Interface AnnotatedEventSource

All Superinterfaces:
EventSource, TreeObjectSource

public interface AnnotatedEventSource
extends EventSource, TreeObjectSource

Implement this interface to create an event source where event sources and histograms can be represented on the application's job tree.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getItem(TreeItem i)
          Return the histogram or event source that corresponds to the given tree item.
 TreeItem[] getItems()
          Return the items to be displayed on the tree.
Methods inherited from interface hep.analysis.EventSource
afterLastEvent, beforeFirstEvent, close, getEventDataClass, getName, getNextEvent, getTotalNumberOfEvents

Method Detail


public TreeItem[] getItems()
Return the items to be displayed on the tree. Normally, have one for each field in the data set.


public java.lang.Object getItem(TreeItem i)
Return the histogram or event source that corresponds to the given tree item.
Specified by:
getItem in interface TreeObjectSource