Interface RemoteScatterSource

All Superinterfaces:
java.rmi.Remote, RemoteHasSlices, RemoteRebinnable2DHistogramData

public interface RemoteScatterSource
extends RemoteRebinnable2DHistogramData

Method Summary
 RemoteScatterEnumeration startEnumeration(double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax)
          Start a new RemoteEnumeration of the scatter points.
Methods inherited from interface jas.jds.interfaces.RemoteRebinnable2DHistogramData
delete, getDescription, getRemoteInfo, getRemoteXAxisLabels, getRemoteYAxisLabels, getStatistics, getStyle, remoteRebin
Methods inherited from interface jas.jds.interfaces.RemoteHasSlices
addSlice, canAddRemoveSlices, getNSlices, getSlice, getSliceParameters, removeSlice

Method Detail


public RemoteScatterEnumeration startEnumeration(double xMin,
                                                 double xMax,
                                                 double yMin,
                                                 double yMax)
                                          throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Start a new RemoteEnumeration of the scatter points. xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax specify the range of data points of interest (since the actual points are compressed into shorts to save space the range is required).