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InvitationsAs is traditional, participation in the Symposium is by invitation only. Invitations will be extended to scientists nominated by the IUPAP-recommended Country Coordinators. Please contact your Country Coordinator if you wish to obtain an invitation. If your country is not listed, please contact the ICTP Coordinator. International Organizations are listed separately at the end. Telephone and fax numbers have country-codes preceded by "+", and area or city codes surrounded by (parentheses). Information was last updated on 10 December 1998. Please report any problems with this contact information to the Symposium Secretariat. |
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Prof. Carlos Garcia Canal, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
+54-(21)-252-006 (fax)
Laboratorio de Fisica Teorica
Departamento de Fisica
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
CC 67
1900 La Plata
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Quota: 1
Prof. Ruben L. Mkrtchyan, Yerevan Physics Institute
+7-3742-350030 (fax)
Yerevan Physics Institute
Alikhanian Brothers St. 2
AM-375036 Yerevan, Armenia
Quota: 1
Prof. Anthony Thomas, Univ. of Adelaide
+61-(8) 8303-3551 (fax)
Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics
University of Adelaide
Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
Quota: 3
Prof. Herbert Pietschmann, Institut fur Theoretische Physik
+43-(1)-313-67 x3401
+43-(1)-317-22-20 (fax)
Institut fur Theoretische Physik
Boltzmanngasse 5
A-1090, Wien, Austria
Quota: 4
Prof. Ovsat Abdinov
+99-(412)-395-961 (fax)
Azerbaijian Academy of Sciences
H. Cavid Ave. 33
AZ-370143, Baku, Azerbaijan
Quota: 1
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Prof. Nikolai Shumeiko, National Center for Particle & High Energy Physics, Belarus
+7-(172)-326-075 (fax)
The National Center for Particle & High Energy Physics
M.Bogdanovich Street 153
220040 Minsk, Belarus
Quota: 2
Prof. Jean-Marie Frere, Univ. Libre de Bruxelles
+32-(2)-6505113 (fax)
Physique Theorique
Univ. Libre de Bruxelles
Boulevard du Triomphe
CP 225
B-1050, Bruxelles, Belgium
Quota: 5
Prof. Yogiro Hama, Universidade de Sao Paulo
+55-(11)-818-6992 or -818-6995
+55-(11)-818-6833 (fax)
Instituto de Fisica
Universidade de Sao Paulo
CP 66.318
BR-05315-970, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Quota: 2
Prof. Vladimir Penev, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia
penev@lhe.jinr.ru, vpenev@inrne.bas.bg
+359-(2)-975-3619 (fax)
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy
72 Boulevard Tsarigradsko chaussee
BG-1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
+7-(09621) 65-666 (fax)
Laboratory of High Energies
Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Moscow Region
6 Joliot Curie
RU-141980, Dubna, Russia
Quota: 2
Prof. David Bailey, Univ. of Toronto
+1-(416)-978-8221 (fax)
Physics Department
University of Toronto
60 St. George Street
Toronto, Canada M6G 1X2
Quota: 15
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Prof. Tao Huang, IHEP, Beijing
+86-(10)-6821-3344 ext 2326
+86-(10)-6821-3374 (fax)
Institute of High Energy Physics
Academia Sinica
P.O.Box 918, Beijing 100039
Quota: 14
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Prof. Dubravko Tadic, University of Zagreb
+385-(1)-468-0321 (secretary)
+385-(1)-468-0336 (fax)
Physics Department
University of Zagreb
Bijenicka 32
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Quota: 1
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Prof. Jiri Niederle, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
+420-(2)-6605-2666 (secretary)
+420-(2)-688-2948 (fax)
Institute of Physics
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Na Slovance 2
CZ-182-21 Prague 8, Czech Republic
Quota: 2
Prof. Peter Hansen, Niels Bohr Institute
+45-(35)-32-50-16 (fax)
Niels Bohr Institute
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen ÿ Denmark
Quota: 3
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Prof. Ilmar Ots, University of Tartu
