class description - source file - inheritance tree
void Init()
LCDFastMC LCDFastMC(LCDGetParameters* gp, const Char_t* smearFileName, LCDEvent* event = 0)
LCDFastMC LCDFastMC(const Char_t* geometryFileName, const Char_t* smearFileName, LCDEvent* event = 0)
virtual void ~LCDFastMC()
static TClass* Class()
void Cleanup(LCDEvent* event = 0)
void CreateModules(const Char_t* fname)
void Doit(LCDEvent* event = 0)
LCDFMCCalRecon* GetFMCCalRecon()
LCDGetParameters* GetParameters()
virtual TClass* IsA() const
void SetClusterMerge()
void SetFastMC(LCDGetParameters* gp, const Char_t* smearFileName, LCDEvent* event = 0)
void SetFastMC(const Char_t* geometryFileName, const Char_t* smearFileName, LCDEvent* event)
void SetIPSigmaX(Double_t s_x)
void SetIPSigmaY(Double_t s_y)
void SetIPSigmaZ(Double_t s_z)
void SetLCDGetParameters(LCDGetParameters* gp)
void SetNoClusterMerge()
virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
LCDEvent* m_event
TObjArray* m_ModuleList processors which have signed up
TObjArrayIter* m_iter iterate through m_ModuleList
LCDRecModule* m_module
LCDEventMarker* m_eventMarker our instance of EventMarker
LCDMCPartPrint* m_mcPartPrint our instance of MCPartPrint
LCDTrackFullSmear* m_trackFullSmear our instance of TrackFullSmear
LCDFMCCalRecon* m_calRecon our instance of CalRecon
LCDIPSmear* m_ipSmear our instance of IPSmear
LCDGetParameters* m_gp
Bool_t m_mygp
Manager class for Fast MC. Creates instances of specific
modules (processors) at constructor time. Then may fetch
events one at a time from event source and invoke the modules
LCDFastMC(LCDGetParameters* gp,
const Char_t* smearFileName,
LCDEvent* event)
LCDFastMC(const Char_t* geometryFileName,
const Char_t* smearFileName,
LCDEvent* event)
void Init()
void SetFastMC(const Char_t* geometryFileName,
const Char_t* smearFileName,
LCDEvent* event
void SetFastMC(LCDGetParameters* gp,
const Char_t* smearFileName,
LCDEvent* event)
Constructor for FastMC. Modules can use parameterFile
to set up and will write to outputFile (if non-null outputFileName
has been supplied.)
void CreateModules(const Char_t* smearFileName)
Add modules to list. They inherit from RecModule and must have
doit, cleanup and spew functions defined.
void Doit(LCDEvent *event)
Invoke each module to process event
void Cleanup(LCDEvent *event)
Invoke each module's cleanup method
Inline Functions
LCDFMCCalRecon* GetFMCCalRecon()
LCDGetParameters* GetParameters()
void SetClusterMerge()
void SetNoClusterMerge()
void SetIPSigmaX(Double_t s_x)
void SetIPSigmaY(Double_t s_y)
void SetIPSigmaZ(Double_t s_z)
void SetLCDGetParameters(LCDGetParameters* gp)
TClass* Class()
TClass* IsA() const
void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
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