LCD Study Group Meeting Talks
Norman A. Graf
- Ray Yarema: Fermilab Initiatives in 3D Integrated Circuits and SOI
Design for HEP (pdf) July 6,
- Marco Battaglia: Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors for the ILC at
LBNL: from Sensor R&D to Physics Simulation (pdf)
June 22, 2006
- Eric Wallace: Results From A Hybrid Tracking Algorithm for the SiD
Detector (pdf) June 15, 2006
- Mike Woods: ILC Beam Tests in SLAC End Station A: Status Report (pdf)
June 8, 2006
- Bill Cooper: Vertex Detector Mechanical Studies (Concept
pdf, Mechanics pdf)
May 25, 2006
- Tim Barklow: A Study of Higgs Self-Coupling Error vs. Jet Energy Resolution
May 11, 2006
- Peter Garbincius: ILC Cost Estimating Activities (pdf),
May 4, 2006
- Eckhard Elsen: EUDET Kickoff Overview of the Meeting at DESY 15.-17.2.2006 (pdf),
March 2, 2006
- Eckhard Elsen: Open Symposium 2006 - CERN Council Strategy Group: Personal Impressions
of the Orsay Meeting 30.1.-1.2.06 (pdf),
March 2, 2006
- Edward Kistenev: BNL Si/W Calorimeter for the Phenix Experiment
(pdf), February 23, 2006
- Bill Morse: The Very Forward Region (pdf),
February 16, 2006
- Changguo Lu: Induced signal in RPC (pdf), February 2, 2006
- Jim Alexander: Studies of SUSY Dark Matter Scenarios (pdf)
December 1, 2005
- Tim Barklow: Towards a Study of Higgs Self-Coupling Error Versus Jet
Energy Resolution and Other SiD Performance Parameters (pdf)
November 10, 2005
- Ken Moffeit: Spin misorientation at the IP due to the solenoid and DID.
(pdf) November 10, 2005
- Andrei Seryi: Design of a 14 mrad intermediate crossing angle for the
ILC (pdf) November 3, 2005
- Nigel Lockyer: SMTF R&D Status
(pdf) October 27, 2005
- David Strom: Silicon-tungsten calorimetry and the SiD forward region
(pdf) October 20, 2005
- Ren-yuan Zhu: An LSO/LYSO Crystal
Calorimeter & Jet Measurement for the ILC (pdf)
October 13, 2005
- Mike Woods: End Station A Test Facility (pdf)
September 29, 2005
- Ted Fieguth: Test Beams at SLAC (ppt)
September 22, 2005
- Tom Himel: Accelerator developments at Snowmass. (pdf)
September 8, 2005
- Ayres Freitas: The stop co-annihilation region at the ILC (pdf)
July 21, 2005
- Andrei Seryi: MDI issues (pdf)
July 14, 2005
- Tim Barklow: Benchmarking SiD (pdf)
June 30, 2005
- Mike Woods: Machine-Detector Interface (MDI) Report (pdf)
June 16, 2005
- Tom Rizzo: Probing Higher Curvature Gravity in Extra Dimensions at Colliders (pdf)
June 9, 2005
- Marty Breidenbach: Estimating the Silicon Detector Cost (pdf)
June 2, 2005
- Dhiman Chakraborty: Scintillator-based Hadron Calorimetry for the ILC (pdf)
May 26, 2005
- Andy White: Gas Electron Multiplier Technology for Digital Hadron
Calorimetry (pdf) May
5, 2005
- Norman Graf: Individual Particle Reconstruction (pdf)
April 28, 2005
- Steve Magill: Individual Particle Reconstruction (pdf)
April 28, 2005
- Rich Smith: Towards a 5 T Solenoid for SiD (pdf)
April 21, 2005
- Troy Lau: Exploring Forward Tracking Performance via the Selectron Mass
Measurement (pdf) April 14,
- Haijun Yang: Frequency Scanned Interferometer for International Linear Collider Tracker Alignment (pdf)
February 17, 2005
- Marco Battaglia: Monolithic Si pixel detector R&D for the ILC Vertex
Tracker at Berkeley (pdf) February
10, 2005
- Jose Repond: A Digital Hadron Calorimeter with Resistive Plate Chambers
(pdf) February 3, 2005
- Guenter Eckerlin: Data Acquisition at the ILC (pdf)
