
class description - source file - inheritance tree

class LCDTrack : public TObject

void CalcPOCA(Double_t qMC, Double_t bfld_z, TVector3 p_orig, TVector3 x_orig, TVector3& p_poca, TVector3& x_poca) void CalcTrackParameters(Double_t qMC, Double_t bfld_z, TVector3 pMC, TVector3 xMC, Double_t* tkpar) public:
LCDTrack LCDTrack() LCDTrack LCDTrack(Int_t index, Int_t index0, Double_t bfld_z, Int_t ndf, Double_t chi2, Double_t* par, Double_t* errMat) LCDTrack LCDTrack(Int_t index, Int_t index0, Double_t bfld_z, Int_t ndf, Double_t chi2, Double_t qMC, TVector3 xvt, TVector3 pvt, Double_t* errMat) LCDTrack LCDTrack(TClonesArray* mclist, Int_t index, Double_t bfld_z, Int_t ndf, Double_t chi2, Double_t* errMat) LCDTrack LCDTrack(LCDTrack* trk) LCDTrack LCDTrack(LCDTrack&) virtual void ~LCDTrack() Double_t CalcPOCA3(TVector3 x_point) static TClass* Class() Double_t d2dlen2d2l(Double_t l, TVector3 x_from) Double_t ddlen2dl(Double_t l, TVector3 x_from) Double_t dlen2(Double_t l, TVector3 x_from) Double_t GetCharge() Double_t GetChi2() void Getd2xd2l(Double_t l, TMatrixD& d2xd2l) void Getddda(Double_t l, Double_t x_from, Double_t y_from, Double_t z_from, TMatrixD& ddda) Double_t GetDistance(Double_t l, Double_t x_from, Double_t y_from, Double_t z_from) Double_t GetDistance(Double_t x_from, Double_t y_from, Double_t z_from) Double_t GetDistance(TVector3 x_from) void Getdpda(Double_t l, TMatrixD& dpda) void Getdxda(Double_t l, TMatrixD& dxda) void Getdxdl(Double_t l, TMatrixD& dxdl) Double_t GetErrorDistance(Double_t l, Double_t x_from, Double_t y_from, Double_t z_from) Double_t GetErrorDistance(Double_t x_from, Double_t y_from, Double_t z_from) Double_t GetErrorDistance(TVector3 x_from) void GetErrorMatrix(TMatrixD& em) Double_t* GetErrorMatrix() Double_t GetErrorMatrixElement(Int_t i, Int_t j) void GetErrorMatrixMomentum(Double_t l, TMatrixD& em) void GetErrorMatrixPosition(Double_t l, TMatrixD& em) Double_t GetMagneticField() Double_t* GetMomentum() Double_t* GetMomentum(Double_t l) Double_t GetMomentumPx(Double_t l) Double_t GetMomentumPy(Double_t l) Double_t GetMomentumPz(Double_t l) TVector3 GetMomentumVector(Double_t l) Int_t GetNdf() Int_t GetParent() Int_t GetParticle() Double_t* GetPosition() Double_t* GetPosition(Double_t l) TVector3 GetPositionVector(Double_t l) Double_t GetPositionX(Double_t l) Double_t GetPositionY(Double_t l) Double_t GetPositionZ(Double_t l) Double_t GetTrackParameter(Int_t i) Double_t* GetTrackParameters() virtual TClass* IsA() const void SetLCDTrack(Int_t index, Int_t index0, Double_t bfld_z, Int_t ndf, Double_t chi2, Double_t* par, Double_t* errMat) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) void WriteTrack(FILE* ofile) const

Data Members

Double_t m_trackPar[5] helix parameters Double_t m_trackErrorMatrix[15] error matrix of helix parameters Double_t m_charge Charge of the particle Double_t m_chisquared chi-squared of fit Double_t m_magneticfield Int_t m_ndf number of degrees of freedom of fit Int_t m_index Index to the McPart object responsible for the track Int_t m_index0 Index to the McPart object responsible for the parent particle Double_t m_position[3] Double_t m_momentum[3]

Class Description


 The Track class is used to store the data from the Track System of the
 detector. This includes the momentum, position, charge as well as a
 pointer to the corresponding McPart object.

