Package jas.hist.util

Interface Summary

Class Summary
DefaultSliceParameters Basic implementation of SliceParameters
ObserverAdapter An ObserverAdapter can be used as a base class for class that wants to act as both and Observer and Observable, and relay things it observers to its Observers.
OneDAdapter A class which simply acts as a proxy for the DataSource provided as an argument to its constructor.
ScatterAdapter A ScatterAdapter takes a Rebinnable2DHistogramData source which (optionally) also implements HasScatterPlotData, and in turn provides the same interface to its observers.
ScatterSliceAdapter Takes as its source a Rebinnable2DHistogramData which also implements HasScatterPlotData and in addition to relaying the source data to the destination, also implements HasSlices and SliceAdapter
ScatterTwoDAdapter An adaptor that converts a ScatterPlotSource to a DataSource that implements both Rebinnable2DHistogramData and HasScatterPlotData
SliceEvent An event which is fired by a SliceAdapter when a new slice is added or removed
SliceEvent.EventType Defines the ENTERED, EXITED, and ACTIVATED event types, along with their string representations, returned by toString().
TwoDAdapter A class which simply acts as a proxy for the DataSource provided as an argument to its constructor.
TwoDSliceAdapter A Two2SliceAdapter can be used to convert any Rebinnable2DHistogramData object to a Rebinnable2DHistogramData which also implements HasSlices