// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// $Id: LCDMcPart.cxx,v 1.1 2001/05/10 17:25:04 toshi Exp $
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// $Log: LCDMcPart.cxx,v $
// Revision 1.1  2001/05/10 17:25:04  toshi
// Rename *.C to *.cxx.
// Revision 1.2  2001/04/28 23:44:05  toshi
// Start to use CVS.
//                                                                       //
// LCDMcPart                                                             //
//                                                                       //
// The class McPart is the class containing the Monte Carlo particle     //
// information such as the particle ID, a pointer to the parent McPart   //
// object if it exists,the charge and the position and momentum initially//
// and at the calorimeter. All particles recorded in the detector get an //
// McPart object assigned to them.                                       //
//                                                                       //

#include "LCDMcPart.h"
 LCDMcPart::LCDMcPart(): m_partID(0), m_status(0), m_parent(-1){
  // Default constructor 
  m_position  = TVector3(0.,0.,0.); 
  m_term_pos  = TVector3(0.,0.,0.); 
  m_4momentum = TLorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.); 

 LCDMcPart::LCDMcPart(Int_t ID) {
  // Create an McPart object with STDHEP particle ID 
  m_partID = ID;
  m_position  = TVector3(0.,0.,0.); 
  m_term_pos  = TVector3(0.,0.,0.); 
  m_4momentum = TLorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.);   

 LCDMcPart::LCDMcPart(LCDMcPart* part){
  // Copy constructor, still has to be finished
  m_partID    = part->GetParticleID();
  m_status    = part->GetStatus();
  m_charge    = part->GetCharge();
  m_parent    = part->GetParentIdx();
  m_position  = part->GetPosition();
  m_term_pos  = part->GetTermPosition();
  m_4momentum = part->Get4Momentum();

 void LCDMcPart::SetUpParticle(Int_t id,
			      Double_t charge,
			      Int_t status,
			      Int_t parentidx, 
			      const TLorentzVector& mom,
			      const TVector3& term_pos) {
  // Set all the attributes of the particle
  SetParticleID(id)        ;
  SetCharge(charge)        ;
  SetStatus(status)        ;
  SetParentIdx(parentidx)  ;
  Set4Momentum(mom)        ;

 void LCDMcPart::SetUpParticle(Int_t id,
			      Float_t charge,
			      Int_t status,
			      Int_t parentidx, 
			      const TLorentzVector& mom,
			      const TVector3& term_pos) {
  // Set all the attributes of the particle
  SetParticleID(id)        ;
  SetCharge(charge)        ;
  SetStatus(status)        ;
  SetParentIdx(parentidx)  ;
  Set4Momentum(mom)        ;

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