Class ScientificFormat

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, java.io.Serializable

public class ScientificFormat
extends java.text.Format

This code formats numbers in Scientific Notation. The input Number object is returned as a ScientificFormated string. There are two output styles: Pure and Standard scientific notation. Pure formatted numbers have precisely the number of digits specified by the significant digits (sigDig) parameter and always specify a Base 10 Exponential(E). Standard formated numbers have the number of digits specified by the significant digits (sigDig) parameter but will not have a Base 10 Exponential(E) if the number of digits in the mantissa <= maxWidth.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
ScientificFormat(int sigDigit, int maxWidth, boolean SciNote)
          Sets the significant digits, maximum allowable width and number formatting style (SciNote == true for Pure formatting).
Method Summary
 java.lang.String format(double d)
          Format the number using scientific notation
 java.lang.StringBuffer format(java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.StringBuffer toAppendTo, java.text.FieldPosition pos)
          Implementation of inherited abstract method.
 java.lang.String formatError(int eSD, double d)
          Format the number using scientific notation
 int getMaxWidth()
          Returns the maximum allowable width of formatted number excluding any exponentials
 boolean getScientificNotationStyle()
          Returns the formatting style: True means Pure scientific formatting, False means standard.
 int getSigDigits()
          Returns the number of significant digits
 java.lang.Object parseObject(java.lang.String source, java.text.ParsePosition pos)
          Dummy implementation of inherited abstract method.
 void setMaxWidth(int mWidth)
          Sets the maximum allowable length of the formattted number mantissa before exponential notation is used.
 void setScientificNotationStyle(boolean sciNote)
          Sets the format style used.
 void setSigDigits(int SigDigit)
          Sets the number of significant digits for the formatted number
Methods inherited from class java.text.Format
clone, format, parseObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ScientificFormat()


public ScientificFormat(int sigDigit,
                        int maxWidth,
                        boolean SciNote)
Sets the significant digits, maximum allowable width and number formatting style (SciNote == true for Pure formatting).
Method Detail


public java.lang.StringBuffer format(java.lang.Object obj,
                                     java.lang.StringBuffer toAppendTo,
                                     java.text.FieldPosition pos)
Implementation of inherited abstract method. Checks to see if object to be formatted is of type Number. If so casts the Number object to double and calls the format method. Returns the result.
format in class java.text.Format


public java.lang.Object parseObject(java.lang.String source,
                                    java.text.ParsePosition pos)
Dummy implementation of inherited abstract method.
parseObject in class java.text.Format


public int getSigDigits()
Returns the number of significant digits


public int getMaxWidth()
Returns the maximum allowable width of formatted number excluding any exponentials


public boolean getScientificNotationStyle()
Returns the formatting style: True means Pure scientific formatting, False means standard.


public void setSigDigits(int SigDigit)
Sets the number of significant digits for the formatted number


public void setMaxWidth(int mWidth)
Sets the maximum allowable length of the formattted number mantissa before exponential notation is used.


public void setScientificNotationStyle(boolean sciNote)
Sets the format style used. There are two output styles: Pure and Standard scientific notation. Pure formatted numbers have precisely the number of digits specified by the significant digits (sigDig) parameter and always specify a Base 10 Exponential(E). Standard formated numbers have the number of digits specified by the significant digits (sigDig) parameter but will not have a Base 10 Exponential(E) if the number of digits in the mantissa <= maxWidth.


public java.lang.String format(double d)
Format the number using scientific notation


public java.lang.String formatError(int eSD,
                                    double d)
Format the number using scientific notation