Event Generation for LCD Physics Studies

In order to facilitate the generation of Monte Carlo events for Linear Collider physics studies, a suite of event generators has been assembled and provided on this CD. These are provided as standalone implementations with interfaces to some external packages (such as tauola for tau decays and CIRCE for beamstrahlung effects). The following generic event generators are available:

In addition, two bhabha-scattering simulators are provided for luminosity studies:

Beamstrahlung effects are simulated with:


Introductory Topics

The goal has been to provide the user with pre-compiled versions of the code, with full control over the relevant physics processes via plain-text ASCII files. All the generators create output in the standard HEPEVT FORTRAN common block, which is written to disk in STDHEP format, being the standard for LCD studies. The programs write their output to disk instead of being directly incorporated into the LCD event simulation and analysis frameworks. This design decision was motivated by the desire to encourage sharing of input data samples among physicists and physics groups. It is hoped that a few experts in the particular event generators and physics processes will be found who will then generate canonical samples for analysis, thereby reducing the probability of an ill-chosen set of input parameters. The stdhep files can be read by either the 

Example Analyses

Advanced Topics

Reference Material

The manuals for the event generators are available as pdf files. One should carefully read the instructions on which parameters to set and what ranges are valid. The code which parses the input files does not conduct any sanity-checks, so it is up to the user to provide a consistent set of instructions.


The code is presented here as a service to the physics community attending Snowmass. The intellectual property rights of the authors of the various packages to their code is in no way meant to be infringed upon.

