Class VersionNumberCompare
- public class VersionNumberCompare
- extends java.lang.Object
This class is used to compare version numbers.
The only method in this class converts both the currentversion and the latest version (method arguments)
strings into string chunks (i.e. if string = 2.0.4, then ints are 2,0,4).
The string chunks are then converted to ints and compared one at a time. If a latest version chunk
is > than a current version chunk an update is available and UPDATEVERSION is returned. If all chunks are
equal then NOUPDATEVERSION is available. If a latest chunk is < current chunk or Strings can't be converted
to ints an Exception is thrown.
Method Summary |
int |
compareVersions(java.lang.String currentversion,
java.lang.String latestversion,
boolean throwexception)
This method converts both the currentversion and the latest version (method arguments)
strings into string chunks (i.e. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
public static final int VERSIONCHECKERROR
public static final int UPDATEVERSION
public static final int NOUPDATEVERSION
public VersionNumberCompare()
public int compareVersions(java.lang.String currentversion,
java.lang.String latestversion,
boolean throwexception)
throws jas.util.pluginmanager.VersionNumberCompare.VersionCompareException
- This method converts both the currentversion and the latest version (method arguments)
strings into string chunks (i.e. if string = 2.0.4, then ints are 2,0,4).
The string chunks are then converted to ints and compared one at a time. If a latest version chunk
is > than a current version chunk an update is available and UPDATEVERSION is returned. If all chunks are
equal then NOUPDATEVERSION is available. The boolean throw exception controls whether the VersionNumberCompare
exception will be thrown when a latestversion chunk is less than a current version chunk.