January 27, 2005
- Andy White: Summary of the
Large Gaseous Tracking Detector Meeting
January 20, 2005
- Marty Breidenbach: Electronics Concepts for SiD (pdf)
December 16, 2004
- Informal Summaries of the ACFA meeting
in Taipei and the ILC meeting at
KEK. December 9, 2004
- Steve Magill: A Comparison of Stainless Steel and Tungsten as Hadron
Calorimeter Absorbers. (pdf) October
28, 2004
- Mike Merkin: ECal based on Si-W for LC and PHENIX (pdf)
October 21, 2004
- Vishnu Zutshi: Hadron Calorimetry with 1-2 bits (pdf)
October 14, 2004
- Harry Weerts: ILC detector efforts at Fermilab (pdf)
September 16, 2004
- Mike Woods: ILC Beam Tests using SLAC's End Station A (pdf)
September 9, 2004
- Chris Damerell: VXD design for a cold machine (pdf)
July 1, 2004
- Steve Smith: Diamond Detector Results (pdf)
June 17, 2004
- Chris Kenney: Si Beam Calorimeter (pdf)
June 17, 2004
- Mike Woods: Other Beam Calorimeter Technologies (pdf)
June 17, 2004
- Ray Frey: Some Calorimeter-related Highlights from the Paris LCWS (pdf)
May 20, 2004
- John Hauptman: Detector technologies for forward
calorimeters (pdf) May
13, 2004
- Peter Tenenbaum, Andrei Seryi: Tuning the Post-Linac Energy Spread in the NLC (pdf)
(pdf) May 6, 2004
- Toshi Abe: Higgs mass measurement and gamma gamma backgrounds (pdf)
May 6, 2004
- Phil Burrows: Beam-based Intra Train
Feedback Systems (pdf) April
29, 2004
- Tim Barklow: Energy spread effects; energy
precision (pdf)
April 29, 2004
- Wolfgang Kilian: LC physics simulations with WHIZARD (pdf)
March 18, 2004
- Andrei Seryi: Compensation of Detector Solenoid for any Beam Energy in
NLC (pdf) March
18, 2004
- Ray Frey: Beam energy spread and the top quark production threshold. (pdf)
March 11, 2004
- Andrei Seryi: Monochromatization Option for NLC Collisions (pdf)
March 4, 2004
- Nick Sinev: CCD digitization (pdf)
February 26, 2004
- Mike Woods: Beam Energy Precision, Crossing Angle and Other
Topics (pdf) February 12, 2004
- Tim Barklow: Effect of Beam Energy Spread on Higgs
Recoil Mass (pdf)
February 12, 2004
- Willy Langeveld: Fast Detector Simulation Using Lelaps (pdf)
January 15, 2004
- Tom Rizzo: Models with Long-Lived Particles (pdf)
December 11, 2003
- Mike Woods: Beam Instrumentation Tests for the LC using the SLAC A-Line
and End Station A (pdf) November
13, 2003
- Jonathan Feng, Mark Trodden: Working Group on Connections to
Astrophysics and Cosmology (pdf) November 6, 2003
- JoAnne Hewett: Report from the LHC/LC Interface Study Group (pdf)
October 30, 2003
- Uriel Nauenberg: Progress Report on LCD R&D at Colorado (ppt)
(pdf) October 23, 2003
- Jeff Gronberg: Resolved Photon Backgrounds (pdf)
October 9, 2003
- Tim Barklow: Higgs Coupling Measurements at a 1 TeV Linear Collider
(pdf) October 9, 2003
- John Cornuelle: NLC Klystron Development. (pdf)
October 2, 2003
- Tom Himel: Reliability/Availability Studies for Linear Collider
Comparisons (pdf) September 25,
- Rene Bellwied: Silicon Drift Detectors for the NLC (pdf)
September 18, 2003
- Takashi Maruyama: Recent progress on polarized electron photocathode
R&D (pdf) September 4, 2003
- Ties Behnke: Linear Collider Detector Full Simulations (pdf)
June 26, 2003
- Witold Kozanecki: LC Background Requirements (pdf)
June 19, 2003
- JoAnne Hewett: Theory Developments at Amsterdam (scanned
pdf) May 15, 2003
- Jim Brau: News from Amsterdam (pdf)
April 17, 2003
- Clay Corvin: NLC at Copper Mountain, California. (pdf)
