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Setting up a Server for .lcd Files

The JAS User's Guide contains general instructions for setting up a data server. You will need to follow those instructions, but with the following extra steps to set up a server which can serve .lcd files.

  1. You must include lcd.jar in the CLASSPATH before starting the server.
  2. The line to add to the configuration file to server the .LCD files is:
DataServer hep.lcd.io.jas.LCDEventServer "Title" <directory>

where the Title is the string you want the user to see when they connect to your data server, and the directory is the directory containing the .lcd files you want to serve. You may add as many LCDEventServer lines to the configuration file as you like.

To serve a set of files as a concatenated dataset use a line like:

DataServer hep.lcd.io.jas.MultiFileServer "Title" concat.txt

where the concat.txt contains any number of line lines like:

Title Directory

Each line represents one dataset called Title which consists of all the .lcd files in the specified directory logically appended together.