Class PythiaParticlePropertyProvider


public class PythiaParticlePropertyProvider
extends Object
implements ParticlePropertyProvider

Table of particle properties from Pythia Monte Carlo used by Based on Pythia version: 6.154 ParticlePropertyProvider.

R.J.Wilson Revised to use Pythia blockdata: R.J.Wilson Nov. 2000 Based on DefaultParticlePropertyProvider by Tony Johnson. Add equals() method to compare absolute value of PDGIDs of two ParticleTypes rjw May 03, 2001
See Also:
Source Code:

Constructor Summary
protected PythiaParticlePropertyProvider()
          Default constructor
Method Summary
 ParticleType get(int PDGID)
          Get the properties for a particular particle.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected PythiaParticlePropertyProvider()
Default constructor
Method Detail


public ParticleType get(int PDGID)
Get the properties for a particular particle. Note, this method no longer throws UnknownParticleID. It will always return a ParticleType object, from which at least the PDGID can be obtained Calling other methods on the ParticleType object may cause UnknownParticleID to be thrown if the PDGID is unknown.
Specified by:
get in interface ParticlePropertyProvider

The LCD Group