Class ZvTopParam


public class ZvTopParam
extends Object

ZvTopParam -- ZvTop's constant parameters

To be set before running ZvTop.

$Id: ZvTopParam.java,v 1.2 2001/06/05 18:20:57 walkowia Exp $
W.Walkowiak, 09/29/00
Source Code:

Constructor Summary
          constructor; provides default parameter settings
ZvTopParam(ZvTopParam tp)
          copy constructor
Method Summary
 ZvTopParam copy()
          get a copy of this instance
 double getBackwardCutoff()
          get the backward cutoff for the tube list
 double getCang()
          get the weight vertex finding probabality currently set
 double getChi2TrackCut()
          get the current setting for the cut on the chi^2 contribution of a track to a vertex
 double getForwardCutoff()
          get the forward cutoff for the tube list
 double getIPWeight()
          get the IP weight currently set
 double[] getJetMomentum()
          get the currently set jet momentum
 int getMode()
          get the currently set lepton/high impact track mode
 double getPlaneWidth()
          get the gaussian width of plan currently set
 double getResolCut()
          get the currently set resolubility cut
 double getResolMin()
          get the currently set minimum resolubility for spatial points
 int getResolNSteps()
          get the currently set number of steps used to evaluate the resolution of spatial points
 double getTubeScaleFac()
          get the probabilty tube scale factor currently set
 double getVSigMin()
          get the minimum required vertex significance for a spatial point
 double getVSigMinFrac()
          set the minimum vertex significance fraction for a spatial point with respect to the maximum per track
 double guessDistMax()
          get the maximum distance cutoff for initial 2-track vertex guess
 void setBackwardCutoff(double cutoff)
          set the backward cutoff for the tube list
default: -0.01 cm
 void setCang(double cang)
          set the weight vertex finding probability
Weights the vertex finding probability by the factor exp(-cang*alpha^2) where alpha is the angle (in radians) between the line joining the IP to the 3d spatial coordinate and the jet axis.
 void setChi2TrackCut(double chi2TrackCut)
          set the cut on the chi^2 contribution of a track to a vertex
default: 10.0
 void setForwardCutoff(double cutoff)
          set the forward cutoff for the tube list
default: 10 cm
 void setGuessDistMax(double cutoff)
          set the maximum distance cutoff for initial 2-track vertex guess
default: 4.0 cm
 void setIPWeight(double ipWeight)
          set the IP weight
weights the significance of the IP, large values will tend to absorb nearby vertices/fakes into the primary vertex.
 void setJetMomentum(double[] pJet)
          set the jet momentum
default: (0,0,0) -- take mean of track momenta
 void setMode(int mode)
          set lepton/high impact track mode
0 normal ZvTop 1 lepton or high impact track mode 2 like 1 but remove track for vertex finding 3 ...
 void setPlaneWidth(double planeWidth)
          set the gaussian width of plane for mode >= 1 in cm
Default: 0.01
 void setResolCut(double resolCut)
          set resolubility cut
can vary 0.0 < resolCut < 1.0
larger values produce more vertices
default: 0.6
 void setResolMin(double resolMin)
          set minimum resolubility for spatial points
smaller values may produce more vertices
default: 10 um
 void setResolNSteps(int resolNSteps)
          set number of steps used to evaluate the resolution of spatial points
default: 16
 void setTubeScaleFac(double factor)
          set probablity tube scale factor
factor = 0.0 -- use constant tube width
factor = 1.0 -- use track swim errors for the probabilty tubes (parabolic approximation)
factor > 0.0 -- multiply swam track tube by this factor
factor < 0 -- mulltiply non-swam track by abs(factor)
Default: 0.0
 void setUseJetAxis(boolean useJetAxis)
          if true, use jet momentum vector of vertex originating at beam spot as axis for the calculation of track's transverse and longitudinal distance from decay,
use axis between beam spot and the vertex furthest out.
default: false
 void setUseStrongBeamSpot(boolean useStrongBeamSpot)
          Use a strong beamspot constraint:
-- use beamspot constraint in final track fit, if vertex contains beamspot
-- use beamspot position/error martrix for vertex with beamspot but without any tracks
default: false (usual ZVTOP3 behavior)
 void setVSigMin(double vSigMin)
          set the minimum required vertex significance for a spatial point
default: 0.001
 void setVSigMinFrac(double fraction)
          set the minimum vertex significance fraction for a spatial point with respect to the maximum per track
default: 0.10
 boolean useJetAxis()
          setting for useJetAxis
 boolean useStrongBeamSpot()
          Get the setting for the use of a strong beam spot constraint.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ZvTopParam()
constructor; provides default parameter settings


public ZvTopParam(ZvTopParam tp)
copy constructor
Method Detail


public void setJetMomentum(double[] pJet)
set the jet momentum
default: (0,0,0) -- take mean of track momenta


public double[] getJetMomentum()
get the currently set jet momentum


public void setMode(int mode)
set lepton/high impact track mode


public int getMode()
get the currently set lepton/high impact track mode


public void setResolCut(double resolCut)
set resolubility cut
can vary 0.0 < resolCut < 1.0
larger values produce more vertices
default: 0.6


public double getResolCut()
get the currently set resolubility cut


public void setResolMin(double resolMin)
set minimum resolubility for spatial points
smaller values may produce more vertices
default: 10 um


public double getResolMin()
get the currently set minimum resolubility for spatial points


public void setResolNSteps(int resolNSteps)
set number of steps used to evaluate the resolution of spatial points
default: 16


public int getResolNSteps()
get the currently set number of steps used to evaluate the resolution of spatial points


public void setChi2TrackCut(double chi2TrackCut)
set the cut on the chi^2 contribution of a track to a vertex
default: 10.0


public double getChi2TrackCut()
get the current setting for the cut on the chi^2 contribution of a track to a vertex


public void setCang(double cang)
set the weight vertex finding probability
Weights the vertex finding probability by the factor exp(-cang*alpha^2) where alpha is the angle (in radians) between the line joining the IP to the 3d spatial coordinate and the jet axis. (Positive values ~10 increase vertex finding efficiency in the core of the jet.)
Default: 5.0


public double getCang()
get the weight vertex finding probabality currently set


public void setPlaneWidth(double planeWidth)
set the gaussian width of plane for mode >= 1 in cm
Default: 0.01


public double getPlaneWidth()
get the gaussian width of plan currently set


public void setIPWeight(double ipWeight)
set the IP weight
weights the significance of the IP, large values will tend to absorb nearby vertices/fakes into the primary vertex.
Default: 1.0


public double getIPWeight()
get the IP weight currently set


public void setUseStrongBeamSpot(boolean useStrongBeamSpot)
Use a strong beamspot constraint:
-- use beamspot constraint in final track fit, if vertex contains beamspot
-- use beamspot position/error martrix for vertex with beamspot but without any tracks
default: false (usual ZVTOP3 behavior)


public boolean useStrongBeamSpot()
Get the setting for the use of a strong beam spot constraint.
See Also:


public void setTubeScaleFac(double factor)
set probablity tube scale factor
factor = 0.0 -- use constant tube width
factor = 1.0 -- use track swim errors for the probabilty tubes (parabolic approximation)
factor > 0.0 -- multiply swam track tube by this factor
factor < 0 -- mulltiply non-swam track by abs(factor)
Default: 0.0


public double getTubeScaleFac()
get the probabilty tube scale factor currently set


public void setForwardCutoff(double cutoff)
set the forward cutoff for the tube list
default: 10 cm


public double getForwardCutoff()
get the forward cutoff for the tube list


public void setBackwardCutoff(double cutoff)
set the backward cutoff for the tube list
default: -0.01 cm


public double getBackwardCutoff()
get the backward cutoff for the tube list


public void setGuessDistMax(double cutoff)
set the maximum distance cutoff for initial 2-track vertex guess
default: 4.0 cm


public double guessDistMax()
get the maximum distance cutoff for initial 2-track vertex guess


public void setVSigMin(double vSigMin)
set the minimum required vertex significance for a spatial point
default: 0.001


public double getVSigMin()
get the minimum required vertex significance for a spatial point


public void setVSigMinFrac(double fraction)
set the minimum vertex significance fraction for a spatial point with respect to the maximum per track
default: 0.10


public double getVSigMinFrac()
set the minimum vertex significance fraction for a spatial point with respect to the maximum per track


public void setUseJetAxis(boolean useJetAxis)
if true, use jet momentum vector of vertex originating at beam spot as axis for the calculation of track's transverse and longitudinal distance from decay,
use axis between beam spot and the vertex furthest out.
default: false


public boolean useJetAxis()
setting for useJetAxis
See Also:


public ZvTopParam copy()
get a copy of this instance

0 normal ZvTop
1 lepton or high impact track mode
2 like 1 but remove track for vertex finding
3 ... and remove space on IP side of lepton

The LCD Group