Root C++ Version

The Fast MC is intended to provide a reasonably fast simulation of LCD performance, but with the understanding that detail is lost for speed. The goal of the package is to parametrically smear charged tracks within an angular and momentum acceptance and to extrapolate particles to the calorimeter to simulate deposited energy. Bending in the magnetic field of charged particles is accounted for.

Capabilities (and failings) of the first version of the code:

System Requirements

Code Generalities


fastMC file-type StdHep-file  Tracking-parameters-file output-file


file-type is StdFile for the FastMC (this syntax is also used for the FullRecon)

StdHep-file is the input generator file spec

Tracking-parameters-file is just that. Contains the cuts and pointers to the resolution lookup tables

output-file is where the ascii output file goes (and should be optional)

To be implemented for interactive Root (once we have a shared lib):

load the fastMC shared library and then use the FastMC class constructor with the same argument list as main() to set up the event processing and then loop over FastMC::DoEvent() to process them.

R.Dubois Last Modified: 01/13/04 12:45