LCDTrack(Int_t index, Int_t index0, Double_t bfld_z, Int_t ndf, Double_t chi2, Double_t* par, Double_t* errMat )

LCDTrack(Int_t index, Int_t index0, Double_t bfld_z, Int_t ndf, Double_t chi2, Double_t qMC, TVector3 pMC, TVector3 xMC, Double_t* errMat )

LCDTrack(TClonesArray* mclist, Int_t index, Double_t bfld_z, Int_t ndf, Double_t chi2, Double_t* errMat)

LCDTrack(LCDTrack* trk)

    delete trackErrorMatrix;

void SetLCDTrack(Int_t index, Int_t index0, Double_t bfld_z, Int_t ndf, Double_t chi2, Double_t* par, Double_t* errMat )

void CalcPOCA(Double_t qMC, Double_t bfld_z, TVector3 p_orig, TVector3 x_orig, TVector3& p_poca, TVector3& x_poca)

void CalcTrackParameters(Double_t qMC,Double_t bfld_z, TVector3 pMC,TVector3 xMC, Double_t* tkpar)

void WriteTrack(FILE* ofile)const

Double_t GetTrackParameter(Int_t i)

Double_t* GetTrackParameters()

Double_t GetPositionX(Double_t l)

Double_t GetPositionY(Double_t l)

Double_t GetPositionZ(Double_t l)

Double_t* GetPosition()

Double_t* GetPosition(Double_t l)

TVector3 GetPositionVector(Double_t l)

Double_t GetMomentumPx(Double_t l)
Double_t d0   = m_trackPar[0];

Double_t GetMomentumPy(Double_t l)
Double_t d0   = m_trackPar[0];

Double_t GetMomentumPz(Double_t l)
Double_t d0   = m_trackPar[0];
Double_t phi0 = m_trackPar[1];

TVector3 GetMomentumVector(Double_t l)

Double_t* GetMomentum()

Double_t* GetMomentum(Double_t l)

Double_t GetDistance(Double_t l, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)

Double_t GetDistance(TVector3 xpt)

Double_t GetDistance(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)

Double_t GetErrorMatrixElement(Int_t i, Int_t j)

void GetErrorMatrix(TMatrixD& trackErrorMatrix)

void GetErrorMatrixPosition(Double_t l,TMatrixD& var2)

void GetErrorMatrixMomentum(Double_t l,TMatrixD& var2)

Double_t GetErrorDistance(Double_t l, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)

Double_t GetErrorDistance(TVector3 xpt)

Double_t GetErrorDistance(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)

void Getdxda(Double_t l, TMatrixD& dxda)

void Getdpda(Double_t l, TMatrixD& dxda)
Double_t d0    = m_trackPar[0];

void Getddda(Double_t l, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, TMatrixD& ddda)

void Getd2xd2l(Double_t l, TMatrixD& d2xd2l)

void Getdxdl(Double_t l,TMatrixD& dxdl)

Double_t CalcPOCA3(TVector3 x_given)

Double_t dlen2(Double_t l, TVector3 x_given)

Double_t ddlen2dl(Double_t l,TVector3 x_given)

Double_t d2dlen2d2l(Double_t l,TVector3 x_given)

Inline Functions

           LCDTrack LCDTrack(LCDTrack* trk)
           Double_t GetCharge()
              Int_t GetParticle()
              Int_t GetParent()
           Double_t GetChi2()
              Int_t GetNdf()
           Double_t GetMagneticField()
          Double_t* GetErrorMatrix()
            TClass* Class()
            TClass* IsA() const
               void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
               void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
               void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
           LCDTrack LCDTrack(LCDTrack&)

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