CoolJAS.gif (9311 bytes) Authors

Current Team Members

Tony Johnson

Shown here in a mug-shot taken on his admittance to the federal penitentiary for the criminally Java obsessed.


Victor Serbo

Max Turri

Past Team Members

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Kevin Garwood (shown with friend)

Wrote the initial versions of the "flatfile" and PAW Data Interface modules. Rumoured to be driven crazy by looking at too much HBOOK code and forced to leave the country.

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Jonas Gifford

Lots of work on the GUI, help system, tutorials. Developed the first version of the plot widgets.

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Azhar Zuberi

Worked on the LCD event display and 2D binned histogram

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Peter Armstrong

XML and Perl guru.

Paul Spence

Taking things easy in the luxurious coop student headquarters.


Manj Benning

Implemented first prototype AIDA interface.