Interface CommandSource

All Known Implementing Classes:
JASMenuItem, JASToolBarButton, JASRadioMenuItem, JASCheckboxMenuItem, CommandButton

public interface CommandSource

A CommandSource represents a source of a command, such as a MenuItem or Toolbar Button. A CommandSource may have a CommandTarget associated with it. The CommandTarget represents the command that will be fired when the CommandSource is activated. Typically a CommandTargetManager is responsible for setting the CommandTarget. The CommandSource will typically be dimmed out if either there is no CommandTarget associated with it, or if the CommandTarget is not enabled.

Method Summary
 void clearTarget()
          Clears the CommandTarget associated with the CommandSource
 java.lang.String getCommand()
          Returns the command associated with the CommandSource
 CommandTarget getTarget()
          Returns the current CommandTarget, or null of there isnt a current command target
 boolean setTarget(CommandTarget target)
          Sets a CommandTarget associated with the CommandSource

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getCommand()
Returns the command associated with the CommandSource


public boolean setTarget(CommandTarget target)
Sets a CommandTarget associated with the CommandSource


public void clearTarget()
Clears the CommandTarget associated with the CommandSource


public CommandTarget getTarget()
Returns the current CommandTarget, or null of there isnt a current command target