Class SimpleMonteCarlo


public class SimpleMonteCarlo
extends BaseMonteCarlo

Analyzes Monte Carlo particles within JAS framework.

See Also:
Serialized Form
Source Code:

Fields inherited from class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
Fields inherited from class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
Fields inherited from interface hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.MonteCarlo
_bbbar, _Bhabha, _ccbar, _GamGam, _MuPair, _NuNubar, _QED, _Tau, _ttbar, _TwoPhoton, _uds, _Unidentified, _WW, _ZZ, AlphaID, BmesonID, bquarkID, Bs0ID, Bstar0ID, BstarID, cquarkID, DeuteronID, dquarkID, ElectronID, EventName, GluonID, K0ID, KaonID, KlongID, KshortID, LambdaCID, LambdaID, MuonID, NeutronID, NuEID, NuMuID, NuTauID, PhotonID, PionID, PiZeroID, PrimaryID, ProtonID, PythiaStringID, Rho0ID, RhoID, SigmaB0ID, squarkID, TauID, tquarkID, TritonID, UnknownID, uquarkID, WbosonID, Xi_c2_1P, Xi0ID, ZbosonID
Constructor Summary
SimpleMonteCarlo(boolean hist)
Method Summary
 void process(LCDEvent event)
          Called by the driver when this processor should process an event.
Methods inherited from class hep.lcd.contrib.mc.analysis.BaseMonteCarlo
findFinalParticles, getCalCorEnergy, getCalEnergy, getChEnergy, getDecayName, getDecayType, getECalCorEnergy, getECalEnergy, getEventName, getEventType, getFinalEnergy, getHCalCorEnergy, getHCalEnergy, getHighest2P, getKlongs, getLumEnergy, getMaxPartNum, getMCParticles, getMissingEnergy, getMuEnergy, getNClusters, getNDecayed, getNElectrons, getNEMClusters, getNeutralEnergy, getNeutralHadronEnergy, getNFinal, getNHadClusters, getNMuons, getNParticles, getNPartons, getNProngs, getNTracks, getPartons, getPhotonEnergy, getStatusName, getTotalEnergy, identifyDecays, identifyEventType, is_bbbar, is_Bhabha, is_ccbar, is_ElectroWeak, is_GamGam, is_MuPair, is_QED, is_qqbar, is_Tau, is_ttbar, is_tWbtWb, is_TwoPhoton, is_uds, is_Unknown, is_WlvWlv, is_WqqgWlv, is_WqqgWqq, is_WqqWlv_gluons, is_WqqWlv, is_WqqWqq_gluons, is_WqqWqq, is_WW, is_ZllZll, is_ZllZvv, is_ZqqgZll, is_ZqqgZvv, is_ZqqZll_gluons, is_ZqqZll, is_ZqqZqq_gluons, is_ZqqZqq, is_ZqqZvv_gluons, is_ZqqZvv, is_ZvvZvv, is_ZZ, printEvent, summarize
Methods inherited from class hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor
clearContext, getDebugLevel, getDebugStream, getHistogramLevel, getName, getParameterFile, getParameters, getParameters, getRandom, histogram, init, setContext, setDetector, start, stop
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SimpleMonteCarlo()


public SimpleMonteCarlo(boolean hist)
Method Detail


public void process(LCDEvent event)
Description copied from interface: Processor
Called by the driver when this processor should process an event. If the processor produces new output it should add it to the event.
process in class BaseMonteCarlo
Following copied from interface: hep.lcd.util.driver.Processor
event - The event to process

The LCD Group