Interface HasStyle

All Known Implementing Classes:
TwoDAdapter, jas.hist.util.ScatterSourceAdapter, OneDAdapter, Gauss, TestCustomOverlay, MemoryDataSource, Partition2DAdapter, JAS2DRebinAdaptor, JASRebinAdaptor

public interface HasStyle

An interface that can be implemented by any DataSource that wants to have control of the style used to display the data.

Method Summary
 JASHistStyle getStyle()
          This method is called by the plot to determine what style to be used for a plot.

Method Detail


public JASHistStyle getStyle()
This method is called by the plot to determine what style to be used for a plot. It is the programmers responsibility to return the correct subclass of JASHistStyle corresponding to the type of data being implemented by the DataSource.
The style to be used, or null to use the default style.
See Also:
JASHist1DHistogramStyle, JASHist2DHistogramStyle, JASHistScatterPlotStyle