Changing the function, fitter, and Local DIM registries

The registries are accessible from the 'Options' dialog.   In one of the 'registry' panes, click on the add button (fourth down) to add a class to the registry, and on the remove button (third down) to remove the selected class.  Only classes that extend jas.hist.Fitter can be added to the fitter registry.  Only classes that extend jas.hist.Basic1DFunction or implement jas.hist.FunctionFactory can be added to the function registry.  Only classes that implement jas.jds.module.LocalDIM can be added to the Local DIM registry.   Be sure that the fitter or function is a class in your class path.  The function registry is shown in the 'Options' dialog below.

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Changes to the registries will be saved if the 'save registries' option os selected on the 'Defaults' tab of the 'Options' dialog.

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Page maintained by Jonas Gifford.   Last updated 01/14/04.