class description - source file - inheritance tree
LCDMcPart LCDMcPart()
LCDMcPart LCDMcPart(Int_t ID)
LCDMcPart LCDMcPart(LCDMcPart* part)
LCDMcPart LCDMcPart(LCDMcPart&)
virtual void ~LCDMcPart()
static TClass* Class()
TLorentzVector Get4Momentum()
TLorentzVector* Get4MomentumPtr()
Double_t GetCharge()
Int_t GetParentIdx()
Int_t GetParticleID()
TVector3 GetPosition()
TVector3* GetPositionPtr()
Int_t GetStatus()
TVector3 GetTermPosition()
TVector3* GetTermPositionPtr()
virtual TClass* IsA() const
void Set4Momentum(const TLorentzVector& momentum)
void SetCharge(Double_t charge)
void SetCharge(Float_t charge)
void SetParentIdx(Int_t parent)
void SetParticleID(Int_t id)
void SetPosition(const TVector3& position)
void SetStatus(Int_t status)
void SetTermPosition(const TVector3& term_pos)
void SetUpParticle(Int_t id, Double_t charge, Int_t status, Int_t parentidx, const TLorentzVector& mom, const TVector3& term_pos)
void SetUpParticle(Int_t id, Float_t charge, Int_t status, Int_t parentidx, const TLorentzVector& mom, const TVector3& term_pos)
virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
Int_t m_partID STDHEP particle ID number
Int_t m_status STDHEP status code
Float_t m_charge Particle charge
Int_t m_parent Index of the parent McPart object
TVector3 m_position Particle production position in cm
TVector3 m_term_pos Particle termination position in cm
TLorentzVector m_4momentum Particle 4-momentum (Px,Py,Pz,E) in GeV
The class McPart is the class containing the Monte Carlo particle
information such as the particle ID, a pointer to the parent McPart
object if it exists,the charge and the position and momentum initially
and at the calorimeter. All particles recorded in the detector get an
McPart object assigned to them.
LCDMcPart(): m_partID(0), m_status(0), m_parent(-1)
Default constructor
LCDMcPart(Int_t ID)
Create an McPart object with STDHEP particle ID
LCDMcPart(LCDMcPart* part)
Copy constructor, still has to be finished
void SetUpParticle(Int_t id,
Double_t charge,
Int_t status,
Int_t parentidx,
const TLorentzVector& mom,
const TVector3& term_pos)
Set all the attributes of the particle
void SetUpParticle(Int_t id,
Float_t charge,
Int_t status,
Int_t parentidx,
const TLorentzVector& mom,
const TVector3& term_pos)
Set all the attributes of the particle
Inline Functions
Int_t GetParticleID()
Int_t GetStatus()
Double_t GetCharge()
Int_t GetParentIdx()
void SetParticleID(Int_t id)
void SetStatus(Int_t status)
void SetCharge(Double_t charge)
void SetCharge(Float_t charge)
void SetParentIdx(Int_t parent)
TVector3 GetPosition()
TVector3 GetTermPosition()
TLorentzVector Get4Momentum()
TVector3* GetPositionPtr()
TVector3* GetTermPositionPtr()
TLorentzVector* Get4MomentumPtr()
void SetPosition(const TVector3& position)
void SetTermPosition(const TVector3& term_pos)
void Set4Momentum(const TLorentzVector& momentum)
TClass* Class()
TClass* IsA() const
void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
LCDMcPart LCDMcPart(LCDMcPart&)
void ~LCDMcPart()
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