Welcome to the LCD CD for Snowmass 2001


  • The software contents of this CD have been assembled for the 2001 APS DPF/DPB Snowmass meeting to allow physicists to investigate the physics potential of a linear e+e- collider. All of the tools necessary to generate Monte Carlo events, simulate the response of typical detectors, and conduct the ensuing analysis of the "data" are present. The aim has been to make it as easy as possible for participants to become proficient with the simulation software; most of the code comes pre-compiled and ready to install and run under either Windows or Linux operating systems. We provide two simulation and analysis frameworks, JAS and ROOT; pick one or the other, or compare both of them. Step-by-step tutorials are provided in addition to full documentation and APIs. Physicists working through these primers should quickly be able to start conducting analyses of their own. We encourage you to read the conclusions arrived at from existing physics analyses in the Linear Collider Physics Resource Book. Then answer any remaining questions for yourself. By all  means participate!


  • JAS Tutorial  - Includes instructions for installing Java Analysis Studio, and for running the LCD analysis, reconstruction and event display code.
  • LCDROOT Tutorial - Includes instructions for installing ROOT and the LCD extensions, and for running the LCD analysis, reconstruction and event display code.
  • GuineaPig - A beam-beam simulation program for e+e- colliders.
  • Event Generators - A suite of Monte Carlo event generators to generate physics signal and background events.
  • Data - Some sample data is included on this CD. Larger samples of data will be made available on the Snowmass 2001 central server.
  • Linear Collider Physics Resource Book for Snowmass 2001


You can use this mailing list for general questions to the developers of this software.


The following people, most of whom will be at Snowmass, have expertise in specific areas:

Updates and Errata

We will post updates and errata to this webpage.

Links for More Information