Interface Finishable

public interface Finishable

A JASWizardPage that implements this interface can be the final page on a JASWizard. When a Finishable page is displayed on the wizard, the "Finish" button is enabled. A sensible wizard page would implement either this interface, or HasNextPages, or both. If your page implemented neither then neither the "Next" nor "Finish" button would enable, so your page would be a "dead end."

See Also:
JASWizardPage, JASWizard, HasNextPages

Method Summary
 void onFinish()
          Invoked by the JASWizard when the used clicks on the "Finish" button.

Method Detail


public void onFinish()
Invoked by the JASWizard when the used clicks on the "Finish" button.
See Also: