class description - source file - inheritance tree

class LCDVToplVRT : public TObject

Int_t Filtering(LCDVToplTRK* trk) void Init(TVector3 xinit) void Init(TObjArray* tracks, TVector3 xinit) public:
LCDVToplVRT LCDVToplVRT() LCDVToplVRT LCDVToplVRT(TVector3 xinit) LCDVToplVRT LCDVToplVRT(TObjArray*) LCDVToplVRT LCDVToplVRT(TObjArray*, TVector3) LCDVToplVRT LCDVToplVRT(const LCDVToplVRT& vrt) virtual void ~LCDVToplVRT() Int_t AddTrack(LCDVToplTRK*) Int_t AddTrack(LCDVToplTRK*, Int_t f_fit) void AddTracks(TObjArray*) void AddTracks(TObjArray*, Int_t f_fit) void CalcFourVector() static TClass* Class() void Clean() virtual Int_t Compare(const TObject* obj) const void CompressTracksList() void DeleteTracks() Int_t FilteringToAddTrack(LCDVToplTRK* trk) Int_t FilteringToRemoveTrack(LCDVToplTRK* trk) Double_t GetChi2() Double_t GetDecayLength(TVector3 x_from) Double_t GetEpscut() TMatrixD* GetError() Double_t GetErrorDecayLength(TVector3 x_from, TMatrixD& err_from) void GetErrorMatrixVertex(TMatrixD& em) TMatrixD* GetFitParm() TLorentzVector GetFourVector() Double_t GetFourVectorE() Double_t GetFourVectorPx() Double_t GetFourVectorPy() Double_t GetFourVectorPz() Double_t GetMass() Int_t GetMaxtry() Double_t GetPchi2(Int_t itrk) TLorentzVector GetTrack4MomentumVector(Int_t itrk) LCDVToplTRK* GetTrackAt(Int_t itrk) Int_t GetTrackEntries() TVector3 GetTrackMomentumVector(Int_t itrk) Double_t GetVertexCharge() TVector3 GetVertexVector() Double_t GetVertexX() Double_t GetVertexY() Double_t GetVertexZ() Double_t GetVsig() Int_t IndexOfTrack(LCDVToplTRK* trk) virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual Bool_t IsSortable() const void linearizeChargedTrack(TMatrixD& a, TMatrixD& b, TMatrixD& h0, TMatrixD& x, TMatrixD& q) LCDVToplVRT& operator=(const LCDVToplVRT&) Int_t RemoveTrack(LCDVToplTRK* trk) Int_t RemoveTrack(LCDVToplTRK* trk, Int_t f_fit) Int_t RemoveTrackAt(Int_t itrk) Int_t RemoveTrackAt(Int_t itrk, Int_t f_fit) void SetEpsCut(Double_t a) void SetMaxtry(Int_t a) void SetVertex(Double_t*) void SetVertex(TVector3) void SetVsig(Double_t v) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void SmoothingParameters(LCDVToplTRK* trk, TMatrixD& q) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) TObject** Tracks() Int_t VertexFit() Int_t VertexFit(TVector3 xvinit)

Data Members

Int_t maxtry maximum iteration number Double_t epscut control convergence of fitting Int_t m_ntrk TObject* track_list[100] pointer array of tracks TMatrixD m_fitparm vertex position TMatrixD m_error error matrix of vertex position TLorentzVector a4vec vertex momentum vector Double_t qvtx Double_t chisquared chisquare of vertex fitting Double_t vsig Vertex SIGnificance func. value

Class Description

 $Log: LCDVToplVRT.cxx,v $
 Revision 1.3  2001/06/19 03:49:12  toshi
 Changes accoring to the changes of LCDVToplTRK.

 Revision 1.2  2001/05/14 17:27:15  toshi
 Vertex fitting sometimes diverges and it may kill a running program.
 If vertex fitting goes divergence, use previous fitting parameter values
 in the iteration.

 Revision 1.1  2001/05/10 19:32:11  toshi
 C++ file name convention has been changed from .C to .cxx .


LCDVToplVRT(TVector3 xinit)

LCDVToplVRT(TObjArray* tracks)

LCDVToplVRT(TObjArray* tracks,TVector3 xinit)

LCDVToplVRT(const LCDVToplVRT& vrt)

void Init(TVector3 xinit)

void Init(TObjArray* tracks, TVector3 xinit)

void Clean()

Double_t GetPchi2(Int_t itrk)

TVector3 GetVertexVector()

void GetErrorMatrixVertex(TMatrixD& emvrt)

Double_t GetDecayLength(TVector3 xpt)

Double_t GetErrorDecayLength(TVector3 xpt, TMatrixD& em_xpt)

TVector3 GetTrackMomentumVector(Int_t itrk)

TLorentzVector GetTrack4MomentumVector(Int_t itrk)

void SetVertex(Double_t* a)

void SetVertex(TVector3 a)

Int_t AddTrack(LCDVToplTRK* trk)

Int_t AddTrack(LCDVToplTRK* trk, Int_t f_fit)

void AddTracks(TObjArray* addtracks)

void AddTracks(TObjArray* addtracks, Int_t f_fit)

Int_t RemoveTrackAt(Int_t itrk)

Int_t RemoveTrackAt(Int_t itrk, Int_t f_fit)

Int_t RemoveTrack(LCDVToplTRK* trk)

Int_t RemoveTrack(LCDVToplTRK* trk,Int_t f_fit)

void CompressTracksList()

Int_t IndexOfTrack(LCDVToplTRK* trk)

void CalcFourVector()

Int_t FilteringToAddTrack(LCDVToplTRK* trk)
Kalman Filter -- add track to vertex

Int_t FilteringToRemoveTrack(LCDVToplTRK* trk)
Kalman Filter -- remove track from vertex

void linearizeChargedTrack(TMatrixD& a, TMatrixD& b, TMatrixD& h0, TMatrixD& v0, TMatrixD& q0)

void SmoothingParameters(LCDVToplTRK* trk, TMatrixD& q)

Int_t VertexFit()

Int_t VertexFit(TVector3 xvinit)

Inline Functions

                  void DeleteTracks()
              Double_t GetChi2()
              Double_t GetEpscut()
             TMatrixD* GetError()
             TMatrixD* GetFitParm()
        TLorentzVector GetFourVector()
              Double_t GetFourVectorPx()
              Double_t GetFourVectorPy()
              Double_t GetFourVectorPz()
              Double_t GetFourVectorE()
              Double_t GetMass()
                 Int_t GetMaxtry()
                 Int_t GetTrackEntries()
          LCDVToplTRK* GetTrackAt(Int_t itrk)
              Double_t GetVertexCharge()
              Double_t GetVertexX()
              Double_t GetVertexY()
              Double_t GetVertexZ()
              Double_t GetVsig()
                  void SetEpsCut(Double_t a)
                  void SetMaxtry(Int_t a)
                  void SetVsig(Double_t v)
             TObject** Tracks()
          LCDVToplVRT& operator=(const LCDVToplVRT&)
                Bool_t IsSortable() const
                 Int_t Compare(const TObject* obj) const
                 Int_t Filtering(LCDVToplTRK* trk)
               TClass* Class()
               TClass* IsA() const
                  void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                  void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                  void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
                  void ~LCDVToplVRT()

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