// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// $Id: LCDLookUp2d.cxx,v 1.1 2001/05/10 17:56:02 toshi Exp $
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// $Log: LCDLookUp2d.cxx,v $
// Revision 1.1 2001/05/10 17:56:02 toshi
// Changes C++ name convention from *.C to *.cxx to allow Windows usage.
// two dimensional lookup table
// Version 1.0 7-Jan-1999 Richard creation
// Version 1.1 20-Apr-2000 Toshi modified to privent negative
// diagonal error matrix element...
#include "LCDLookUp2d.h"
// LookUp2d
// utility class which reads a 2-d table and uses it for interpolation
LCDLookUp2d::LCDLookUp2d(TString name,
Double_t* key1, Double_t* key2, Double_t* mat,
Int_t numBins1, Int_t numBins2) :
m_name(name), m_key1(key1), m_key2(key2), m_matrix(mat),
m_numBins1(numBins1), m_numBins2(numBins2) {
LCDLookUp2d::~LCDLookUp2d() {};
Double_t LCDLookUp2d::interpolateVal(Double_t val1, Double_t val2, Int_t* rc) {
// interpolates table given input val1, val2
// const Int_t badVal1LowerBound = 1;
const Int_t badVal1UpperBound = 2;
// const Int_t badVal2LowerBound = 4;
const Int_t badVal2UpperBound = 8;
const Int_t goodBounds = 0;
*rc = goodBounds;
Int_t index1;
Int_t index2;
Double_t t;
Double_t u;
if (val1 > m_key1[m_numBins1-1] ) {
*rc += badVal1UpperBound;
index1 = m_numBins1 - 1;
t = 0;
} else {
index1 = TMath::BinarySearch(m_numBins1,m_key1,val1);
index1 = ( index1 < 0 ) ? 0 : index1;
t = (val1 - m_key1[index1])/(m_key1[index1+1] - m_key1[index1]);
if (val2 > m_key2[m_numBins2-1] ) {
*rc += badVal2UpperBound;
index2 = m_numBins2 - 1;
u = 0;
} else {
index2 = TMath::BinarySearch(m_numBins2,m_key2,val2);
index2 = ( index2 < 0 ) ? 0 : index2;
u = (val2 - m_key2[index2])/(m_key2[index2+1] - m_key2[index2]);
t = ( t < 0 ) ? 0 : t ;
u = ( u < 0 ) ? 0 : u ;
Double_t y1 = 0;
Double_t y2 = 0;
Double_t y3 = 0;
Double_t y4 = 0;
y1 = m_matrix[index1*m_numBins2+index2];
if (index1+1<m_numBins1) {
y2 = m_matrix[(index1+1)*m_numBins2+index2];
if (index1+1<m_numBins1 && index2+1<m_numBins2) {
y3 = m_matrix[(index1+1)*m_numBins2+index2+1];
if (index2+1<m_numBins2) {
y4 = m_matrix[index1*m_numBins2+index2+1];
Double_t yNew = (1.-t)*(1.-u)*y1 + t*(1.-u)*y2 + t*u*y3 + (1.-t)*u*y4;
return yNew;
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