JAS To Do List
- AIDA - Reorganize repository
- AIDA - Move (most) test cases to AIDA repository
- AIDA - Make branch for development work
- AIDA- Fix Histogram/Gristogram mess
- AIDA - C++->Java - Still many memory leaks/bugs
- AIDA - Fitting - Need initial (simplified) interface for minimizer
- AIDA - Fitting - Initial implementation of minimizer based on MINUIT(f2c?)
- AIDA - Fitting - Begin implementation of fitting based on
- AIDA - Tuple - Interface to Tuple explorer (not via JAS DIM)
- AIDA - Changes to
Cloud (awaits
input from Andreas et al)
- AIDA - Add support for Profile Plot and Effiiciency plot (or more general
binning function)
- AIDA - Implement
IXYData (awaits input from Andreas et al)
- AIDA - ITuple - implement various merge/chain/filter/copy
- FreeHEP - Implement items of FreeHEP application todo lists (1
- FreeHEP - Finish new release of Root IO
- FreeHEP - Start design/implementation of new Plotter
- JAS - Add initial support for AIDA histograms/tuples to JAS 2.2.x
- JAS - Save Job under JAS 2.2.x
- JAS - Ability to read/write local files from local/remote job
- JAS - Server -- one process per client
- JAS - Hook to allow DIMS to load plugins