Interface HasPopupItems

All Known Implementing Classes:
MovableObject, Axis, EditableLabel, HTMLPage, JASPage

public interface HasPopupItems

A component that implements this interface may add menu items to a popup menu that is parented to itself or to one of its child components. When a component receives a mouse event which is a popup trigger, its parent PlotPanel builds a popup menu by asking all of its parent components if they implement this interface, and asks those that do to modify the menu. The class PlotPopupItem is designed to provide a convenient reflection-based menu item.

See Also:
PlotPanel, PlotPopupItem

Method Summary
 void modifyPopupMenu(javax.swing.JPopupMenu menu, java.awt.Component source)
          Modify the given menu object.

Method Detail


public void modifyPopupMenu(javax.swing.JPopupMenu menu,
                            java.awt.Component source)
Modify the given menu object.