Class ZvGhostTrack


public class ZvGhostTrack
extends ZvTrack

ZvGhostTrack -- The class ZvGhostTrack provides convenience filling methods for a ZvTrack as a ghost track.

CAUTION: This class is part of an upcoming extension of ZvTopVertexer. It is not necessarily fully working and may change frequently.

$Id: ZvGhostTrack.java,v 1.2 2001/06/05 18:20:56 walkowia Exp $
W.Walkowiak, 05/16/01
Source Code:

Constructor Summary
ZvGhostTrack(double[] xp, double[] direction, double width)
ZvGhostTrack(double[] xp, double phi, double theta)
ZvGhostTrack(double[] xp, double phi, double theta, double width)
ZvGhostTrack(ZvGhostTrack track)
          copy constructor
Method Summary
 String dumpToString()
          print the current values of hlxPar[6] and dHlxPar[5][5] as well as ghost track specific parameters to a String
 double[] getGhostTrackDir()
          get ghost track direction
 double getGhostTrackMeanSig()
          get the ghost track mean sigma for components 0-2
 double getGhostTrackWidth()
          get the ghost track width
 double getOrigPhi()
          get original ghost track phi
 double[] getOrigPoint()
          get original ghost track start point
 double getOrigTheta()
          get original ghost track theta
 double getOrigWith()
          get original ghost track width
 void setGhostTrackParameters(double[] xp, double[] direction)
          create a ghost track along direction vector starting at point xp
 void setGhostTrackParameters(double[] xp, double phi, double theta)
          create a ghost track along direction (phi,theta) starting at point xp
 void setGhostTrackWidth(double width)
          set the ghost track width (and create error matrix with default values for other parameters)
 void setGhostTrackWidth(double width, double sigOther)
          set the ghost track width (and create error matrix)
Methods inherited from class hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.ZvTrack
copy, cosTheta, equals, fitSuccess, getAssignedVertex, getCharge, getChi2, getChi2Contribution, getChi2Vec, getErrorMatrix, getErrorMatrixElement, getLongDist, getMCParticle, getMomentum, getMomentumX, getMomentumY, getMomentumZ, getNDF, getNewTrackParameters, getOrigin, getOriginX, getOriginY, getOriginZ, getOrigReconTrack, getOrigTrackParameters, getPt, getPtot, getPX, getPY, getPZ, getSwimStatus, getTrackParameter, getTrackParameters, getTransDist, getVtxInfo, getVtxSigVec, getZvTrackError, getZvTrackError, getZvTrackErrorCopy, getZvTrackKappa, getZvTrackParam, getZvTrackParam, getZvTrackParamCopy, getZvTrackPhi, getZvTrackPos, getZvTrackTanL, isGhost, isInAnyVertex, isInVertex, isIsolated, isSpecial, mag, mag2, same, sameId, setAssignedVertex, setAssignedVertex, setCharge, setChi2Contribution, setLongDist, setSwimStatus, setTrackId, setTrackParameters, setTrackParameters, setTransDist, setVtxInfo, setZvTrackError, setZvTrackKappa, setZvTrackParam, setZvTrackParam, setZvTrackParam, setZvTrackPhi, setZvTrackPos, setZvTrackTanL, storeChi2Vec, storeVtxSigVec, trackId, unsetTrackId, v, x, y, z
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ZvGhostTrack(double[] xp,
                    double phi,
                    double theta)


public ZvGhostTrack(double[] xp,
                    double phi,
                    double theta,
                    double width)


public ZvGhostTrack(double[] xp,
                    double[] direction,
                    double width)


public ZvGhostTrack(ZvGhostTrack track)
copy constructor
Method Detail


public void setGhostTrackParameters(double[] xp,
                                    double phi,
                                    double theta)
create a ghost track along direction (phi,theta) starting at point xp


public void setGhostTrackParameters(double[] xp,
                                    double[] direction)
create a ghost track along direction vector starting at point xp


public void setGhostTrackWidth(double width)
set the ghost track width (and create error matrix with default values for other parameters)


public void setGhostTrackWidth(double width,
                               double sigOther)
set the ghost track width (and create error matrix)


public double[] getGhostTrackDir()
get ghost track direction


public double getOrigPhi()
get original ghost track phi


public double getOrigTheta()
get original ghost track theta


public double getOrigWith()
get original ghost track width


public double getGhostTrackWidth()
get the ghost track width


public double getGhostTrackMeanSig()
get the ghost track mean sigma for components 0-2


public double[] getOrigPoint()
get original ghost track start point


public String dumpToString()
print the current values of hlxPar[6] and dHlxPar[5][5] as well as ghost track specific parameters to a String
dumpToString in class ZvTrack

The LCD Group