+372-(7)-38-30-33 (fax)
Institute of Physics
University of Tartu
Riia 142
51014 Tartu, Estonia
Quota: 1
Prof. Masud Chaichian, University of Helsinki
+358-(9)-191-8435 (secretary)
+358-(9)-191-8366 (fax)
Department of Physics
University of Helsinki
P.O. Box 9
Quota: 2
Prof. Gilles Sauvage, LAPP
+33-(0)-4-50-27-94-95 (fax)
Chemin de Bellevue - BP 11
74941 Annecy-le-Vieux CEDEX - FRANCE
Quota: 30
Prof. Nodar Amaglobeli, Tbilisi State University
+995-(32)-309852 (fax)
High Energy Physics Institute
Tbilisi State University
University St.9
380086 Tbilisi 86, Georgia
Quota: 2
Prof. Erwin Hilger, Univ. Bonn
+49-(228)-73-7869 (fax)
Physikalisches Institut
Universitaet Bonn
Nussallee 12
D-53115 Bonn, Germany
Quota: 35
Prof. Manolis Dris, National Technical University of Athens
+30-(1)-772-3025 (fax)
+30-(1)-772-3021 (fax)
Physics Department
National Technical University of Athens
Iroon Polytechniou-9
15780 Zografou, Greece
Quota: 3
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Prof. Gyorgy Pocsik, Eotvos Lorand University
+36-(1)-372-2509 (fax)
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Eotvos Lorand University
Puskin utca 5-7
1518 Budapest, Pf. 32, Hungary
Quota: 2
Prof. Virendra Singh, Tata Institute
vsingh@theory.tifr.res.in, britto@tifr.res.in
+91-(22)-215-2971 ext 2260
+91-(22)-215-2971 ext 2618
+91-(22)-215-2181 (fax)
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Homi Bhabha Road
Bombay 400 005, India
Quota: 5
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Prof. Danny Birmingham, Univ. College, Dublin
+353-(1)-706-1172 (fax)
Department of Mathematical Physics
University College
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Quota: 1
Prof. Giora Mikenberg, Weizmann Institute
+972-(8)-936-2745 (fax)
Weizmann Institute
Rehovot, ISRAEL
Quota: 8
Prof. Enzo Iarocci, Presidente INFN
Iarocci@Presid.infn.it, Angela.DiSilvestro@presid.infn.it
+39-(6)-683-0-7924 (fax)
Presidente INFN
Piazza dei Caprettari, 70
I-00186, Roma, Italy
Quota: 30
Prof. Sakue Yamada, KEK
+81-(298)-64-2397 (fax)
Oho 1-1, Tsukuba
Ibaraki, 305-0801 Japan
Quota: 30
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Dr. Pyungwon Ko, KAIST
+82-42-869-2510 (fax)
Dept. of Physics
Taejon 305-701, Korea
Quota: 3
Prof. Juris Tambergs
+371-(7)-901-212 (fax)
Nuclear Research Centre
Miera iela 31
Salaspils-1, LV-2169, Latvia
Quota: 1
Prof. Egidijus Norvaisas, Inst. of Theoretical Physics & Astronomy, Vilnius
+370-(2)-225-361 (fax)
Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy
A. Gostauto 12
Vilnius LT-2600, Lithuania
Quota: 1
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Prof. Juan Carlos D'Olivo, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
+52-(5)-616-2233 (fax Physics Dept.)
+52-(5)-622-4693 (fax)
Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Circuito Exterior, C. U.
Apartado Postal 70-543
04510 Mexico, D.F.
Quota: 3
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Prof. Dr. Ger van Middelkoop, NIKHEF
+31-(20)-592-5054 (fax)
P.O. Box 41882
NL-1009 DB Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Quota: 5
Prof. Philip Yock, Univ. of Auckland
+64-(9)-3737-999 ext 6838
+64-(9)-308-2377 (fax)
Tamaki Campus
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland, New Zealand
Quota: 1
Prof. Per Osland, Univ. of Bergen
+47-(55)-58-9440 (fax)
Department of Physics
University of Bergen
Allegt. 55
N-5007 Bergen, Norway
Quota: 3
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Prof. Ryszard Sosnowski, Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw
+48-(22)-621-2804 (fax)
Institute for Nuclear Studies
Ul. Hoza 69
PL-00-681 Warszawa, Poland
Quota: 6
Prof. Gustavo Castelo-Branco, Instituto Superior Tecnico
+351-(1)-841-9092 (secretary)
+351-(1)-841-9143 (fax)
Dept. de Fisica
Instituto Superior Tecnico
Av. Rovisco Pais
1096 Lisboa Codex, Portugal
Quota: 2
Prof. A. Sandulescu, Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucarest
c/o Alina Balan: alina@acad.ro
+40-(1)-211-6608 (fax)
+40-(1)-423-1472 (fax)
Department of Theoretical Physics
Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering
Quota: 1
Prof. Aleksandr M. Skrinsky, Budker Institute, Novosibirsk
A.N.Skrinsky@inp.nsk.su, skrinsky@npd.ac.ru
+7-(095)-938-5475 (fax)
Russian Academy of Sciences
Nuclear Physics Department
32A, Leninsky prospect
RU-117334 Moscow, Russia
+7-(3832)-34-2163 (fax)
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
11, Lavrentieva prospect
RU-930090 Novosibirsk, Russia
Quota: 15
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Prof. K. K. Phua, National University of Singapore
+65-467-7667 (fax)
Department of Physics
National University of Singapore
Kent Ridge
Singapore 0511, Singapore
World Scientific Publishing
5 Toh Tuck Link
Singapore 596244
Quota: 1
Prof. Mikulas Blazek, Slovak Academy of Sciences
+421-(7)-5941-2576 or
+421-(7)-5477-2479 (Institute)
+421-(7)-5477-6085 (fax)
Institute of Physics
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Dubravska cesta 9
84228 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Quota: 2
Prof. Gabrijel Kernel, Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana
+386-(61)-1257-074 (fax)
Experimental Particle Physics-F9
Institute J. Stefan
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Quota: 2
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Dr. Manuel Aguilar-Benitez, CIEMAT
+34-(1)-346-6068 (fax)
Edificio 2
Avda. Complutense 22
28040 Madrid, Spain
Quota: 7
Prof. Sten Hellman, Univ. of Stockholm
+46-(8)-34-78-17 (fax)
Department of Physics
University of Stockholm
Box 6370
S-11385, Stockholm, Sweden
Quota: 7
Prof. Claude Amsler, Univ. of Zurich
+41-(22)-767-8955 (fax)
CERN, EP Division
CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
Quota: 8
Prof. Shih-Chang Lee, Inst. of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
+886-(2)-788-8937 (fax)
Institute of Physics
Academia Sinica
Taipei 11529, Taiwan
Quota: 1
Prof. Perihan Tolun, Middle East Tech. Univ.
+90-(312)-210-1281 (fax)
Physics Department
Middle East Technical University
Ankara, Turkey
Quota: 1
Prof. Gennady Zinovjev, Bogolyubov Inst. for Theoretical Physics, Kiev
Department of High Energy Density Physics
Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
252143, Kiev-143, Ukraine
Quota: 1
Prof. Peter I. P. Kalmus, Queen Mary & Westfield College, Univ. of London
+44-(181)-981-9465 (fax)
Department of Physics
Queen Mary &Westfield College
Univ. of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS, UK
Quota: 30
Prof. Barry Barish, Caltech
barish@ligo.caltech.edu, dmt@cco.caltech.edu
626-793-9594 (fax)
LIGO 18-34
1201 E. California Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91125
Quota: 145
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Prof. Bekhzad Yuldashev, Inst. of Nucl. Physics, Tashkent
+7-(3712)-64-25-90 (fax)
Institute of Nuclear Physics
Ulugbek, Tashkent, UZ-702132, Uzbekistan
Quota: 1
Please contact the ICTP coordinator
Prof. Tran Huu Phat
+84-(4)-826-6133 (fax)
Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission
59 Ly Thuong Kiet, Hanoi, Vietnam
Quota: 1
Prof. Petar Adzic, VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade
apetar@rt270.vin.bg.ac.yu , peter.adzic@cern.ch
+381-(11) -454-965
+381-(11)-446-2226 (fax)
+381-(11) -455-041 (fax)
VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Physics Laboratory 010
P.O. Box 522
11001 Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Quota: 1
Prof. Lorenzo Foa, Director of Research, CERN
c/o Anne-Marie.Bugge@cern.ch
+41-(22)-767-9590 (fax)
CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
Quota: 25
Prof. Seifallah Randjbar-Daemi, ICTP
+39-(040)-224-0303 (secretary)
+39-(040)-224-0185 (secretary)
+39-(040)-224-0304 (fax)
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11
P.O. Box 586
34100 Trieste, Italy
Quota: 8
Prof. A. N. Sissakian, JINR
+7-(096)-21-6589 (fax)
+7-(096)-21-65599 (fax)
Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Moscow region
Joliot Curie 6
RU-141980, Dubna, Russia
Quota: 4
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Content owner Tom Mattison
Page owner Ruth McDunn
Graphic design Terry Anderson
Last update 14 Jan 2004