Interface Summary | |
CustomOverlay | |
DataSource | Interface implemented by any JASHist datasource |
ExtendedStatistics | An interface that represents a set of Statistics values which are not limited to simple doubles. |
FitListener | |
FitterFactory | |
FunctionAdvancedOptions | |
FunctionData | |
FunctionFactory | |
HasDataSource | |
HasHandles | |
HasScatterPlotData | |
HasSlices | |
HasStatistics | |
HasStyle | An interface that can be implemented by any DataSource that wants to have control of the style used to display the data. |
JASHistAxis | |
Rebinnable1DHistogramData | This is the interface that must be implemented by any data source for a 1D histogram. |
Rebinnable2DHistogramData | |
ScatterEnumeration | |
ScatterPlotSource | Interface to be implemented by DataSources which can provide ScatterPlot data (but not 2D histogram data) |
SliceParameters | Defines parameters for a slice. |
SpecialComponent | A crude way of interfacing special plot components such as 3d lego plot. |
Statistics | An interface that represents a set of Statistics values all of whose values can be expressed as doubles. |
SupportsSlices |
Class Summary | |
Basic1DFunction | |
Fittable1DFunction | |
Fitter | |
FitterRegistry | |
FitUpdate | |
FunctionRegistry | A class which maintains a list of functions which can be overlayed on a plot. |
Handle | |
HistogramUpdate | This class encapsulates update messages sent from an observable histogram data source to the histogram display |
JASHist | JASHist is the main component used for plotting histograms, scatterplots etc. |
JASHist1DFunctionStyle | |
JASHist1DHistogramStyle | Used to control the display style of 1D Histograms. |
JASHist2DHistogramStyle | |
JASHistData | This class is returned whenever a DataSource is added to a JASHist It supports making the data visible/invisible, and controlling the style (color etc) in which the data is shown. |
JASHistPropertyDialog | |
JASHistScatterPlotStyle | |
JASHistStyle | |
ManagedAxis | |
Matrix | |
StatisticsBlock | The main class used to display and format statistics. |
StatsWindow | This class creates a gui popup window for choosing which statistics and titles should be displayed in the StatisticsBlock, and for setting the number formatting parameters for base.jas.util.ScientificFormat. |
XML2DScatterDataSource | |
XMLHistBuilder | Create a Plot from an XML file. |
Exception Summary | |
FitFailed | |
FunctionFactoryError | |
FunctionValueUndefined | |
IndeterminateMatrix | |
InvalidFunctionParameter |