Snowmass CD version of


 -- Usage manual --

Introductory comments

This is supposed to become the usage manual.  It will grow with time and user feedback. Currently, some important remarks on the use, information on the setup and user tunable parameters for different package components and a simple pieces of example code is supplied.

ZvTopVertexer has so far been run on fast Monte Carlo tracks from Monte Carlo truth level information in stdhep format.  The events have been generated with Pythia, Pandora/Pythia or the Diagnostic Generator (from the Java hep package).

Feel free to contact me in case of problems or for feedback.

Important remarks

Please keep the following in mind:

Package import statement

The import statement for the ZvTopVertexer package has to be set to:
import hep.lcd.vertexing.zvtop.*;


There are three objects which need to be initialized: the swimmer, the vertex fitter and the general parameter object for ZvTopVertexer.
(For details on parameters of the various methods please refer to the API documentation for ZvTopVertexer.)

These three objects and the (constant) beamspot definition are best declared in the global scope of your Processor class:

 // general parameter object for ZvTopVertexer
 private ZvTopParam  vtxParam = new ZvTopParam();

 // swimmer
 private ZvSwimmer   swimmer  = new ZvSwimmer();

 // track vertex fitter
 private ZvFitter    fitter   = new ZvFitter();

 // beamspot definition
 private ZvBeamSpot  beamSpot = new ZvBeamSpot(new double[]{0.,0.,0.});

The initialization is best done in the start() method of your Processor:

Event processing

The processing of events in the process() method of your Processor should at least contain:

Complete example

The following example code for jobs running ZvTopVertexer in the JAS/lcd framework is available:


Please feel free to contact me:
 Wolfgang Walkowiak (

Last update on 06/22/01 by Wolfgang Walkowiak