Interface NamedObject

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface NamedObject

NamedObject is an interface implemented by each object that can be placed into a Folder, such as Histograms and other Folders. Named objects typically have peers which are created in an environment specific way, for example to provide an interface to a GUI environment when they are being used inside of a GUI application.

See Also:
Histogram, Folder

Inner Class Summary
static class NamedObject.RenameException
          Exception thrown in case of a rename error
Method Summary
 void delete()
          Delete the object (NamedObjects are always stored in folders, so they are not automatically garbage collected unless they are deleted, or one of their predecesor Folders is deleted).
 Folder getFolder()
          Get the folder that contains this object
 java.lang.String getName()
          Get name of this object
 void rename(java.lang.String newName)
          Changes the name of an object

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getName()
Get name of this object
The objects name


public Folder getFolder()
Get the folder that contains this object
The folder


public void delete()
Delete the object (NamedObjects are always stored in folders, so they are not automatically garbage collected unless they are deleted, or one of their predecesor Folders is deleted).


public void rename(java.lang.String newName)
            throws NamedObject.RenameException
Changes the name of an object