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Class hep.analysis.Partition


public abstract class Partition
extends Observable
implements Serializable
The base class for all partitions. A partition is used by all histograms to determine binning of data.

See Also:

Constructor Index

 o Partition()

Method Index

 o clear()
Resets the partition to default settings.
 o destroy()
Indicate that this partition is no longer needed.
 o done()
Called when event loop is finished; should send a final update of any range and/or data change.
 o setSnapshot(boolean)
Sets the snap shot mode of the partition.


 o Partition
 public Partition()


 o clear
 public abstract void clear()
Resets the partition to default settings.

 o done
 public abstract void done()
Called when event loop is finished; should send a final update of any range and/or data change.

 o destroy
 public abstract void destroy()
Indicate that this partition is no longer needed.

 o setSnapshot
 public abstract void setSnapshot(boolean useSnapshot)
Sets the snap shot mode of the partition.

useSnapshot - If this parameter is true, the partition should switch to snap shot mode if it isn't already, and set the snap shot to the current state. If the argument is false, the partition should exit from snap shot mode.

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