Interface Summary | |
FitStatusInt | FitStatusInt -- fit status interface |
Swimmer | Swimmer -- interface for swimmers |
VertexInt | interface for vertex representation |
VertexListInt | General vertex list interface |
VtxFitter | VtxFitter -- interface for fitting a vertex for a list of tracks |
Class Summary | |
BasicFitStatus | BasicFitStatus -- status object for fits |
Zv3dSwimmer | Zv3dSwimmer -- swim a track to a target position (3d) |
ZvBeamSpot | ZvBeamSpot -- beam spot and error matrix |
ZvBField | ZvBField -- B field containing class |
ZvFitStatus | ZvFitStatus -- status object for ZvFitter |
ZvFitter | ZvFitter -- fit vertex for a list of tracks |
ZvgChi2Calculator | |
ZvgCMat | ZvgCMat -- generate transformation matrix from a ZvTrack |
ZvgCMatList | ZvgCMatList -- ZvTop internal CMat representation |
ZvgGhostTrackFinder | ZvgGhostTrackFinder -- find the optimum ghost track axis for a given set of tracks |
ZvgGTFParam | ZvgGTFParam -- ZvgGhostTrackFinder's constant parameters |
ZvgGTFStatus | ZvgGTFStatus -- status object for ZvgGhostTrackFinder |
ZvGhostTrack | ZvGhostTrack -- The class ZvGhostTrack provides convenience filling methods for a ZvTrack as a ghost track. |
ZvHelixVec | ZvBHelixVec -- ZvTopVertexer helper: calculate unit vectors from ZvTrack |
ZvLeap | ZvLeap -- ZvSwim helper class |
ZvProbTube | ZvProbTube -- probablity tube approximation for a ZvTrack |
ZvProbTubeList | ZvProbTubeList -- ZvTop vertex significance calculation class class holds a list of probabilty tubes for tracks. |
ZvSpatPoint | ZvSpatPoint -- ZvTop spatial point representation helper class for ZvTopVertexer |
ZvSwimmer | ZvSwimmer -- swim a track to a target position |
ZvSwimStatus | ZvSwimStatus -- status object for ZvSwimmer |
ZvSwimStatusWords | ZvSwimStatusWords -- status object words for ZvSwimStatus |
ZvTopParam | ZvTopParam -- ZvTop's constant parameters |
ZvTopStatus | ZvTopStatus -- status object for ZvTopVertexer |
ZvTopVertexer | ZvTopVertexer -- main class |
ZvTrack | ZvTrack -- ZvTop internal track representation |
ZvTrackList | ZvTrackList -- ZvTop internal track representation |
ZvTrkDist | ZvTrkDist |
ZvUtils | ZvUtils -- utilities for ZvXxxx classes |
ZvVertex | ZvVertex -- ZvTop vertex representation |
ZvVertexList | ZvVertexList -- ZvTop vertex list |
Exception Summary | |
ZvException | ZvException -- ZvTop Exception class |
Package for topological vertex finding written for the LCD JAVA environment.
An introduction into the use of ZvTopVertexer can be found via my
Look for the link to ZvTopVertexer.
ZvTopVertexer has been integrated into the hep.lcd CVS repository. Therefore the package path statements have been adjusted to hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop .
This package is not perfect yet, thus thank you for your patientence.
Please see the package API's for details on classes and methods.
Ideas and algorithms based on SLD's ZvTop3.
Original authors: David Jackson et al. (SLD)
Author: W.Walkowiak, UC Santa Cruz, 10/04/2000
Changes: ww, 06/01/2001