Class CommandProcessor.SimpleTarget

All Implemented Interfaces:
CommandTarget, SimpleCommandTarget
Enclosing class:

protected class CommandProcessor.SimpleTarget
extends java.lang.Object
implements SimpleCommandTarget

A SimpleTarget is an implementation of CommandTarget which implements its

Method Summary
 void doCommand()
 void enable(JASState state)
          Called to determine if CommandTarget is enabled or disabled.
 CommandProcessor getProcessor()
          Gets the CommandProcessor associated with this CommandTarget.
 void invoke()
          The invoke method is called to actually perform the command.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public void invoke()
Description copied from interface: SimpleCommandTarget
The invoke method is called to actually perform the command.
Specified by:
invoke in interface SimpleCommandTarget


public void doCommand()
               throws CommandInvocationException


public void enable(JASState state)
Description copied from interface: CommandTarget
Called to determine if CommandTarget is enabled or disabled.
Specified by:
enable in interface CommandTarget


public CommandProcessor getProcessor()
Description copied from interface: CommandTarget
Gets the CommandProcessor associated with this CommandTarget.
Specified by:
getProcessor in interface CommandTarget