March 20, 2003
- Tom Rizzo: Uses of Transversely Polarized e+e-
Colliding Beams to Uncover New Physics (scanned
pdf) March 13, 2003
- Tim Barklow: The LHC/LC Study Group (presentations)
March 6, 2003
- Nan Phinney: News from the ACFA Symposium (presentations)
February 27, 2003
- Rafe Schindler: Readout of extruded scintillator with embedded WLS
fiber & high gain avalanche photodiodes (pdf)
February 13, 2003
- Michael Woods: Effects from the beam energy spread and disruption
angles on determining the luminosity-weighted ECM and luminosity spectrum. (presentations)
February 6, 2003
- Jonathan Feng: The LC and the Cosmos: Connections in Supersymmetry (pdf)
January 23, 2003
- Phil Burrows: UK CCD vertex detector R&D report (pdf)
December 19, 2002
- Haijun Yang: Search for Neutralino and Smuon (pdf)
December 12, 2002
- Sherwood Parker: 3D silicon devices (pdf)
November 14, 2002
- Andrei Seryi: Update on NLC stability studies and NLC group contribution
to the TRC process (pdf)
October 31, 2002
- Stanislaw Jadach: MC Tools for extracting luminosity spectra (pdf)
October 24, 2002
- Chris Adolphsen: NLC and Tesla Energy Reach and NLC High Gradient
Updates (pdf)
October 17, 2002
- Ties Behnke: TESLA Detector Simulations (pdf)
October 3, 2002
- Norman Graf: Tracking: VXD and Forward (pdf) September
26, 2002
- Roy Sourov: Anomaly Mediated SUSY (scanned
pdf) September 19, 2002
- Dave Burke: NLC News and Directions (pdf)
September 12, 2002
- Uriel Nauenberg: Status of SPS1 analysis at Colorado (pdf)
September 3, 2002
- Nick Sinev: Radiation Hardness of CCDs (pdf)
August 20, 2002
- Mike Arov: Geant4 Simulation Efforts at NIU/NICADD (pdf)
August 20, 2002
- Tim Barklow: First look at the 2at-1 Standard Model Monte
Carlo dataset at 1TeV. (pdf)
August 13, 2002
- Haijun Yang: Tracking constraints from the Higgsstrahlung
signal. (pdf) August 8, 2002
- Toshi Abe: ECal Reconstruction and Photon Results with GEANT4 (pdf)
July 16, 2002
- Su Dong: Detailed simulation of track ionization in CCDs (pdf)
July 9, 2002
- Masako Iwasaki: Full Simulation Study of Si tracker for LC (pdf)
July 2, 2002
- John Sheppard: Towards an Undulator Based NLC Positron Source (pdf) June
25, 2002
- Tim Barklow: Physics Above 500 GeV (pdf)
June 18, 2002
- Andrei Seryi: Damping Ring to IP ( DR => IP <= DR ) Simulations for NLC (Cradle to
Grave simulations) (pdf) (see
here if
you encounter a problem with the pdf file) May
28, 2002
- Arthur Maciel: Simulation Studies for a Digital Hadron Calorimeter
(pdf) May 7, 2002
- Arthur Maciel: Clustering Methods for Energy Flow Reconstruction (pdf)
May 7, 2002
- Lew Keller: Detector backgrounds from beam-gas bremsstrahlung (pdf)
April 30, 2002
- Bob Wilson: Report on Particle ID (pdf) April 16, 2002
- Michael Peskin: Supersymmetry Studies at Linear Colliders (pdf) April 9, 2002
- Tim Barklow: Status Report from Subgroup on Physics Above 500 GeV (pdf) April 2, 2002
- Rainer Pitthan: Making Polarized Positrons from Polarized Gammas (pdf) March 26, 2002
- Toshi Abe: GEANT4 Applications for Future LCD Studies (pdf) March 19, 2002
- Wei Ming Yao: Status of Higgs Self Coupling Analysis (pdf) March 12, 2002
- Hartmut Sadrozinski: Si Strip Detectors at the SSC, LHC, and in Space:
Lessons Learned (pdf) February 26, 2002
- Takashi Maruyama: GEANT Simulated Backgrounds in NLC BDS (pdf) February 12, 2002
