Package jas.server

Classes to allow standalone programs to make their histograms available to a remote JAS client.


Interface Summary
MessageListener An interface to be implemented by classes that want to be able to receive messages from remote JAS clients.

Class Summary
HistogramServer HistogramServer allows a standalone job to make its histograms available to remote JavaAnalysisStudio clients.
MessageEvent A MessageEvent is received by an object which has registered itself as a MessageListener, when a message is sent from a plugin installed in a JAS client.

Package jas.server Description

Classes to allow standalone programs to make their histograms available to a remote JAS client.

By creating an instance of HistogramServer prior to creating any histograms in your stand alone job you will be able to connect to the job from any JAS client to see your histograms updating in real-time. The following example illustrates this:

import jas.server.HistogramServer;
import hep.analysis.Histogram;
import java.util.Random;

public class ServerTest
public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception
// Make our histogram accessible to a remote client
new HistogramServer("ServerTest");
Histogram h = new Histogram("Gaussian");
Random random = new Random();
while (true)
Thread.sleep(100); // Simulate long calculation

To connect to the above example ServerTest process, use the "Reconnect" item on the JAS "File" menu, and then choose the node on which the example is running.

This package is part of the jas "Online Monitoring API" which can be used by experiments which want to allow online monitoring histograms to be viewed using distributed JAS clients.