Initial List of Processes for Full Simulation

Tim Barklow has taken a first stab at listing the processes that we'll need to fully simulate and a guess at numbers of events. No cuts have been applied (that I'm aware of) yet. That will be part of the strategy of future runs.

Our current plan is to do timing tests on each process and then try to generate an 'adequate' amount of each for evaluation in early February. Then we can decide what to keep running up until mid-April.

Here is a table Tim prepared, augmented with the selectron task at Colorado and my recollection of what each site signed up for. The general   'background' and 'two-gamma' lists are daunting as presented! As Uriel suggests, cuts will need to be applied to handle this.


FileName process # events Equiv Lum (fb-1) Where
runpyb_ee_500_15jan1999 e+e- --> e+e- 205400 1 SLAC
runpyb_eez_500_15jan1999 e+e- --> e+e-Z 44540 10 SLAC
runpyb_enuw_500_15jan1999 e+e- --> e nu W 52200 10 SLAC
runpyb_gamgam_500_15jan1999 e+e- --> gamma gamma 4157 1 SLAC
runpyb_gamz_500_15jan1999 e+e- --> gamma Z 26620 10 SLAC
runpyb_mutau_500_15jan1999 e+e- --> mu+mu-, tau+tau- 20800 10 SLAC
runpyb_tt_500_15jan1999 ttbar 5540 10 Michigan
runpyb_udscb_500_15jan1999 e+e- --> qqbar, q=udscb 100100 10 SLAC
runpyb_ww_left_500_15jan1999 e+ e-(L) --> W+W-, 100% e- pol 156740 10 Penn
runpyb_ww_right_500_15jan1999 e+ e-(R) --> W+W-, 100% e- pol 746 10 Penn
runpyb_zz_500_15jan1999 e+ e- --> ZZ 5392 10 Penn
runbbh_ee_500_15jan1999 gam gam --> e+e- 2435950 0.1 Vanderbilt
runbbh_hadron_500_15jan1999 gam gam --> hadrons 13389600 0.1 Vanderbilt
runbbh_mumu_500_15jan1999 gam gam --> mu+mu- 2435950 0.1 Vanderbilt
runbbh_tautau_500_15jan1999 gam gam --> tau+tau- 189098 0.1 Vanderbilt
N/A (IsaJet) e+e- --> selectrons ~10000 10 Colorado

R.Dubois Last Modified: 01/13/04 12:49