Interface XDRDataInput

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
XDRInputStream, XDRRandomAccessFile

public interface XDRDataInput
extends java.io.DataInput

An interface implemented by input streams that support XDR. The XDR format is almost identical to the normal Java DataInput format, except that items are padded to 4 byte boundaries, and strings are normally stored in ASCII format.

Method Summary
 void pad()
          Skips appropriate amount to bring stream to 4-byte boundary.
 double[] readDoubleArray(double[] buffer)
          Reads a double array.
 float[] readFloatArray(float[] buffer)
          Reads a float array.
 int[] readIntArray(int[] buffer)
          Reads an integer array.
 java.lang.String readString()
          Read a String.
 java.lang.String readString(int l)
          Reads a String of length l bytes, and skips appropriate amount to bring stream to 4-byte boundary.
Methods inherited from interface java.io.DataInput
readBoolean, readByte, readChar, readDouble, readFloat, readFully, readFully, readInt, readLine, readLong, readShort, readUnsignedByte, readUnsignedShort, readUTF, skipBytes

Method Detail


public java.lang.String readString()
                            throws java.io.IOException
Read a String. Assumes int length proceeds String. Throws an exception if string length > 32767 to protect against bad data exhausting memory.


public java.lang.String readString(int l)
                            throws java.io.IOException
Reads a String of length l bytes, and skips appropriate amount to bring stream to 4-byte boundary.


public int[] readIntArray(int[] buffer)
                   throws java.io.IOException
Reads an integer array. Assumes int length proceeds array. Throws an exception if array length > 32767 to protect against bad data exhausting memory. If buffer is not null, and is large enough to hold array, it is filled and returned, otherwise a new array is allocated and returned.


public double[] readDoubleArray(double[] buffer)
                         throws java.io.IOException
Reads a double array. Assumes int length proceeds array. Throws an exception if array length > 32767 to protect against bad data exhausting memory. If buffer is not null, and is large enough to hold array, it is filled and returned, otherwise a new array is allocated and returned.


public float[] readFloatArray(float[] buffer)
                       throws java.io.IOException
Reads a float array. Assumes int length proceeds array. Throws an exception if array length > 32767 to protect against bad data exhausting memory. If buffer is not null, and is large enough to hold array, it is filled and returned, otherwise a new array is allocated and returned.


public void pad()
         throws java.io.IOException
Skips appropriate amount to bring stream to 4-byte boundary.