// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Id: LCDClusterSystem.h,v 1.4 2001/06/21 04:15:28 toshi Exp $ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Log: LCDClusterSystem.h,v $ // Revision 1.4 2001/06/21 04:15:28 toshi // Changes according to updated LCDCalHit and LCDCalHitUtil. // // Revision 1.3 2001/06/20 03:36:23 toshi // Changes to prevent compilar error on windows. // // Revision 1.2 2001/06/19 16:57:27 toshi // Just add $ID: $ in the top of this file. // // // ClusterSystem.h // The class that fills the Cluster class from the MCparticle history // read from a GISMO ascii file. #ifndef LCDCLUSTERSYSTEM_H #define LCDCLUSTERSYSTEM_H #include "TMap.h" #include "LCDRecModule.h" #include "LCDEvent.h" #include "LCDCluster.h" #include "LCDCalHitUtil.h" class LCDClusterSystem : public LCDRecModule { public: LCDClusterSystem(); LCDClusterSystem(LCDGetParameters* gp); ~LCDClusterSystem(); void CalcProperties(TObjArray* cal_digi, LCDCluster* kal); void Cleanup(LCDEvent* event); void Doit( LCDEvent* event); void FillClustersCheat(TObjArray* cal_digi,TClonesArray* Cluster_list, TObjArray* mclist); void SetDetectorParameters(LCDGetParameters* gp); void SetEThreshold(Double_t a) { m_ethreshold=a; } private: TMap* m_reference_em_b; TMap* m_reference_em_e; TMap* m_reference_hd_b; TMap* m_reference_hd_e; TMap* m_reference_mu_b; TMap* m_reference_mu_e; TMap* m_reference_lm ; Float_t m_ethreshold; LCDCalHitUtil m_calhitutil; void Init(); public: ClassDef(LCDClusterSystem,1) }; #endif