Speakers Rooms |
Room 285 has been reserved for the conference speakers to prepare their talks and print out transparencies. This room is on the second floor of the Law School. This contains 5 Dell PCs running Windows NT, 5 RJ45 ethernet taps into the Stanford network for laptops and two colour printers. DHCP is used to assign an IP address for the laptops.
The PCs are set up with standard software: telnet/ssh client, X-server, Netscape/IE web browsers with plugins for postscript and pdf viewing, ftp client, and Microsoft Office 97. If you are in need of human assistance there will always be knowledgeable conference staff patrolling the rooms. If you need to print directly from your laptop, there are parallel cables attached to the printers. You can get the printer drivers from http://www.qms.com/support/ (select Magicolor 2 printers) or from HP at http://www.hp.com/cposupport/indexes1. You will probably want to fetch a file from your home institute to a local PC and print it. There are three steps to this:
The QMS printer is being reserved for transparencies; the HP 2500 for paper.
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Content owner lp99@slac.stanford.edu
Page owner Richard
Graphic design Terry Anderson
Last update 14 Jan 2004