Web-Casts of Lepton-Photon 99 Talks
All of the presentations at this year's conference will be recorded and made available
for viewing on the LP99 web site. In addition all of the slides from the talks will be
available in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF) from the same web site. So even if you are not
able to attend in person you will still be able to become a "virtual"
participant. The slides should be available immediately after the talk, and web-casts will
be available approximately 12-24 hours after the actual talk.
Sample Video
Next to each presentation in the program you will see
the following icons. Click on the appropriate icon to view the slides or the video.
The icons have the following meaning:
Click on this icon to view the slides in PDF format. |
Click on this icon to watch the video. You need the RealPlayer version G2 to view the
video from this icon. The G2 player will automatically select the appropriate video
resolution based on your network connection. |
Click on this icon if you are using RealPlayer 5.0. You will only be able to view the
video in low resolution (suitable for a 28.8 modem connection). |
Frequently Asked Questions
- What software will I need to view the video?
The Adobe Acrobat reader can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe site (www.adobe.com).The
Real Player software can be downloaded for free from Real
Networks (www.real.com). (The Real Networks site tries really hard to persuade you to
buy the "enhanced" version, so you have to search hard to find the link to the
free version.)
More details of the software needed and its availability for different platforms can be
found here.
- What speed of connection will I need?
If you are using the real player G2 the software
will automatically choose the best quality video supported by your network connection to
SLAC, and up-to 150 kbps. If you are using an older release of the software you will need
to select the 5.0 icon and will receive low resolution video (20 kbps)
- What if I have trouble viewing the video due to network congestion?
The video files
are also be available for you to download directly to your machine (from
here). However the files
will be very large (~300 Mbytes each) so the download may take a long time.
- What other streaming-media web casts are available from SLAC?
The Streaming Media Project at
SLAC has several other interesting web casts available.
- I still have more questions!
Feel free to contact Tony Johnson or Dennis Wisinski