Package jas.util

Interface Summary
BooleanCommandTarget A boolean command target is a CommandTarget which corresponds to a command which may have an on/off state associated with it.
CommandSource A CommandSource represents a source of a command, such as a MenuItem or Toolbar Button.
CommandTarget A CommandTarget represents a single action that will be performed as a result of a command being issued.
Finishable A JASWizardPage that implements this interface can be the final page on a JASWizard.
HasHelpPage A JASWizardPage that implements this interface can link the user to a help topic.
HasNextPages A JASWizardPage that implements this interface will have one or more subsequent pages.
HelpInterface HelpInterface is the interface which users of the help system deal with.
SimpleCommandTarget A CommandTarget which does not have a selected/deselected state associated with it

Class Summary
Application This class is meant to provide access from all packages to certain general-purpose items of the application, such as the UserProperties objects that the application uses, and the JFrame that the application is in.
ArbitraryNameGenerator This class is a utility provided for generating arbitrary names.
CheckBoxBorderPanel A JPanel which has a checkbox embedded in its border.
CommandProcessor A CommandProcessor represents a collection of CommandTargets.
CommandTargetManager A CommandTargetManager manages a set of CommandSources and a set of CommandProcessors, and figure out the wiring from the CommandSources to the CommandTargets within the CommandProcessors.
DocumentOutputStream An OutputStream implementation that places it's output in a swing text model (Document).
DoubleWithError A class that encapsulates a value and its error.
ErrorBox This class is used to show the user that an error has occurred.
FileReaderWithProgressBar This class should be used when you want to have a BoundedRangeModel display the progress as a file is being opened.
FileTypeFileFilter A FileFilter which accepts files with a given file extension
GetOptions GetOptions is used to help parse command line arguments.
IndentPrintWriter A PrintWriter that keeps track of an indentation level and indents the output appropriately.
JASDialog JASDialog extends the built in java dialog to provide a number of extra features Automatic placement relative to parent frame OK, Cancel, Apply, and Help buttons at the bottom of the dialog box Automatic disposal of the dialog when the user hits OK, Cancel or closes the dialog using the window manager To make components visible on this dialog, add them to the content pane.
JASEditableComboBox This class is ideal if you want to have a text field for user input but also have a list of recently selected items available to choose from.
JASIcon A convenience class for creating small icons where the source file is stored in the CLASSPATH of the application, typically in the same JAR file as the class creating the image
JASTextField Works just like a JTextField, except that the default button for this component's root pane will is clicked when the user clicks on Enter in this field.
JASWizard The wizard is useful for getting user input on multiple pages.
JASWizardPage Extend this class to create a page for the JASWizard.
ObjectFactory The object factory is just a convenience class for creating objects from thier Class pointer.
OnScreenPopupMenu A popup menu which adjust where it is told to appear, so that it will always appear on screen (if possible)
OpenLocalFilePanel This class provides a convenient way to get a file name from the user.
ScientificFormat This code formats numbers in Scientific Notation.
SciFormatPanel Creates a jpanel that allows users to set the parameters used by ScientificFormat objects for number formatting.
SpinBox This is an implementation of a simple spin box suitable for use with positive integers.
UserProperties This class is used to store user prorerties.
WrappingTextArea Use this class to implement a component that contains line-wrapping text.

Exception Summary
GetOptions.BadArguments Exception to throw when an invalid argument is encountered.
ImageException An Exception to be thrown in case of problems loading an image.