Snowmass CD version of


This is for ZvTopVertexer version R1.01 distributed on the Snowmass LCD software CD.


The package ZvTopVertexer contains the Java implementation of the SLD experiment's topological vertexing algorithm ZVTOP.
(D.Jackson, NIM A388 247-253, 1997)

ZvTopVertexer uses 3-dimensional gaussian probability tubes derived from helical track parameters and the track's error matrices to find vertices by looking for "peaks" in the overlaps of probability tubes, which give the vertex significances.  ZvTopVertexer operates on jet basis, ie normally only vertex candidates in the jet's direction with respect to the interaction point are considered.  It does not yet implement the full functionality of ZVTOP3. See the planned additions section  for details.  Some links to talks about and applications of  ZvTopVertexer are available as well.

Instructions on how to set up the package in the  JAS/lcd framework, a brief usage manual and the full API class documentation is found below. Bug fixes and details on upgrades are found in the  recent updates and bug fixes section .  Reports on problems and suggestions are welcome.  Please feel free to email me.

Package availability and setup

This package is distributed with the hep.lcd software (hep.lcd v1.4.1 and higher).  Note that it is contained in ZvTopVertexer.jar which is separate from lcd.jar.

There are very few setup instructions. During the installation of the hep.lcd software package you should have copied ZvTopVertexer.jar into your extensions directory along with lcd.jar.

Please refer to the usage manual for documentation on how to run ZvTopVertexer.

Usage manual

A brief usage manual with example code on how to run ZvTopVertexer in the JAS/lcd framework is provided:

Class documentation

The full class documentation as API for ZvTopVertexer is part of the hep.lcd API.  This documentation is generated using the javadoc tool.

Availablility of updates and bug fixes

Even though this is a stable version of ZvTopVertexer, an update with corrected 'features' may become necessary. These updates will be posted at the ZvTopVertexer homepage and possibly on the Snowmass server.  Please email me and ask to be put on my update-list. This way I can alert you to updates.

Check for recent updates and bug fixes:

A brief history of changes included is found in the API documentation.

Planned additions

The following items are currently on the To Do list:

Talks and applications

These talks were given at the Linear Collider Workshop LCWS 2000 (external) at Fermilab:


Please feel free to contact me:
 Wolfgang Walkowiak (

Last update on 06/22/01 by Wolfgang Walkowiak