- Tom Markiewicz: What the IR Group Needs from the Detector Group (pdf) February 12, 2002
- Tim Barklow: e+e- Physics Above 500 GeV - Quantifying the Advantage of
High Energy (pdf) January 29, 2002
- Andrei Seryi: The LINX Proposal (pdf) January 22, 2002
- David Asner: Technology and Physics of a Photon Collider at the NLC (pdf) January 15, 2002
- Aaron Chou: Flavor Tagging and Measuring Br(H -> c cbar) : How much do they depend on
VXD design parameters? (pdf) December 18, 2001
- Toshi Abe: New developments with GEANT4 (pdf) December 18, 2001
- Dhiman Chakraborty: First Look at Digital HCAL and Energy Flow
at NICADD (pdf) December 18, 2001
- Norman Graf: Generic Simulation Output Format (pdf) December 11, 2001
- Steve Magill: Calorimetry Efforts at ANL (pdf) December 11, 2001
- Dhiman Chakraborty: Calorimetry Efforts at NICADD (pdf) December 11, 2001
- Chris Potter: Why is Battaglia's H->c cbar Measurement so much Better
than Ours? (pdf)
- Toshi Abe: Charm Tagging Studies (pdf) December 4, 2001
- Norman Graf: Simulations, the Move to Geant4, and Internationalization (pdf1,
pdf2, pdf3,pdf4) November 27, 2001
- John Hobbs: A0H0 Production at 1 TeV (pdf) November 20, 2001
- Steve Magill: Optimizing HCAL Design (pdf) November 13, 2001
- Masako Iwasaki-Abe: Status of Full-Simulation Calorimeter Study (pdf) November 13, 2001
- Tom Himel: Keeping
Nanometer Beams Colliding ( pdf ) November 6, 2001
- Toshi Abe: New Features in LCDROOT (pdf) November 6, 2001
- Wolfgang Walkowiak: Study of Charm Tag in WW Production (pdf) October 30, 2001
- Bruce Schumm:
Proposed R&D on Long Shaping Time Si Strip Detectors (pdf) October 30, 2001
- Pantaleo Raimondi: Design Changes in the Final Focus, Removing
Beam Tails (pdf) October 23, 2001
- Rick Van Kooten: What's New in Higgs Studies? What's Needed
for the Chicago Meeting? (pdf) October 16, 2001
- Tor Raubenheimer: What I Learned about Tesla at Snowmass (pdf) October 9, 2001
- Ray Frey: Action Plan for LC Calorimeter Studies (pdf) October 2, 2001
- Tom Markiewicz: Backgrounds for a Linear Collider Detector (pdf) September 25, 2001
- Ray Frey: LCD Calorimetry Issues (pdf) September 18, 2001
- Jim Brau: Vertex Detector Studies Post Snowmass: What's
Needed NEXT? (pdf) September 4, 2001
- Keith Riles: Tracking Studies Post Snowmass: Ditto (pdf)
September 4, 2001
- Marty Breidenbach: Why the LCD can't be built without Detector
R&D (pdf) August 28, 2001
- All: Discussion of Current Issues for LC Detector Design (pdf) August 28, 2001
- Jeff Gronberg: Two-photon hadronic backgrounds (minijets) (pdf) June 19, 2001
- Tom Rizzo: Physics potential of a gamma-gamma collider (pdf) June 19, 2001
- Charles Prescott: Two Interaction Regions (pdf)
June 12, 2001
- Gary Bower: LCD
Calorimeters' Characterization (pdf)
June 5, 2001
- Norman Graf: Software Support Preparations for Snowmass (pdf)
May 29, 2001
- John Jaros: Plans for Linear Collider Experimental Approaches
Working Group at Snowmass (pdf)
May 29, 2001
- JoAnne Hewett: Collider Probes of Extra Dimensions (pdf
) May 15, 2001
- Takashi Murayama: Polarized Photocathode Research (pdf
) May 8, 2001
- Ryan Smith: Status of GEANT4 Simulations (pdf) May 8, 2001
- Jeff Gronberg: Producing Gamma Gamma Collisions: An Update (pdf) April 24, 2001
- Ray Frey: Calorimeter Performance (pdf) April 24, 2001
- Uli Wienands: Very Large Lepton Collider for the VLHC Tunnel (pdf) April 17, 2001
