A driver is a steering routine which can call a number of processors
It also allows controlling the debug level of the processors being called
and handles coordination of random numbers between Monte Carlo processors.
Driver() -
Constructor for class hep.lcd.util.driver.Driver
Get an individual track parameter
The track parameters for LCD are defined as follows
0 d0 = XY impact parameter
1 phi0
2 omega = 1/curv.radius (negative for negative tracks)
3 z0 = z of track origin (z impact parameter)
4 s = tan lambda
get special information on vertex
vtxInfo == -1 --isolated track
vtxInfo n >= 0--vertex of order n+1
vtxInfo < -1 --special vertex type
Note 1: A special vertex type doesn't necessarily mean that
a vertex handle is actually stored.
Given a particle of initial momentum, position and
charge (p, r0, and iq), calculates its trajectory in a
uniform magnetic field in the z-direction and determines
its point of intersection (r_hit) with a cylinder centered at
the origin with axis parallel to the z-axis and with ends.
Given a particle of initial momentum, position and
charge (p, r0, and iq), calculates its trajectory in a
uniform magnetic field in the z-direction and determines
its point of intersection (r_hit) with a cylinder centered at
the origin with axis parallel to the z-axis and with ends.
Initialize the CMat with a track; use reference point
Note: track is possibly the swum track, x0p and z0 will
be calculated as docas to refPoint with a simple linear
initialize the tube with a track; use reference point;
calculate quadratic approximation of probability tube:
error = c0 + c1 * y + c2 * y*y
where y is the travelled distance in track direction
initialize the tube with a track; use reference point;
calculate quadratic approximation of probability tube:
error = c0 + c1 * y + c2 * y*y
where y is the travelled distance in track direction
distance from initial point of along reference axis to point
where the transverse distance is measured, negative if in
opposite direction than axis
Note: -1000, if there is no solution, ie track parallel to axis
A TrackerHit may implement MutableTrackerHit to indicate
it is willing to allow a hit smearing routine to change the
space point corresponding to the hit
RadialClusterBuilder first assigns all hits with energy above a settable
"ignore" threshold to a cell (size of cells is configurable,
but default is four layers deep and two detector elements wide
in phi and theta).
set the weight vertex finding probability
Weights the vertex finding probability by the factor
exp(-cang*alpha^2) where alpha is the angle (in radians)
between the line joining the IP to the 3d spatial coordinate
and the jet axis.
set the 'scaling' factor for tube coefficients
fac = 1. : no scaling
fac > 0. : scaling with fac
fac = 0. : only constant approximation,
no scaling
fac < 0. : only constant approximation,
scaling with abs(fac)
if true, use jet momentum vector of vertex originating at beam spot
as axis for the calculation of track's transverse
and longitudinal distance from decay,
use axis between beam spot and the vertex furthest out.
default: false
Use a strong beamspot constraint:
-- use beamspot constraint in final track fit,
if vertex contains beamspot
-- use beamspot position/error martrix for vertex with beamspot but
without any tracks
default: false (usual ZVTOP3 behavior)