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First BulletinUpdated June 2, 1999 I. GENERAL INFORMATIONStanford University will host the XIX International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies. The conference will be held Monday through Saturday August 9-14, 1999, with a break on Wednesday for a conference excursion. The Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) will provide administrative support. The Symposium will be held in Kresge Auditorium of the Law School on Stanford University Campus, the site of previous Symposia. The Conference Secretariat and Computer Room for delegates will also be housed at the Law School in adjoining rooms. The conference is sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), the US Department of Energy, the US National Science Foundation, Stanford University, and SLAC. Participation in the Symposium is by invitation only. Invitations will be extended to scientists nominated by the IUPAP-recommended Country Coordinators. II. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMThe Symposium will consist of four and one half days of plenary talks reviewing heavy quark physics, neutrinos, precision electroweak measurements, proton structure, QCD, and new particle searches. In addition, there will be status reports on the new B Factories and talks on new accelerator developments. Review talks on recent theoretical developments, particle-astrophysics, and cosmology are also included. One half day is devoted to a poster session reviewing future laboratory projects and tours of the BaBar and PEP II facilities at SLAC. III. CONTRIBUTED PAPERSPapers relevant to the scientific program may be submitted to the Symposium by following instructions on our website at http://LP99.slac.stanford.edu. The papers will be available on the Los Alamos preprint archive site; the authors, titles, abstracts and links to Los Alamos will be available on the LP99 web site. The list of submitted papers (but not the papers themselves) will be included in the Proceedings. Papers should be submitted by July 15, 1999 so invited speakers may review them before the Symposium. Papers will be publicly available as soon as they are submitted. Authors who wish to keep results confidential until the Symposium may communicate privately with the appropriate invited Speaker and delay submission until the deadline of August 7, 1999. IV. POSTER SESSIONThe conference will include invited posters from the major Laboratories, which will focus on future activities. Posters will be on display near Kresge Auditorium during the week. In addition, there will be a dedicated poster session Friday afternoon at SLAC. V. PROCEEDINGSCopies of the transparencies from all talks will be accessible via the conference website at the conclusion of the conference. Written proceedings of the Symposium will be published. VI. REGISTRATIONAll invitees are asked to pre-register as soon as possible. Please register electronically, if possible, via our website at http://LP99.slac.stanford.edu. Pre-registration forms are enclosed if it is not convenient for you to register electronically. If you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible, by checking the appropriate response on the pre-registration form. This will allow us to extend invitations to alternate delegates in a timely way. The registration fee is $375.00. Payment may be made by major credit card, check, bank draft or money order drawn on US funds. Checks should be made payable to: Stanford University LP99. The Symposium Registration/Events form is available on the web, and is enclosed. VII. VISA ARRANGEMENTSDelegates from most countries (see list below) are eligible for the Visa Waiver Program, and should ask for WB (waiver-business) status at Immigration on arrival in the US. Family members should ask for WT (waiver-tourist) status. Citizens of other countries should obtain B-1 (business) visas from the US Embassy or Consulate in their country before departure. Family members should obtain B-2 (pleasure) visas. If you are visiting other institutions in the US, check with them for any additional visa requirements, especially if you anticipate receiving financial support from the Symposium. Apply early, and note that obtaining US visas in a country other than your country of citizenship may not be possible. US Embassies and Consulates are listed at http://travel.state.gov/links.html. Holders of J-1 or H1B visas should contact their sponsoring host institutions if necessary. General questions on visa eligibility may be addressed to visa@slac.stanford.edu. The Visa Waiver Program requires travel on a participating airline, a round-trip ticket, a visit less than 90 days, and a valid passport from a participating country: Andora, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bermuda, Brunei, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. VIII. ACCOMMODATIONSAccommodations are available on the Stanford campus at the Lagunita Court Student Residence, and the Symposium has set aside blocks of rooms for delegates at several hotels in the Palo Alto area. Lagunita Court is within easy walking distance of Kresge Auditorium. A shuttle bus will run in the mornings and evenings between Symposium hotels and Kresge Auditorium. The accommodation package at Lagunita includes breakfasts and lunches throughout the conference. Delegates staying in local hotels are strongly encouraged to sign up for conference lunches which will be provided each day at Lagunita Court (see instructions below). Lagunita Court
