PANDORA_PYTHIA interfaces the PANDORA Monte Carlo to the PYTHIA version 6.1 program. PYTHIA is used to simulate gluon showering and fragmentation of final-state quarks. To decay tau leptons, TAUOLA is used which includes the effects of polarization. Events are output in STDHEP format.
This CD has  PANDORA_PYTHIA V2.3 (Jun. 22 2001) which is for PANDORA version 2.1 with patch files.

In order to use the interface, you need to have:

PANDORA_PYTHIA installation

How to run

          To make the executable, type

gmake (or make)

binary_name #events  output_file_name (seed for PANDORA) (seed for PYTHIA)

Here seed numbers for PANDORA and PYTHIA are optional. If you don't input them, you'll use the default values, 1 and 19518503 for PANDORA and PYTHIA, respectively. If you don't provide the output file name, there will be no STDHEP output file.

For example, if you have a binary, named gen_eetottbar, which generate e+e- --> ttbar, and type

gen_eetottbar 1000

you can generate 1000 e+e- --> tt-bar events but don't have any output file.

If you type

gen_eetottbar 1000 output.dat 

you can generate 1000 e+e- --> tt-bar events and have an output file of "output.dat".

Or if you type

gen_eetottbar 1000 output.dat 30298

you can generate 1000 e+e- --> tt-bar events with PANDORA initial seed of 30298, and have an output file of "output.dat". (In this case PYTHIA initial seed --> default value)

The output file is HEPEVT binary file.

Important Note for experimentalist

Some detector simulators decay V0 particles during the detector simulation. If you use such a simulator, you must not allow the decay of such particles in the generator level. For example, if you want to use GISMO, you must not decay L0(Pythia particle code 3122), K0-short(310), K0-long(130), S-(3112), S+(3222), X0(3322), X-(3312), W-(3334) particles in the generator level. (But if you want to use LCD FastMC, you need to decay them, because LCD FastMC does not decay any particles.)

In PANDORA_PYTHIA, you can turn on/off the decays using


Pleae also see the details in README file

Last Modified: 13 Jan 2004 13:57 by M. Iwasaki