Interface LocalDIM

All Superinterfaces:
AbstractDIM, java.io.Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface LocalDIM
extends AbstractDIM, java.io.Serializable

When a local job reads in data, it must use a local data interface module to generate an EventSource.

Method Summary
 JASWizardPage getSetupPage()
          Return a setup page for the new job wizard to use when creating a job.
 void setLocalJobBuilder(LocalJobBuilder ljb)
          Copy over the given object to a member field for use later.
Methods inherited from interface jas.jds.module.AbstractDIM

Method Detail


public JASWizardPage getSetupPage()
Return a setup page for the new job wizard to use when creating a job. See the documentation on defining pages.


public void setLocalJobBuilder(LocalJobBuilder ljb)
Copy over the given object to a member field for use later. When the user selects a DIM, the wizard invokes this method, thereby providing the DIM with access to the application's local job builder. That local job builder already knows which DIM to use and knows the job name, and can be used to create a new job when all setup (on the setup wizard page returned by getSetupPage()) is complete.