #nInAnyVertex().
nIsolated() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get number of isolated tracks Note: This is not necessarily the same as not being in any regular vertex.
NLayers - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
NLayers - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
nLevels - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
nmctrks - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
NO_CONVERGENCE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
NO_CONVERGENCE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
NO_GUESS_DIRECTION - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
NO_JET_DIRECTION - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
NO_TRACK - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatusWords
NO_TRACKS - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
NO_TRACKS - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
NO_TRACKS - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
noBeamSpotConstraint - Static variable in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.MCFast
Switch for MCfast tracking options.
noCurvatureFlip - Static variable in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.MCFast
Switch for MCfast track curvature flipping option.
NoFieldExtrap - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
NonEventRecord - interface hep.lcd.io.ascii.NonEventRecord.
nonGhostTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get a sublist of tracks marked as non-ghost tracks
NOT_ENOUGH_INP_TRACKS - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
NOT_ENOUGH_TRACKS - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
NOT_ENOUGH_TRACKS - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
NOT_FITTED - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.FitStatusInt
NOT_SWUM - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatusWords
NOTFLIPPED - Static variable in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
NOTFLIPPED - Static variable in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
noTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
no tracks?
noTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
no tracks?
noTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
no tracks?
noTrackSet() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus
track set?
nPatterns - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
Npatterns - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
npchkd - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
npteff - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
nPtsReq - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
nPtsReq - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
nSpecial() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get number of tracks marked as special
NTotal - Variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle
ntra - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
NTracks - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
ntras - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
ntrk - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHotList
NuEID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
NumStr - class hep.lcd.contrib.util.NumStr.
NumStr() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.util.NumStr
NuMuID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
NuTauID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
nvtx - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHotList


OK - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatusWords
OK - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.FitStatusInt
omega - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
omkap() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
get omkap = sgn(q)*Bz*kappa/333.567
-- this is neither full omega, nor a true kappa ...
OneArgumentFunction - interface hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.OneArgumentFunction.
openDataSet(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDLocal
openDataSet(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileServer
openDataSet(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.MultiFileServer
openDataSet(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOLocal
Orderable - interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util.Orderable.
OuterRadius - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
outp - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
outputClass() - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.ascii.EventHandler
outputClass() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.BasicHandler
outputClass() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.EMCalorimeter
outputClass() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.Tracker
outputClass() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.MUStripSystem
outputClass() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.Tracks
outputClass() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.MCPrint
outt - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder


p - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
pageChanged(PageEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.plugin.LCDPlugin
paint(PlotGraphics) - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.DetectorComponent
paint(PlotGraphics) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector
paint(PlotGraphics) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
paint(PlotGraphics) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
par - Variable in class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomBkg
parameters() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
get currently set ZvTopVertexer specific parameters
params - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
params - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
parent - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector
parent - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
parent - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
parm - Variable in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
parseFloat(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.BasicHandler
parseInt(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.BasicHandler
parsePoint(StringTokenizer) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.BasicHandler
Paternmb - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
phi0 - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
phi0 - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
phiBins - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter
PhotonID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
PI_MASS - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
PIDHist - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.Reconstruction
PionID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
Pipe_BARREL - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Pipe_BARREL.
Pipe_BARREL(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Pipe_BARREL
PiZeroID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
PLANE_MINUSZ - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
PLANE_MINUSZ - Static variable in class hep.lcd.util.swim.Helix
PLANE_PLUSZ - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
PLANE_PLUSZ - Static variable in class hep.lcd.util.swim.Helix
PLANE_R - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
PLANE_R - Static variable in class hep.lcd.util.swim.Helix
PlotGraphics - interface hep.lcd.geometry.PlotGraphics.
POOR_QUALITY - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
poorQuality() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
poor quality of resulting ghost track?
POS_OUT_OF_VOLUME - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatusWords
position() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSpatPoint
get the space point position
position() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBeamSpot
get the beam spot position
PowerFun - class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.PowerFun.
PowerFun(double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.PowerFun
PRIMARY - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
PrimaryEnergy - Variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle
PrimaryID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
print() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterDbg
print() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection.CalCell
print() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
print() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
print() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
print(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
printAll(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
This version of printAll() prints the event with the default flags.
printAll(LCDEvent, int) - Static method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
This version of printAll() can be called by the user with the specified flags (no object need be constructed).
printEvent(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
printEvent(LCDEvent) - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
printPoints(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
printReason(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
printStackTrace() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.error.LCDException
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.error.LCDException
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.error.LCDException
printSummary() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.ClusterDbg
printSummary() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalClusterCollection.CalCluster
prob(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
get the probablity density at point x_c
prob(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBeamSpot
get the probabilty density at point xc for beam spot
PROBLEM - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
PROBLEM - Static variable in class hep.lcd.util.swim.Helix
probTubeSuperposition() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
check on switch to use prob tube superposition values on output
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.SimpleMonteCarlo
process(LCDEvent) - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.recon.tracking.analysis.SimpleAnlReconTrks
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
process is called automatically each event when installed by a driver.
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.MCFast
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomCCDBkg
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomTPCBkg
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomEndCpBkg
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearTPCHits
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearCCDHits
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.cheat.ClusterCheater
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Build clusters from calorimeter hits in event header.
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.simple.SimpleClusterBuilder
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.FitTracks
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AddReconTrks
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBReco
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCReco
process(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
process(LCDEvent) - Method in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.Processor
Called by the driver when this processor should process an event.
processEvent(EventData) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
Processor - interface hep.lcd.util.driver.Processor.
A processor represents a reconstruction or MC processing stage, such as a track finder or cluster finder.
ProcessorContext - interface hep.lcd.util.driver.ProcessorContext.
The context in which a processor runs.
PropertySet - interface hep.lcd.geometry.PropertySet.
PropertyTable - class hep.lcd.geometry.PropertyTable.
PropertyTable() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.PropertyTable
ProtonID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
pt - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
PTINY - Static variable in class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim
public static constants
put_curv(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
put_d0(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
put_omega(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
put_phi0(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
put_s(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
put_tandip(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
put_z0(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
put(int, TrkHitOnTrk) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHotList
put(Object, Object) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.smart.SmartHashtable
put(String, Object) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Event
putFrHtsSameMC(int, double) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
putFrHtsSameMC(int, double) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
putFrHtsSameMC(int, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
putFrHtsSameMC(int, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
putParams(TrkParams) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials
putParams(TrkParams) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.WeightMatrix
putTrack(Track) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials
putTrack(Track) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
putTrack(Track) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.WeightMatrix
putTrkCandidate(TrkCandidate) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
putTrkParams(TrkParams) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
putTrkParams(TrkParams, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
px - Variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle
Px - Variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle
py - Variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle
Py - Variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle
PythiaParticlePropertyProvider - class hep.lcd.contrib.physics.PythiaParticlePropertyProvider.
Table of particle properties from Pythia Monte Carlo used by Based on Pythia version: 6.154 ParticlePropertyProvider.
PythiaParticlePropertyProvider() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.physics.PythiaParticlePropertyProvider
Default constructor
PythiaStringID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
pz - Variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle
Pz - Variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MCPseudoParticle


q - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam


RadialClusterBuilder - class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder.
RadialClusterBuilder first assigns all hits with energy above a settable "ignore" threshold to a cell (size of cells is configurable, but default is four layers deep and two detector elements wide in phi and theta).
RadialClusterBuilder() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Default (and only) constructor for class RadialClusterBuilder.
RadialClusterDriver - class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterDriver.
Bare bones driver for RadialClusterBuilder.
RadialClusterDriver() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterDriver
radiusInner - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector
radiusInner - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
radiusInner - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
radiusOuter - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector
radiusOuter - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
radiusOuter - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
RadLengths - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.RadLengths.
RadLengths.java This class provides access to radiation lengths table for different materials.
RadLengths - class hep.lcd.util.material.RadLengths.
RadLengths.java This class provides access to radiation lengths table for different materials.
RadLengths() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.RadLengths
Initialize table
RadLengths() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.material.RadLengths
Initialize table
RadLengths(int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.RadLengths
RadLengths(int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.material.RadLengths
reachesRadius(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkExtrap
reachesRadius(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
read(SIOBlock, LCDEvent) - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.BlockHandler
read(SIOBlock, LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.EMCalorimeter
read(SIOBlock, LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.LUMCalorimeter
read(SIOBlock, LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.LCD_detector_CVS
read(SIOBlock, LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.HADCalorimeter
read(SIOBlock, LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.MCPrint
read(SIOBlock, LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.VXD
read(SIOBlock, LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.EventMarker
read(SIOBlock, LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.MUCalorimeter
read(SIOBlock, LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.LCD_detector_ID
read(SIOBlock, LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.Tracker
read(SIORecord) - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.RecordHandler
read(SIORecord) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Detector
read(SIORecord) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Event
readPntr() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.sio.SIOInputStream
Read an SIO PNTR.
readPTag(Object) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.sio.SIOInputStream
Read an SIO PTAG and associate it with an Object o
readRecord() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.sio.SIOReader
readSegment(LineNumberReader) - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.ascii.NonEventRecord
readSegment(LineNumberReader) - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.ascii.EventMarker
readSegment(LineNumberReader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.AEventMarker
readSegment(LineNumberReader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.AsciiIOVersion
readSegment(LineNumberReader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.LCDGEOMETRY
readSegment(LineNumberReader, EventHeader) - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.ascii.SegmentHandler
readSegment(LineNumberReader, EventHeader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.EMCalorimeter
readSegment(LineNumberReader, EventHeader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.Tracker
readSegment(LineNumberReader, EventHeader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.MUStripSystem
readSegment(LineNumberReader, EventHeader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.Tracks
readSegment(LineNumberReader, EventHeader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.MUCalorimeter
readSegment(LineNumberReader, EventHeader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.VXD
readSegment(LineNumberReader, EventHeader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.MCPrint
readSegment(LineNumberReader, EventHeader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.LUMCalorimeter
readSegment(LineNumberReader, EventHeader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.HADCalorimeter
reasnot - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
recable - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
recalculateTrack(Specifications) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
recmatch - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
ReconCluster - class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster.
ReconDriver - class hep.lcd.recon.ReconDriver.
ReconDriver() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.ReconDriver
Default constructor creates a reconstructor that will use the fast tracking simulation and jrb clustering algorithm
ReconEMCluster - class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconEMCluster.
ReconHADCluster - class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconHADCluster.
reconstructable(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
reconstructed(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
ReconstructedTrack - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack.
ReconstructedTrack(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
ReconstructedTrack(double, TrkParams) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
ReconstructedTrack(double, TrkParams, TrkExtrap) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
ReconstructedTrack(int, Tracker, TrkExtrap) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
Reconstruction - class hep.lcd.recon.Reconstruction.
Reconstruction() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.Reconstruction
ReconTrack - class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack.
Provides MC smeared track.
ReconTrackList - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconTrackList.
ReconTrackList(Vector) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconTrackList
RecordHandler - interface hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.RecordHandler.
rectrk - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
REFINED - Static variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
Flag to print all the "refined" clusters.
RefinedClusters - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
reflect() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.EndCapCalorimeter
reflect() - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.component.EndCap
Register - class hep.lcd.plugin.Register.
Register() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.plugin.Register
Reinit() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Get detector parameters.
releaseHits(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VertexDetector
releaseHits(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
remove(Processor) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
Removes a Processor from this Driver
removeAllCMats() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
removeAllTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
removeAllTubes() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
removeAllVertices() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
removeCMat(ZvgCMat) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
removeCMatAt(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
removeTrack(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
removeTrackAt(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
removeTube(ZvProbTube) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
removeTubeAt(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
removeVertex(ZvVertex) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
removeVertexAt(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
replaceTrkPrms(int, double[]) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
To replace track params by fitter output
replaceTrkPrms(int, double[]) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
replaceTrkPrms(int, double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
replaceTrkPrms(int, double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
resetTrackVtxInfo() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
reset vertex info for all tracks
restrictTo2Pi(double, double) - Static method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvUtils
restrict angular value to range [min,min+2*PI] in angle;
retrieveAllDesc(BSort.WriteSequence) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util.BSort
rewind() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.smart.EventInputStream
RGN_BRL - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util.DetectorConstants
RGN_NEC - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util.DetectorConstants
RGN_SEC - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util.DetectorConstants
Rho0ID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
RhoID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
root - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
rOut - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
RPhiResolution - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
rPipe - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
rTol - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
rTol - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
runStateChanged(RunEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.plugin.LCDPlugin


s - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
same() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus
successfully swum to the same point?
same(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
compare for same handle first
if not identical, than compare trackIds
sameId(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
compare for same trackId
SegmentedDetectorComponent - interface hep.lcd.geometry.SegmentedDetectorComponent.
SegmentHandler - interface hep.lcd.io.ascii.SegmentHandler.
segmentName - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter
selectThreePoints(int, int, double, int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBPat2
selectThreePoints(int, int, double, int, int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
set() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearTrackerHits
sEta2() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
get sigma(Eta)^2
setActive(boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
setAssignedVertex(ZvVertex) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set assigned vertex information
setAssignedVertex(ZvVertex, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set assigned vertex information and chi2 contribution by this track
setAxisMomentum(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
set the jet axis momentum
setBackwardCutoff(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set the backward cutoff for the tube list
default: -0.01 cm
setBackwardCutoff(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
set the backward cutoff for point xc along jet axis
-- default set to -0.01 cm
setBeamDirection(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
set the beam direction
(or the reference direction)
default: {0.,0.,1.}
setBeamDirection(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
set the beam direction
(or the reference direction)
default: {0.,0.,1.}
setBeamSpot(ZvBeamSpot) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
set beam spot
default: (0,0,0)
setBField(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
setCang(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set the weight vertex finding probability
Weights the vertex finding probability by the factor exp(-cang*alpha^2) where alpha is the angle (in radians) between the line joining the IP to the 3d spatial coordinate and the jet axis.
setCharge(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set the track charge
setCheckExact(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
set checking for global minimum to exact level
0 = don't check (fastest processing)
1 = rough check (medium processing speed)
2 = full check (slowest processing)
-- default: 1
setChi2(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Store the chi2.
setChi2(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
set chi2 from vertex fit
setChi2(double) - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VertexInt
set chi2 from vertex fit
setChi2Contribution(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set chi2 contribution to assigned vertex by this track
setChi2TrackCut(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set the cut on the chi^2 contribution of a track to a vertex
default: 10.0
setCMatAt(ZvgCMat, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
setCMatList(ZvgCMatList) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Set CMat list to be considered
setContext(ProcessorContext) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
Called by the Driver to set the context
setContext(ProcessorContext) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
setContext(ProcessorContext) - Method in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.Processor
Called by the Driver when this processor is added to the Driver
setCosBeamAxisClear(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Set the cosine for the beam axis clearance angle of the ghost track for good quality check.
setCosInitGuessDev(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Set the cosine of the maximum angle difference to initial ghost track guess for good quality check.
setCurrentDetector(Detector) - Static method in class hep.lcd.geometry.Detector
setCurvatureFlip(boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim
Flag for flipped curvature.
setCurvatureFlip(boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.Helix
Flag for flipped curvature.
setCylinderGeometry(double, double, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim
Set cylindrical geometry parallel to z-axis.
setDebugLevel(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
setDetector(Detector) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.MCFast
setDetector(Detector) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
A default implementation of Processor.setDetector().
setDetector(Detector) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
setDetector(Detector) - Method in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.Processor
Called by the driver when a new detector geometry is set.
setDetector(Detector, CalorimeterCell) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Event
SetDetectors(Calorimeter, Calorimeter) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection
Once detector segmentation is known, can do a bunch of initialization.
setDiagErrors(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBeamSpot
set errors for beam spot
sqrt(diagonal elements of error matrix)!
default: 7 um (xy) and 30 um (z) error in diagonal
setDist(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus
set the swum distance & set successful
setDistMin(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
set the minimum swim distance
-- otherwise no swimming for the track necessary
-- default: 0.1
setDistMinRes(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
set the resolution for the global minimum check
-- default: 0.00001 cm
setDTrkMax(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Set the maximum distance along track to be swum in ZvgGhostTrackFinder.
setDTrkMin(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Set the minimum distance along track to be swum in ZvgGhostTrackFinder.
setEMBinning(int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Set cell size for EM clustering.
setEMIgnoreEnergy(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Set EM threshold that hits below this energy will be ignored by clustering process.
setEMNucleusEnergy(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Set EM threshold such that clusters with no hit above the threshold are not included in the list of good EM clusters.
setEMThreshold(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.simple.SimpleClusterBuilder
Sets the minimum energy needed by a hit in the EM calorimeter for it to form a cluster nucleus
setErrorMatrix(double[][]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBeamSpot
set beam spot error matrix
default: 7 um (xy) and 30 um (z) error in diagonal
setEvent(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Event
setFileOutput(PrintWriter) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Write diagnostic output
setFileOutput(PrintWriter) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection
Determine if we write to a file or not Method for setting file for diagnostic output.
setFillColor(Color) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector
setFillColor(Color) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
setFillColor(Color) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
setFirstEvent(int) - Static method in class hep.lcd.recon.Reconstruction
setFit(Fitter, double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions.GaussianBoxFunction
setFitStatus(ZvFitStatus) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
set fit status for this vertex
setFitter(TrkFitter) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
setFitter(TrkFitter) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
setFitter(TrkFitter) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
setFitter(TrkFitter) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
setFitting() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AddReconTrks
setFlags(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
setFlags() can be used to change the print flags for an object.
setForwardCutoff(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set the forward cutoff for the tube list
default: 10 cm
setForwardCutoff(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
set the forward cutoff for point xc along jet axis
-- default set to 10 cm
setGhostTrack(ZvGhostTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Set ghost track to be used.
This does not cause a new calculation of the chi2Zeros!
setGhostTrackParameters(double[], double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
create a ghost track along direction vector starting at point xp
setGhostTrackParameters(double[], double, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
create a ghost track along direction (phi,theta) starting at point xp
setGhostTrackWidth(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
set the ghost track width (and create error matrix with default values for other parameters)
setGhostTrackWidth(double, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
set the ghost track width (and create error matrix)
setGroup(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials
setGuessDistMax(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set the maximum distance cutoff for initial 2-track vertex guess
default: 4.0 cm
setGWidthIni(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Set the initial ghost track width in ZvgGhostTrackFinder.
setHADBinning(int, int, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Set cell size for HAD clustering.
setHADIgnoreEnergy(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Set HAD threshold that hits below this energy will be ignored by clustering process.
setHADNucleusEnergy(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Set HAD threshold such that clusters with no hit above the threshold are not included in the list of good HAD clusters.
setHADThreshold(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.simple.SimpleClusterBuilder
Sets the minimum energy needed by a hit in the HAD calorimeter for it to form a cluster nucleus
setHasBeamSpot(boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
set whether beam spot is in vertex
default: false
setHistogramLevel(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
setInitGuessDir(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Set initial guess direction for ghost track.
setIP(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Set reference point (eg IP)
setIP(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Set reference point (eg IP)
setIPConst(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
set the constant for IP weighting
setIPWeight(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set the IP weight
weights the significance of the IP, large values will tend to absorb nearby vertices/fakes into the primary vertex.
setJetCoreConst(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
set angular constant for jet core enhancement
-- V = V*Math.exp(-cang*alpha^2), with alpha being the angle between jet and xc direction from refPoint
setJetDirection(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Set jet direction
Needed to calculate soft jet core weight in chi2.
setJetDirection(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Set jet direction
Needed to calculate soft jet core weight in chi2.
setJetMomentum(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set the jet momentum
default: (0,0,0) -- take mean of track momenta
setJWgtExp(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Set the exponent for jet core weighting in ZvgChi2Calculator
alpha = alpha^exp
Default: 0.8
setJWgtExp(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Set the exponent for jet core weighting.
setJWgtFac(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Set the factor for jet core weighting in ZvgChi2Calculator.
setJWgtFac(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Set the factor for jet core weighting.
setL0(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Set the (transverse) path length l0 to original track vertex.
setLastEvent(int) - Static method in class hep.lcd.recon.Reconstruction
setLongDist(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set longitudinal distance along line IP - choosen vtx
setMass(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
set mass for pion hypothesis
setMaxChi2(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Set the maximum chi2 for ZvgChi2Calculator
Default: 1.0
setMaxChi2(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Set maximum chi2 cut.
setMaxSinL(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
set the maximum sin(lambda) -- dip angle cut off
setMaxSinL(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
set the maximum sin(lambda) -- dip angle cut off
setMaxTry(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
set the maximum number of tries
setMaxTry(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
set the maximum number of tries for outer loop
-- default: 3
setMaxTry(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
set the maximum number of tries for master loop
-- default: 7
setMaxTryGlobal(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
set the maximum number of tries for finding global minimum
-- default: 5
setMaxTryInner(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
set the maximum number of tries for inner loop
-- default: 2
setMCParticle(int, MCParticle) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
setMCParticle(int, MCParticle) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
setMCParticle(int, MCParticle) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
