Package hep.analysis

Interface Summary
EventData An implementation of this interface is used to provide data for one event.
EventHeader The event header ties together an arbitrary, extensible collection of event components, such as Tracks, Particles, Hits etc.
EventSource A source for events.
NamedObject NamedObject is an interface implemented by each object that can be placed into a Folder, such as Histograms and other Folders.
NTupleEventData An implementation of this interface is used to provide data for one event from a simple NTuple with named columns.

Class Summary
AbstractEventData Extend this class to get a simple implementation of the NTupleEventData interface.
AbstractNamedObject An abstract implementation of NamedObject.
AbstractNTupleEventData Extend this class to get a simple implementation of the NTupleEventData interface.
DerivedHistogram DerivedHistogram extends the hep.analysis.Histogram class but overrides all of the methods which actually change the histograms to throw exceptions.
EfficiencyPlot A convenience class for creating a Histogram whose bins contain the mean and rms of the entries in the bin.
EventAnalyzer A base class for routines that analyze events
EventHandler The base class for EventAnalyzer and EventGenerator.
Folder A folder allows objects such as Histograms etc to be grouped into folders for easier bookkeeping.
Histogram Class Histogram is used by user analysis programs to create and fill a wide variety of histograms.
Histogram1D A subclass of Histogram which provides extra convenience methods for accessing information about the filled histogram.
Histogram2D A Histogram2D is a subclass of Histogram with convenience methods for accessing the filled contents of 2D Histograms.
Histogram2DStyle A style object for specifying the display style for 2-D histograms
HistogramFolder Use this class to organize Histogram objects into folders.
HistogramStyle A style object for specifying the display style for 1-D histograms
Job A Job is used as a container for Histograms, Pages, Plots etc.
Page A Page represents a viewable page onto which plots can be placed.
PageFolder Use this class to organize Page objects into folders.
Partition The base class for all partitions.
PeerSupport This class allows peers to be set and queried.
Plot A Plot represents a plot which can be seen by the user.
PlotFolder Use this class to organize Plot objects into folders.
ProfilePlot A convenience class for creating a Histogram whose bins contain the mean and rms of the entries in the bin.
ScatterStyle A style object for specifying the display style for 1-D histograms
Style A style object can be used to control the display style of an object such as a histogram.

Exception Summary
EndOfDataException Thrown from an EventSource to signal that there are no more events.
NamedObject.RenameException Exception thrown in case of a rename error