Introduction of LCDROOT


LCDROOT is a simulation/analysis facility based on ROOT, for future Linear Collider experiments. 

A simulation/analysis flow in LCDROOT is here.     

1) Event Generation

In LCDROOT, we have 3 kinds of generators:

Outputs ROOT or stdHEP (HEPEVT common),

Or, it is also possible to be directly linked to FastMC

Even if you want to use other generators, LCDROOT can read output HEPEVT common (xdr binary).

2) Detector Simulation

The LCD group offers the two kinds of detector simulation: FastMC and FullMC

Here LCD Root does FastMC and reconstruction of the FullMC data (FullRecon).

          i) FastMC

Outputs Root   or   is directly linked to Event Analysis

ii) FullRecon

3) Event Analysis

We have several useful analysis tools for Linear Collider studies:

4) Event Display