setMCParticle(int, MCParticle) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
setMode(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set lepton/high impact track mode
0 normal ZvTop 1 lepton or high impact track mode 2 like 1 but remove track for vertex finding 3 ...
setMode(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
set the lepton/high impact track mode
--- allowed values: 0 - 3
setNDF(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
Change the number degrees of freedom.
setNoFitting() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AddReconTrks
setNTry(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Set the current trial number Default: 1
setNumberOfEvents(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.Dataset
setNumTracks(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
set number of Tracks
setOutput(PrintWriter) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection
Method for allowing diagnostic output, typically to console
setParam(ZvTopParam) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
set ZvTopVertexer specific parameters
setParameter(int, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions.GaussianBoxFunction
setParameters(ZvgGTFParam) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Set the constant parameter set.
setPlane(ZvTrack, double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
set the track for lepton/high impact track plane in mode>0
-- needs IP point xIP
setPlane(ZvTrack, double[], int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
set the track for lepton/high impact track plane in mode>0
-- needs IP point xIP
setPlaneConst(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
set the constant for track-IP plane mode weighting
setPlaneWidth(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set the gaussian width of plane for mode >= 1 in cm
Default: 0.01
setPoint(double[]) - Method in interface hep.lcd.mc.smear.MutableTrackerHit
setPointDensity(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim
Set minimum point number on a full circle.
setPointDistance(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim
Set point distance along trajectory:
setPosition(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSpatPoint
set the space point position
setPosition(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBeamSpot
set beam spot position
default: set to (0,0,0)
setProbTubeSuperposition(boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
set up for prob tube superposition instead of normal vertex prob output (for debugging purposes)
default: false
setPutToEvent(boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder
Set whether or not clusters should be added to event.
setRefError(double[][]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
set the reference point error matrix (3x3)
setRefPoint(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
set the reference point
setRefPoint(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
Set the reference point (eg IP)
CAUTION: Takes effect for future additions to list only.
setResolCut(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set resolubility cut
can vary 0.0 < resolCut < 1.0
larger values produce more vertices
default: 0.6
setResolMin(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set minimum resolubility for spatial points
smaller values may produce more vertices
default: 10 um
setResolNSteps(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set number of steps used to evaluate the resolution of spatial points
default: 16
SetRPhiResolution - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
setRPhiResolution(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
setRPhiResolution(double) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
setRPhiResolution(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
Set resolutions
setRPhiResolution(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBReco
setRPhiResolution(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCReco
setRun(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Event
setSeed(long) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
setSegmentation(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter
setSpecs(boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
setSpecs(boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDSpecifications
setSpecs(boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.EndCpSpecifications
setSpecs(boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCSpecifications
setStatus(String) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus
set the status
setStatus(String) - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.FitStatusInt
set the status
setStatus(ZvSwimStatusWords) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus
set the status
setStepMax(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Set the maximum (initial) step size for angle stepping loop in ZvgGhostTrackFinder.
setStepMin(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
set the minimum step size
-- otherwise consider it converged
setStepMin(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
Set the minimum (final) step size for angle stepping loop in ZvgGhostTrackFinder.
setStepMin(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
set the minimum step size
-- otherwise consider it converged
setStepSize(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
set the usual step size
setStepSize(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
set the usual step size
setStrict(boolean) - Static method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.BasicHandler
setSumCharge(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
set sum of charges
setSwimmer(Swimmer) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
set the Swimmer to be used
default: ZvSwimmer (with it's default settings)
setSwimmer(Swimmer) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Set the swimmer to be used.
Default: ZvSwimmer with it's default settings.
setSwimmer(Swimmer) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
set the Swimmer to be used
default: ZvSwimmer (with it's default settings)
setSwimmer(Swimmer) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
set the Swimmer to be used
default: ZvSwimmer (with it's default settings)
setSwimmer(Swimmer) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
set the Swimmer to be used
default: ZvSwimmer (with it's default settings)
setSwimmer(Swimmer) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
set the Swimmer to be used
default: ZvSwimmer (with it's default settings)
setSwimStatus(ZvSwimStatus) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set the swim status
setTowerID(int) - Method in interface hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell
Set the current id
setTrack(double[], double[], int) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim
Set track for helix swimmmer.
setTrack(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
set track to be swum
setTrack(ZvTrack) - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Swimmer
set track to be swum
setTrack(ZvTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
set track to be swum
setTrackAt(ReconTrack, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
setTrackAt(ZvTrack, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
setTrackAt(ZvTrack, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
setTracker(Tracker) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFitter
setTracker(Tracker) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
setTracker(Tracker) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
setTrackId(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set track id
default: -1 : none
setTrackList(ZvTrackList) - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VtxFitter
set track list to be fitted
setTrackList(ZvTrackList) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
set track list to be fitted
setTrackList(ZvTrackList) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
set the input track list
setTrackParameters(ReconTrack) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
ZvTrack converts track parameters to: IndexMeaning 0 phi 1 kappa = 1/pt 2 s = tan(lambda) 3 x 4 y 5 z
ATTENTION: The ZvTrack error matrix uses however: IndexMeaning 0 phi 1 kappa = 1/pt 2 s = tan(lambda) 3 ksi 4 eta
setTrackParameters(TrackParameters) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
Set track parameters directly from TrackParameters and convert.
setTransDist(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set transverse distance from line IP - choosen vtx
setTrkExtrap(double, double, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
setTubeAt(ZvProbTube, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
setTubeScaleFac(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set probablity tube scale factor
factor = 0.0 -- use constant tube width
factor = 1.0 -- use track swim errors for the probabilty tubes (parabolic approximation)
factor > 0.0 -- multiply swam track tube by this factor
factor < 0 -- mulltiply non-swam track by abs(factor)
Default: 0.0
setTubeScaling(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
set the 'scaling' factor for tube coefficients
fac = 1. : no scaling fac > 0. : scaling with fac fac = 0. : only constant approximation, no scaling fac < 0. : only constant approximation, scaling with abs(fac)
setTubeScaling(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
set the tube coefficienct's scaling factor
setupEvent(LCDEvent) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFitter
setupEvent(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
setupEvent(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
setupFinder(Tracker) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
Set TrackFinder parameters.
setupFinder(Tracker) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
Setup Finder parameters and initiate callback to set pattern recognition strategy.
setupParameters() - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
Setup Tracker parameters.
setupParameters() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
setupParameters() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
Setup Tracker parameters.
setupParameters() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBPat2
setupParameters() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBReco
setupParameters() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCPat2
setupStrategy(int, double[], int, int[][], int[]) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
Set TrackFinder strategy.
setupStrategy(int, double[], int, int[][], int[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
Setup pattern recognition strategy.
setUseJetAxis(boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
if true, use jet momentum vector of vertex originating at beam spot as axis for the calculation of track's transverse and longitudinal distance from decay,
use axis between beam spot and the vertex furthest out.
default: false
setUseStrongBeamSpot(boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
Use a strong beamspot constraint:
-- use beamspot constraint in final track fit, if vertex contains beamspot
-- use beamspot position/error martrix for vertex with beamspot but without any tracks
default: false (usual ZVTOP3 behavior)
setVertexAt(ZvVertex, int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
setVertexDetector(VertexDetector) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBPat2
setVertexDetector(VertexDetector) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBReco
setVertexer(ZvTopVertexer) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
set the vertexer used
setVertexErr(double[][]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
set vertex error matrix
setVertexErr(double[][]) - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VertexInt
set vertex error matrix
setVertexId(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSpatPoint
set the index of the associated vertex
setVertexPos(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
set vertex position
setVertexPos(double[]) - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VertexInt
set vertex position
setVolume(double, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
set the fiducial volume of the detector
maximum radius and maximum abs(z)
setVolume(double, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
set the fiducial volume of the detector
maximum radius and maximum abs(z)
setVSig(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSpatPoint
set the space point vertex significance value
setVSigMin(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set the minimum required vertex significance for a spatial point
default: 0.001
setVSigMinFrac(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
set the minimum vertex significance fraction for a spatial point with respect to the maximum per track
default: 0.10
setVtxFitter(VtxFitter) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
set the vtxFitter to be used
default: ZvFitter (with it's default settings)
setVtxInfo(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set special information on vertex
setVtxResMax(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
set the maximal vertex resolution -- vertex has converged, if two subsequent fits are within this distance of each other
-- default: 0.001
setVtxSig(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
set vertex significance value for vertex
setVtxTracks(ZvTrackList) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
set assigned tracks as track list
setVXD(VertexDetector) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFitter
setVXD(VertexDetector) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
setVXD(VertexDetector) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
