Class JASVersion

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.util.EventListener

public class JASVersion
extends AppVersionCheck

This class is used to supply a gui JFrame for the JPane created by the AppVersionCheck class. JAS uses these classes to allow the user to check if they are running the current version of JAS.

Constructor Summary
JASVersion(java.awt.Frame f, java.lang.String appname, java.lang.String versionURL, java.lang.String currentversion, java.util.Properties userProp)
          The JASVersion frame will be created and the AppVersionCheck pane, which controls the version check functionality, will be added which prompts the user to select from the version check options.
Method Summary
 void showOptionsDialog()
Methods inherited from class jas.util.pluginmanager.AppVersionCheck
actionPerformed, getVersionCheckOptionPane, setUserProperties, showUpdateDialog, testCurrentVersion
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JASVersion(java.awt.Frame f,
                  java.lang.String appname,
                  java.lang.String versionURL,
                  java.lang.String currentversion,
                  java.util.Properties userProp)
The JASVersion frame will be created and the AppVersionCheck pane, which controls the version check functionality, will be added which prompts the user to select from the version check options.
Method Detail


public void showOptionsDialog()