LCDROOT is a simulation/analysis facility based on ROOT, for future Linear Collider experiments.
A simulation/analysis flow in LCDROOT is here.
1) Event Generation
In LCDROOT, we have 3 kinds of generators:
- Pandora_Pythia (V2.3) This is our main generator ... include ISR, beamstrahlung, and beam polarization
- Pythia (6.158)
- MCDiag ... for single particle generation
Outputs ROOT or stdHEP (HEPEVT common),
- ROOT can go through FastMC can store beam-polarization information
- stdHEP can go through FastMC & FullMC (GISMO)
Or, it is also possible to be directly linked to FastMC
Even if you want to use other generators, LCDROOT can read output HEPEVT common (xdr binary).
2) Detector Simulation
The LCD group offers the two kinds of detector simulation: FastMC and FullMC
- FastMC for physics studies
- FullMC(GISMO) for detailed detector studies
Here LCD Root does FastMC and reconstruction of the FullMC data (FullRecon).
i) FastMC
- Smear particle position/energy and make Tracks and Clusters
- Charged particles are propagated through the Magnetic field
- Smear IP position
- Detector parameters/Smearing resolutions are determined by input geometry files: There are 3 kinds of detector parameter files ... Silicon (SD) Large (L) and Precise (P)
- After reading the detector parameter files, some/all of parameters can be changed at user level. (You can set up any Magnetic field value, for example.)
Outputs Root or is directly linked to Event Analysis
ii) FullRecon
- Directly read GISMO's outputs (SIO) ... Currently Linux and SunOS only ...
- In Windows, can read the Root file which is converted from SIO.
- Make Cluster and Tracks from GISMO's output
Outputs Root or is directly linked to Event Analysis
3) Event Analysis
We have several useful analysis tools for Linear Collider studies:
- Jet Finder .. 3 kinds of algorithms (Jade, Jade E and Durham)
- Thrust Finder
- Particle extrapolator
- Topological Vertexing + Neural Network Heavy Flavor tag ..transferred from SLD ZVTOP + BZ3MASS
4) Event Display
- You can turn on/off the detector subsystems
- Can select Color (default) or Black&White version
M. Iwasaki & T. Abe Last Modified: January 13, 2004 13:54