SetZResolution - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
setZResolution(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
setZResolution(double) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
setZResolution(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
setZResolution(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.combined.COMBReco
setZResolution(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCReco
setZvTrackError(double[][]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set the helix parameter error array
(5x5 dim - ZvTrack convention)
setZvTrackKappa(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set track kappa
setZvTrackList(ZvTrackList) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Set ZvTrackList to be used.
setZvTrackList(ZvTrackList) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Set ZvTrackList to be used
(Should have same size at CMatList and should be swum to 2D doca.)
setZvTrackParam(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set the helix parameter array
(6 dim - ZvTrack convention)
setZvTrackParam(double[], double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set the helix parameter array plus charge
(6 dim - ZvTrack convention)
setZvTrackParam(int, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set the helix parameter i
(6 dim - ZvTrack convention)
setZvTrackPhi(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set track phi
setZvTrackPos(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set the helix parameter position sub array
(3 out of 6 dim - ZvTrack convention)
setZvTrackTanL(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
set track tanL
showDetectorDerived() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection
SHOWER - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
si - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
SigmaB0ID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
SimpleAnlReconTrks - class hep.lcd.contrib.recon.tracking.analysis.SimpleAnlReconTrks.
Picks up reconstructed LCD tracks and calorimeter clusters within JAS framework and identifies particles.
SimpleAnlReconTrks(MonteCarlo) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.recon.tracking.analysis.SimpleAnlReconTrks
SimpleAnlReconTrks(MonteCarlo, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.recon.tracking.analysis.SimpleAnlReconTrks
SimpleClusterBuilder - class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.simple.SimpleClusterBuilder.
SimpleClusterBuilder implements a brute force clustering algorithm that simply assigns all neighbouring hits to the same cluster.
SimpleClusterBuilder() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.simple.SimpleClusterBuilder
SimpleMonteCarlo - class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.SimpleMonteCarlo.
Analyzes Monte Carlo particles within JAS framework.
SimpleMonteCarlo() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.SimpleMonteCarlo
SimpleMonteCarlo(boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.SimpleMonteCarlo
SINGULAR_MATRIX - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
SINGULAR_MATRIX - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
sinN() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
get the sine of normal vector to momentum in xy plane
SIOBlock - interface hep.lcd.io.sio.SIOBlock.
SIOEventServer - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOEventServer.
SIOEventSource - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOEventSource.
SIOEventSource(String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOEventSource
SIOInputStream - class hep.lcd.io.sio.SIOInputStream.
An SIOInputStream provides all the functionality of an XDRInputStream, but adds the ability to do pointer relocation within records.
SIOLocal - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOLocal.
SIOLocal() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.SIOLocal
SIOReader - class hep.lcd.io.sio.SIOReader.
A class for reading SIO records.
SIOReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.sio.SIOReader
SIORecord - interface hep.lcd.io.sio.SIORecord.
SIORef - interface hep.lcd.io.sio.SIORef.
A reference to an Object which will not be available until the whole record has been read.
sKsi2() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
get sigma(Ksi)^2
sKsi2AtTp() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
get sigma(ksi)^2 at initial track point
SLDFitTrack - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack.
SLDFitTrack() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
slope - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
small - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
SmartHashtable - class hep.lcd.io.smart.SmartHashtable.
SmartHashtable() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.smart.SmartHashtable
SmartPointer - class hep.lcd.io.smart.SmartPointer.
SmartPointer(Object) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.smart.SmartPointer
smear(Random, boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
SmearCCDHits - class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearCCDHits.
Extracts tracker hits, smears them in rphi and z directions independetly and put it back.
SmearCCDHits() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearCCDHits
Create a SmearCCDHits object that will use the default (detector dependent) smearing parameters.
SmearCCDHits(double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearCCDHits
Create a SmearCCDHits object that will use the specified smearing parameters.
SmearDriver - class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearDriver.
SmearDriver() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearDriver
smearEnergy(Random, double, boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
smearPosition(Random) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconCluster
smearPosition(Random, double, boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconHADCluster
smearPosition(Random, double, boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconEMCluster
SmearTPCHits - class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearTPCHits.
Extracts tracker hits, smears them in rphi and z directions independetly and put it back.
SmearTPCHits() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearTPCHits
Create a SmearTPCHits object that will use the default (detector dependent) smearing parameters.
SmearTPCHits(double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearTPCHits
Create a SmearTPCHits object that will use the specified smearing parameters.
SmearTrack - class hep.lcd.mc.fast.SmearTrack.
SmearTrack() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.fast.SmearTrack
smearTrack(TrackParameters, Random) - Static method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.SmearTrack
Smear track parameters according to the track's stored error matrix.
SmearTrackerHits - class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearTrackerHits.
Extracts tracker hits, smears them in rphi and z directions independetly and put it back.
SmearTrackerHits() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearTrackerHits
sort(Orderable[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util.BSort
sort(Orderable[], Orderable[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util.BSort
sortByEnergy() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection
Sort each cell subcollection (i.e., one subcollection per layer bin) w.r.t energy.
sortByEnergy(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection
Sorts one of the subcollections (for single layer bin) by energy
sortCells() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection
For each layer group, sort cells by energy
sorted - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.cl.CalCellCollection
specialTracks() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get a sublist of tracks marked special
Specifications - interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications.
Specifies dimensions and performance of tracker.
specs - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
specs - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
specs - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
squarkID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
start() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomCCDBkg
start() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomTPCBkg
start() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.randomBkgr.AddRandomEndCpBkg
start() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearTPCHits
start() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.smear.SmearCCDHits
start() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
A default implementation of Processor.start().
start() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
start() - Method in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.Processor
Called at the beginning of processing
startEvent(EventHeader) - Method in interface hep.lcd.io.ascii.EventHandler
startEvent(EventHeader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.BasicHandler
startEvent(EventHeader) - Method in class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.MCPrint
startEvent(LCDEvent) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VertexDetector
startEvent(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
StatTools - class hep.lcd.util.statistics.StatTools.
static class StatTools Provides statistics functions
StatTools() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.statistics.StatTools
status - Variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus
status() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Get the current status.
status() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
current status
StatusCode - Static variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
Particle status codes
stop() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
A default implementation of Processor.stop().
stop() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
stop() - Method in interface hep.lcd.util.driver.Processor
Called at the end of processing
STOPPED - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
storeChi2Vec(Vector) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
store vector with Chi2 contributions to vertices by this track
storeVtxSigVec(Vector) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
store vector with vertex significances if this track is included into vertex
strategy - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
Strategy - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
StrStr - class hep.lcd.contrib.util.StrStr.
A class to pad a string out to a certain width.
StrStr() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.util.StrStr
STUCK - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.MCParticle
SUBD_EM - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util.DetectorConstants
SUBD_HAD - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.util.DetectorConstants
success() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus
successful fitting?
success() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus
successful swimming?
success() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.FitStatusInt
successful fitting?
summarize() - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
summarize() - Method in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
SWIM_FAILURE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
SWIM_FAILURE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
SWIM_FAILURE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
swim(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
swim(double[], double[], int) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
swim(double[], double[], int) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.Helix
swim(double[], double[], int, boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.Helix
swim(double, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
swim(TrkParams) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
swim(TrkParams, double, double) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
swimBy(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.util.swim.HelixSwim
swim along this track to point at distance alpha from it's origin (in positive track direction)
swimFailure() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
swim failure?
Swimmer - interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Swimmer.
Swimmer -- interface for swimmers
swimmer() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
get a handle to the swimmer used
swimmer() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
get a handle to the swimmer used
swimmer() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get a handle to the swimmer used
swimmer() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
get a handle to the swimmer used
swimmer() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
get a handle to the swimmer used
swimStatus() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
get the status of the swimming done
swimTo(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
swim the track to target position
swimTo(double[]) - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Swimmer
swim the track to target position
swimTo(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
swim all tracks close to reference point
Attention: This changes tracks in list!
swimTo(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
swim the track to target position
swmr - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
SYSTEM_TRACKER - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.TrackerHit
SYSTEM_VXD - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.TrackerHit
sZ2AtTp() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
get sigma(z)^2 at initial track point