- Masako Iwasaki-Abe: Study of Top Quark Production and Decay Vertices at
NLC (pdf) April 17, 2001
- Tim Barklow: Outstanding Issues with Gauge Boson Couplings (pdf) April 10, 2001
- Keith Riles: Tracking Issues Encountered in Higgs Mass Measurement
(pdf1, pdf2) April 3, 2001
- Takashi Maruyama: Is 3T Enough for the L Detector? (pdf) April 3, 2001
- Toshi Abe: Update on Vertexing Performance vs Configuration Studies
(pdf) March 27, 2001
- Marcello Piccolo: Particle ID at LC500 (pdf) March 13, 2001
- Peter Tenenbaum: Collimation, Tails, and Muon Backgrounds (pdf) March 13, 2001
- Kirill Melnikov: Recent Developments in the Theory of the t tbar
Threshold (pdf) February 27, 2001
- Gary Bower: How to Make the Best Case for a Linear Collider (pdf) February 20, 2001
- Chris Potter: Measuring the Higgs Branching Fractions and Optimizing
Vertex Detector Design (pdf) February 20, 2001
- Marty Breidenbach: Parametric Detector Design Tool (pdf)
February 13, 2001
- David Schultz: Positron Polarization for the NLC (pdf) February 13, 2001
- Andrei Seryi: The path to nanometer beams (pdf) February 6, 2001
- Pantaleo Raimondi: Minimum Vertex Detector Radius vs. L* (pdf) January 30, 2001
- Haijun Yang: Measurement of Higgs Mass at NLC (pdf) January 30, 2001
- Ray Frey: First Look at W/Si Dynamic Range
Requirement (pdf) January 23, 2001
- Steve Mrenna: Physics Motives for Positron Polarization (pdf) January 23, 2001
- Dave Burke: Update
on the Gradient Problem and Possible Fixes (pdf) January 16, 2001
- Ray Frey: Summary
of LCWS Calorimetry (pdf) December 12, 2000
- Phil Burrows: CCD metrology using the Oxford WIPM system (pdf)
December 12, 2000
- Norman Graf: A First Look at Geant 4 for LCD
Simulations (pdf) December 5, 2000
- Aaron Chou: How Well Can You Separate B Decay
Topologies with Aggressive Vertexing? (pdf)
December 5, 2000
- Masako Iwasaki: Study
of t Quark Production and Decay Vertices with the LCD Fast Simulation (pdf) November 21, 2000
- Tom Wright: Inclusive Flavor Tagging Projections for High and Very High
Resolution (pdf) November 21, 2000
- Rick Van Kooten: Status and Plans of the LCD Higgs Study (pdf) November 14, 2000
- Jim Brau: LCWS2000
Vertexing Working Group Summary (pdf) November 7, 2000
- Toshi Abe: Topological Vertexing for Heavy Quark Tagging (pdf) November 7, 2000
- Tom Markiewicz: NLC IR Layout and Background Estimates as of LCWS
2000 (pdf)
October 17, 2000
- Norman Graf: A Track Fitting Package for the LCD (pdf) October 17, 2000
- Norman Graf: Calorimeter Cell Clustering (pdf) October 10, 2000
- Michael Peskin: How can a heavy Higgs boson be consistent with the
precision electroweak measurements? (pdf) October 3, 2000
- Tom Markiewicz: Introduction to Backgrounds and Implications for
Inner Radius of Vertex Detector Part II (pdf) September 12, 2000
- Gary Bower: Simulating Backgrounds using Event Overlays (pdf) September 12, 2000
- Jim Brau:
Vertex Detector Issues for the LCD (pdf) August 29, 2000
- Keith Riles: Issues for LCD Tracking (pdf) August 8, 2000
- Ray Frey: Issues for LCD Calorimetry (pdf) August 1, 2000
- Gary Bower: The case for the NLC at SLAC (pdf) August 1, 2000
- Michael Peskin: The Pandora MC Program (pdf) July 25, 2000
- Bruce Shumm: Aggressive
Vertexing Schemes for the LCD (pdf) July 18, 2000
- Tor Raubenheimer: Low and High Energy IRs for NLC (pdf) June 27, 2000
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