Symposium Hotels
IX. CONFERENCE LUNCHESDuring the Symposium, lunches will be served at the Lagunita Residence on campus with seating both inside the dining room and outside on the lawn under the trees. Delegates staying on campus will have these lunches included in their accommodation package. Delegates staying off-campus are encouraged to buy lunch tickets for the week, since this will be much more convenient than trying to go off-campus at noontime. A set of five lunch tickets will cost $76.00. Tickets for companions ($76.00/set) and children under 16 ($43.00/set) are also available. Please indicate your selection on the Accommodations/Lunches form included in the registration packet. A boxed lunch will be available on Wednesday, August 11, which is Excursion Day for $15.00. X. TRANSPORTATIONConvenient transportation is available to the Palo Alto area and Stanford University from both San Francisco and San Jose International Airports. Details will be included in Bulletin #2. There will be a shuttle service between the Symposium hotels and Kresge Auditorium in the mornings and evenings. The shuttle service will start on Sunday, August 8 for early registration. Visitor parking is limited on Campus. Parking permits may be purchased at the registration desk at a cost of $6.00/day or $36.00/week, but a permit does not reserve a parking space. There is very little metered parking. XI. PROGRAM EVENTSA number of events are planned for Symposium delegates. They are listed below. Monday, August 9, 6:30 - 9:00 PM: Stanford Welcome at the Rodin Garden and a tour of the newly renovated Cantor Center for Visual Arts (formerly the Stanford Museum). Tuesday, August 10, 7:00 PM: Performance by the Chanticleer a cappella ensemble at the Stanford Memorial Church. Wednesday, August 11: A full day excursion that will allow participants to choose between wine tasting at select Napa Valley wineries, hiking the beautiful Marin County hillsides to Stinson Beach, or exploring San Francisco. Capacity is limited on the Napa Valley and Marin Hiking Tours, so delegates are encouraged to make reservations early. All the excursions are described in more detail below. The day culminates with the Symposium buffet banquet on a cruise around the San Francisco Bay. Friday, August 13, 2:00 - 9:00 PM: Friday afternoon will be devoted to tours of the SLAC research facilities and the Poster Session. Dedication ceremonies for the BaBar Detector will take place early in the afternoon. A barbecue meal will be served in conjunction with the tours, informal discussion, and poster session. XII. COMPANION'S PROGRAMCompanions are welcome to join in all conference program events. There will be fees for companions wishing to attend the Chanticleer Concert ($20), Dinner Cruise ($70), and the Western BBQ ($20). Additional activities will be arranged for companions and families of Symposium delegates. Details in Bulletin #2. XIII. LOCAL INFORMATIONStanford University is located 60 km south of San Francisco, on a peninsula bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the west and San Francisco Bay on the east. The attached maps may help to familiarize visitors with the area. The campus extends over an area of more than 3000 hectares, with ample open space and facilities for sports and recreation. The climate is moderately warm and dry during the summer. In August, typical temperatures in Palo Alto range from 25º C to 30º C during the day, but often drop to 15° C or less in the course of the evening. It is often much cooler in San Francisco, especially on San Francisco Bay. A warm jacket is a necessary part of your wardrobe for evenings. Rain is unlikely. XIV. CONFERENCE COORDINATORSubmit all correspondence to:
XVI. IUPAP PRINCIPLESLP99 will be conducted in accordance with IUPAP principles as stated in the ICSU Document Universality of Science (6th edition, 1989) regarding the free circulation of scientists for international purposes. In particular, no bona fide scientist will be excluded from participation on the grounds of national origin, nationality, or political consideration unrelated to science. XVII. COMMITTEESInternational Advisory Committee:
Local Organizing Committee:
OFF CAMPUS ACCOMMODATIONSRooms have been set aside at the following hotels located along El Camino Real in Palo Alto and Menlo Park. Participants must make their own reservations. Room rates do not include local taxes. When calling for a reservation, please identify yourself as part of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Lepton-Photon Symposium.
EXCURSION DAY ACTIVITIES - August 11, 1999Napa Valley Tour and Wine Tasting
Marin County Hiking
Day in San Francisco
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Content owner lp99@slac.stanford.edu
Page owner Ruth McDunn
Graphic design Terry Anderson
Last update 14 Jan 2004