takeNewTrackList(boolean) - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VtxFitter
choose whether to record unswum (old) or swum (new) track parameters with the fitted vertex' track list
takeNewTrackList(boolean) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
choose whether to record unswum (old) or swum (new) track parameters with the fitted vertex' track list
tanL() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
get tan(lambda)
TauID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
tcphit - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
thetaBins - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter
TOO_BIG_DIP_ANGLE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatusWords
TOO_FEW_HITS - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitError
TOO_MANY_ITERATIONS - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatusWords
tooMany - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.Detector
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Calorimeter
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.Field_Strength
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileServer
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.MultiFileServer
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.record.LCD_Gismo_Event
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.util.event.AbstractLCDEvent
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus
phrase the status into a String
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
phrase the status into a string
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus
phrase the status into a string
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatusWords
phrase the status word into a string
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
phrase the status into a string
toString() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.FitStatusInt
phrase the status into a string
toString() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
phrase the status into a string
toStringWithMessage() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus
phrase the status into a string including the text message
toStringWithMessage() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.FitStatusInt
phrase the status into a string including the text message
totalThickness() - Method in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MaterialList
TPCFindStrategy - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCFindStrategy.
TPCFindStrategy() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCFindStrategy
TPCHitOnTrk - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCHitOnTrk.
TPCHitOnTrk(double[], MCParticle) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCHitOnTrk
TPCHitOnTrk(double, double, double, MCParticle) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCHitOnTrk
TPCLrs - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
TPCPat2 - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCPat2.
Finds tracks from 3D space points using various triplets of layers.
TPCPat2(boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCPat2
Construct TPC TrackFinder (MaxTracks=200,MaxTrkPts=160).
TPCReco - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCReco.
Picks up LCD events within JAS framework and passes 3D points to pattern recognition software
TPCReco() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCReco
TPCReco(boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCReco
Construct TPC reconstructor (MaxPoints=25000) using TPCPat2 pattern recognition and default specifications.
TPCSpecifications - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCSpecifications.
TPCSpecifications() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCSpecifications
TPCSpecifications(boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.tpc.TPCSpecifications
tquarkID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
trace - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.HelicalSwimmer
trace - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
TRACE_ABSORB - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
TRACE_CALOR - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
TRACE_CONE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
TRACE_DECAY - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
TRACE_DUMMY - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
TRACE_PAIR - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
TRACE_PROD - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
TRACE_RPLANE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
TRACE_SCAT - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
TRACE_SHOWER - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
TRACE_ZPLANE - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.AbsKLMTrackFitter
Track - interface hep.lcd.event.Track.
Represents a found (reconstructed) track
TRACK_Barrel - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.TRACK_Barrel.
TRACK_Barrel(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.TRACK_Barrel
TRACK_DOUBLE_COUNTING - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
TRACK_NOT_FOUND_FINAL - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
track() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
get handle to track for this probabilty tube
track() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
get handle to track for this CMat
TrackAnl - class hep.lcd.contrib.recon.TrackAnl.
TrackAnl() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.recon.TrackAnl
trackAt(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
tracker - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackReco
tracker - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
tracker - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackRecoTPC
tracker - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
Tracker - class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.Tracker.
Tracker - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.Tracker.
Tracker - interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker.
Picks up LCD events within JAS framework and passes 3D points to pattern recognition software
TRACKER - Static variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
Flag to print tracking detector hit information.
Tracker() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.Tracker
Tracker() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.Tracker
TrackerHit - interface hep.lcd.event.TrackerHit.
TrackerHits - interface hep.lcd.event.TrackerHits.
TrackerHits - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
TrackFinder - interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder.
Finds tracks using 3D points.
trackId() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
get track id
-1 : not set
TrackList - interface hep.lcd.event.TrackList.
TrackList - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
trackPar - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
TrackParameters - interface hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackParameters.
TrackPathMaterials - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials.
TrackPathMaterials() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackPathMaterials
TrackReco - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackReco.
Picks up LCD events within JAS framework and passes 3D points to pattern recognition software
TrackReco() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackReco
TrackReco(boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackReco
TrackReco(TrkFitter) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackReco
TrackReco(TrkFitter, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackReco
TrackRecoTPC - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackRecoTPC.
Picks up LCD events within JAS framework and passes 3D points to pattern recognition software
TrackRecoTPC() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackRecoTPC
TrackRecoTPC(boolean) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackRecoTPC
TrackResolutionTables - class hep.lcd.mc.fast.TrackResolutionTables.
Tracks - class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.Tracks.
TRACKS - Static variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
Flag to print all the reconstructed tracks.
TRACKS_NOT_SWUM - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
Tracks() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.Tracks
tracksInAnyVertex() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get a sub list of any track which is in a vertex
tracksInNoVertex() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
get a sublist of tracks which are in not in any vertex
transDist() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrkDist
closest approach of track to reference (vertex) axis
TransMassReco - class hep.lcd.contrib.physics.TransMassReco.
TransMassReco implements the two body mass reconstruction of J. Feng and D. Finell.
TransMassReco(double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.contrib.physics.TransMassReco
Constructor; store the known quantities
TRANSPORT - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitError
trindex - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
triplets - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
triplets - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
TritonID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
TrkCandidate - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate.
TrkCandidate(int, TrkHotList, double[]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
TrkExtrap - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkExtrap.
TrkExtrap(double[]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkExtrap
TrkExtrap(double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkExtrap
TrkFindStrategy - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy.
TrkFindStrategy() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
TrkFitter - interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFitter.
Fit tracks.
TrkHist - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.Reconstruction
trkHit() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
trkHit() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VtxHitOnTrk
TrkHitOnTrk - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk.
TrkHitOnTrk(String, double[], MCParticle) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
TrkHitOnTrk(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
TrkHitOnTrk(String, double, double, double, MCParticle) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
TrkHotList - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHotList.
TrkHotList() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHotList
TrkHotList(int, int, int) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHotList
TrkMCTruth - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth.
TrkMCTruth(Tracker) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth
trkmom - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
trkNum - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkCandidate
TrkParams - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams.
TrkParams() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
TrkParams(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
trkprms - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
tubeAt(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
type - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
Type - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
tz - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder


u0 - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
UNKNOWN_ERROR - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.FitStatusInt
unknownError() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.BasicFitStatus
unknown error?
unknownError() - Method in interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.FitStatusInt
unknown error?
UnknownID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
Particle ID Codes
unsetTrackId() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
unset track id
unsetTrackIds() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
unset all track ids
update(LCDEvent) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
update(LCDEvent) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Specifications
Update specs if geometry have changed
updateFitStatus(int, TrkFitter) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackFinder
updateFitStatus(int, TrkFitter) - Method in interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.Tracker
updateFitStatus(int, TrkFitter) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
updateFitStatus(int, TrkFitter) - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
uquarkID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
usedProbTubes() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
handle to to the probabilty tube list used
useFitter - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
useJetAxis() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
setting for useJetAxis
useSetRPhiR - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
useSetZR - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
useStrongBeamSpot() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
Get the setting for the use of a strong beam spot constraint.
useTPC - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
useTPC - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack
useTrackerOnly() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AddReconTrks
useVertexDetector() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AddReconTrks
useVXD - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitTrack
useVXD - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.SLDFitTrack


v() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
v() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
array of coordinates at DOCA for smeared track.
v() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
v() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
momentum for Hep3Vector implementation
v0 - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
valueAt(double) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions.GaussianBoxFunction
Return the value at a particular x, for the stored the parameters.
valueAt(double, double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.functions.GaussianBoxFunction
Return the value at a particular x for the supplied parameters.
vectorsOnly - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ccd.CCDReco
Version - class hep.lcd.Version.
version() - Static method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
return version string
Version() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.Version
Vertex - interface hep.lcd.event.Vertex.
interface for vertex representation
vertexAt(int) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
vertexDetector - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackReco
vertexDetector - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrackRecoTPC
VertexDetector - interface hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VertexDetector.
Assign CCD detector points to tracks.
vertexId() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSpatPoint
get the index of the associated vertes
VertexInt - interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VertexInt.
interface for vertex representation
VertexList - interface hep.lcd.event.VertexList.
General vertex list interface
VertexList - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
VertexListInt - interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VertexListInt.
General vertex list interface
VERTX_Barrel - class hep.lcd.geometry.component.VERTX_Barrel.
VERTX_Barrel(Detector, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.geometry.component.VERTX_Barrel
VIEW_XY - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.geometry.PlotGraphics
VIEW_XZ - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.geometry.PlotGraphics
VIEW_YZ - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.geometry.PlotGraphics
vSig() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSpatPoint
get the space point vertex significance value
vSig(double[]) - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
calculate the vertex significance at position xc
--- returns -1, if 'behind' IP or further forward than set by forward cutoff
vtxErrHasNegElements() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
has the vertex error matrix negative elements?
VtxFitter - interface hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.VtxFitter.
VtxFitter -- interface for fitting a vertex for a list of tracks
vtxFitter() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
get a handle to the vtxFitter used
vtxHit() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
vtxHit() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VtxHitOnTrk
VtxHitOnTrk - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VtxHitOnTrk.
VtxHitOnTrk(String, double[], MCParticle) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VtxHitOnTrk
VtxHitOnTrk(String, double, double, double, MCParticle) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.VtxHitOnTrk
VXD - class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.VXD.
VXD - class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.VXD.
VXD - Static variable in class hep.lcd.contrib.util.EventScan
Flag to print vertex detector hit information.
VXD() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.ascii.handler.VXD
VXD() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.io.jas.sio.handler.block.VXD
VXDHits - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent
vxdIncluded - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
VXDLrs - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkMCTruth


W_FORMAT - Static variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMFitError
WbosonID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
WeightMatrix - class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.WeightMatrix.
WeightMatrix() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.sld.WeightMatrix
withBeamSpotConstraint - Static variable in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.MCFast
Switch for MCfast tracking options.
withCurvatureFlip - Static variable in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.MCFast
Switch for MCfast track curvature flipping option.


x - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
x - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
x - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
x() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
x() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
x coordinate at DOCA for smeared track.
x() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
x() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
x momentum for Hep3Vector implementation
x0p() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
get the distance x0p along normal vector in xy (presumably to IP)
xc - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
xd - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
Xi_c2_1P - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
Xi0ID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
xref - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
xRef() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
get reference point, which was used
xRef() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
get reference point, which was used for this CMat
xxc - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder


y - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
y - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
y - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
y() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
y() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
y coordinate at DOCA for smeared track.
y() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
y() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
momentum y for Hep3Vector implementation
yc - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
yd - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
yref - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
yyc - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder


z - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkHitOnTrk
z - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
z - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTracker
z() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.DocaTrackParameters
z() - Method in class hep.lcd.mc.fast.ReconTrack
z coordinate at DOCA for smeared track.
z() - Method in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.ReconstructedTrack
z() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
z momentum for Hep3Vector implementation
z0 - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkParams
z0 - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
z0() - Method in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
get the z0 (presumably to IP)
ZbosonID - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
zd - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
ZERO_B_FIELD - Static variable in class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatusWords
zInner - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector
zInner - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
zInner - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
zOuter - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.CylindricalDetector
zOuter - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerEndCapDetector
zOuter - Variable in class hep.lcd.geometry.component.MultiLayerBarrelDetector
zref - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.fitters.klm.KLMTrackParam
ZResolution - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.BaseSpecifications
zTol - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.AbsTrackFinder
zTol - Variable in class hep.lcd.recon.tracking.TrkFindStrategy
Zv3dSwimmer - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer.
Zv3dSwimmer -- swim a track to a target position (3d)
Zv3dSwimmer() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
Zv3dSwimmer(Zv3dSwimmer) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
copy constructor
Zv3dSwimmer(ZvTrack) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.Zv3dSwimmer
ZvBeamSpot - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBeamSpot.
ZvBeamSpot -- beam spot and error matrix
ZvBeamSpot() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBeamSpot
constructor; provides default parameter settings
ZvBeamSpot(double[]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBeamSpot
constructor setting position only
ZvBeamSpot(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBeamSpot
constructor setting position and errors
errors are sqrt(diagonal error matrix elements)
ZvBeamSpot(double[], double[][]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBeamSpot
constructor setting position and error matrix
ZvBeamSpot(ZvBeamSpot) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBeamSpot
copy constructor
ZvBField - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBField.
ZvBField -- B field containing class
ZvBField() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvBField
ZvException - exception hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvException.
ZvException -- ZvTop Exception class
ZvException(String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvException
ZvException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvException
ZvFitStatus - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus.
ZvFitStatus -- status object for ZvFitter
ZvFitStatus() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
ZvFitStatus(String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
ZvFitStatus(String, String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
ZvFitStatus(ZvFitStatus) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitStatus
copy constructor
ZvFitter - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter.
ZvFitter -- fit vertex for a list of tracks
ZvFitter() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
ZvFitter(Swimmer) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
ZvFitter(ZvFitter) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
copy constructor
ZvFitter(ZvTrackList) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvFitter
ZvgChi2Calculator - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator.
ZvgChi2Calculator() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
ZvgChi2Calculator(ZvgChi2Calculator) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
copy constructor
ZvgChi2Calculator(ZvTrackList, ZvGhostTrack, double[]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgChi2Calculator
Constructor with initialization
ZvgCMat - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat.
ZvgCMat -- generate transformation matrix from a ZvTrack
ZvgCMat() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
constructor without initialization
ZvgCMat(ZvgCMat) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
copy constructor
ZvgCMat(ZvTrack) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
ZvgCMat(ZvTrack, double[]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMat
ZvgCMatList - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList.
ZvgCMatList -- ZvTop internal CMat representation
ZvgCMatList() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
ZvgCMatList(double[]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
Constructor with reference point (eg IP).
ZvgCMatList(Enumeration) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
This constructor takes an enumeration of ZvgCMats or ZvTracks
ZvgCMatList(Enumeration, double[]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgCMatList
This constructor takes an enumeration of ZvgCMats or ZvTracks and allows to set the reference point (eg IP).
ZvgGhostTrackFinder - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder.
ZvgGhostTrackFinder -- find the optimum ghost track axis for a given set of tracks
ZvgGhostTrackFinder() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
ZvgGhostTrackFinder(ZvgGhostTrackFinder) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
copy constructor
ZvgGhostTrackFinder(ZvTrackList, double[], double[], double[], ZvgGTFParam) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGhostTrackFinder
Constructor with initialization.
ZvgGTFParam - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam.
ZvgGTFParam -- ZvgGhostTrackFinder's constant parameters
ZvgGTFParam() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
constructor; provides default parameter settings
ZvgGTFParam(ZvgGTFParam) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFParam
copy constructor
ZvgGTFStatus - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus.
ZvgGTFStatus -- status object for ZvgGhostTrackFinder
ZvgGTFStatus() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
ZvgGTFStatus(String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
ZvgGTFStatus(String, String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
ZvgGTFStatus(ZvgGTFStatus) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvgGTFStatus
copy constructor
ZvGhostTrack - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack.
ZvGhostTrack -- The class ZvGhostTrack provides convenience filling methods for a ZvTrack as a ghost track.
ZvGhostTrack(double[], double[], double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
ZvGhostTrack(double[], double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
ZvGhostTrack(double[], double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
ZvGhostTrack(ZvGhostTrack) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvGhostTrack
copy constructor
ZvHelixVec - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvHelixVec.
ZvBHelixVec -- ZvTopVertexer helper: calculate unit vectors from ZvTrack
ZvHelixVec(double[]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvHelixVec
ZvHelixVec(ZvTrack) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvHelixVec
ZvLeap - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap.
ZvLeap -- ZvSwim helper class
ZvLeap() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
ZvLeap(double, Hep3Vector, Hep3Vector, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvLeap
ZvProbTube - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube.
ZvProbTube -- probablity tube approximation for a ZvTrack
ZvProbTube() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
constructor without initialization
to be used, if scale factor change is desired initially
ZvProbTube(Swimmer) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
ZvProbTube(ZvProbTube) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
copy constructor
ZvProbTube(ZvTrack) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
ZvProbTube(ZvTrack, double[]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
ZvProbTube(ZvTrack, double[], double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
ZvProbTube(ZvTrack, double[], Swimmer, double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTube
ZvProbTubeList - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList.
ZvProbTubeList -- ZvTop vertex significance calculation class class holds a list of probabilty tubes for tracks.
ZvProbTubeList() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
ZvProbTubeList(Swimmer) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
This constructor passes a specified swimmer.
ZvProbTubeList(ZvProbTubeList) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
copy constructor
ZvProbTubeList(ZvTrackList) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
This constructor takes a list of ZvTracks
ZvProbTubeList(ZvTrackList, double[], double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
This constructor takes a list of ZvTracks
--- define reference point (IP) and tube coeff's scale factor as well
ZvProbTubeList(ZvTrackList, double[], double, ZvTrack) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvProbTubeList
This constructor takes a list of ZvTracks
--- define reference point (IP), tube coeff's scale factor and lepton/high impact track as well
ZvSpatPoint - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSpatPoint.
ZvSpatPoint -- ZvTop spatial point representation helper class for ZvTopVertexer
ZvSpatPoint() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSpatPoint
ZvSpatPoint(double[], double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSpatPoint
ZvSpatPoint(ZvSpatPoint) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSpatPoint
copy constructor
ZvSwimmer - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer.
ZvSwimmer -- swim a track to a target position
ZvSwimmer() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
ZvSwimmer(ZvSwimmer) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
copy constructor
ZvSwimmer(ZvTrack) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimmer
ZvSwimStatus - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus.
ZvSwimStatus -- status object for ZvSwimmer
ZvSwimStatus() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus
ZvSwimStatus(ZvSwimStatus) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus
copy constructor
ZvSwimStatus(ZvSwimStatusWords) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatus
ZvSwimStatusWords - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvSwimStatusWords.
ZvSwimStatusWords -- status object words for ZvSwimStatus
ZvTopParam - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam.
ZvTopParam -- ZvTop's constant parameters
ZvTopParam() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
constructor; provides default parameter settings
ZvTopParam(ZvTopParam) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopParam
copy constructor
ZvTopStatus - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus.
ZvTopStatus -- status object for ZvTopVertexer
ZvTopStatus() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
ZvTopStatus(String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
ZvTopStatus(String, String) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
ZvTopStatus(ZvTopStatus) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopStatus
copy constructor
ZvTopVertexer - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer.
ZvTopVertexer -- main class
ZvTopVertexer() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
constructor; provides default parameter settings
ZvTopVertexer(ZvTopParam) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
constructor with specification of parameters
ZvTopVertexer(ZvTopVertexer) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTopVertexer
copy constructor
ZvTrack - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack.
ZvTrack -- ZvTop internal track representation
ZvTrack() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
ZvTrack(double[], double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
ZvTrack(double[], double[][], double) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
ZvTrack(ReconTrack) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
ZvTrack(ZvTrack) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
copy constructor
ZvTrackList - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList.
ZvTrackList -- ZvTop internal track representation
ZvTrackList() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
ZvTrackList(Enumeration) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
This constructor takes an enumeration of ReconTracks or ZvTracks!
ZvTrackList(Swimmer) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
ZvTrackList(TrackList) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
This constructor takes a TrackList of ReconTracks!
ZvTrackList(Vector) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrackList
ZvTrkDist - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrkDist.
ZvTrkDist(ZvTrack, double[], double[]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrkDist
Calculate transverse and longitudinal distances between track and line
ZvUtils - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvUtils.
ZvUtils -- utilities for ZvXxxx classes
ZvUtils() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvUtils
ZvVertex - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex.
ZvVertex -- ZvTop vertex representation
ZvVertex(double[]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
ZvVertex(double[], double[][]) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
ZvVertex(double[], double[][], ZvTrackList) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertex
ZvVertexList - class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList.
ZvVertexList -- ZvTop vertex list
ZvVertexList() - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
ZvVertexList(Enumeration) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
This constructor takes an enumeration of ZvVertex!
ZvVertexList(Vector) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
ZvVertexList(ZvVertexList) - Constructor for class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvVertexList
This constructor takes a ZvVertexList


_bbbar - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
_Bhabha - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
_ccbar - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
_GamGam - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
_MuPair - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
_NuNubar - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
_QED - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
_Tau - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
_ttbar - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
_TwoPhoton - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
_uds - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
_Unidentified - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
Event types
_WW - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
_ZZ - Static variable in interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo

A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _

The LCD Group